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Test Coverage
:id: 165
:name: Intersections
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=165
:content: "A segment is uniquely defined by its two endpoints.  \n By considering
  two line segments in plane geometry there are three possibilities:  \n the segments
  have zero points, one point, or infinitely many points in common.\n\nMoreover when
  two segments have exactly one point in common it might be the case that that common
  point is an endpoint of either one of the segments or of both. If a common point
  of two segments is not an endpoint of either of the segments it is an interior point
  of both segments.  \nWe will call a common point T of two segments L<sub>1</sub>
  and L<sub>2</sub> a true intersection point of L<sub>1</sub> and L<sub>2</sub> if
  T is the only common point of L<sub>1</sub> and L<sub>2</sub> and T is an interior
  point of both segments.\n\nConsider the three segments L<sub>1</sub>, L<sub>2</sub>,
  and L<sub>3</sub>:\n\nL<sub>1</sub>: (27, 44) to (12, 32)  \nL<sub>2</sub>: (46,
  53) to (17, 62)  \nL<sub>3</sub>: (46, 70) to (22, 40)\n\nIt can be verified that
  line segments L<sub>2</sub> and L<sub>3</sub> have a true intersection point. We
  note that as the one of the end points of L<sub>3</sub>: (22,40) lies on L<sub>1</sub>
  this is not considered to be a true point of intersection. L<sub>1</sub> and L<sub>2</sub>
  have no common point. So among the three line segments, we find one true intersection
  point.\n\nNow let us do the same for 5000 line segments. To this end, we generate
  20000 numbers using the so-called \"Blum Blum Shub\" pseudo-random number generator.\n\ns<sub>0</sub>
  = 290797  \n  \ns<sub>n+1</sub> = s<sub>n</sub>×s<sub>n</sub> (modulo 50515093)
  \ \n  \nt<sub>n</sub> = s<sub>n</sub> (modulo 500)\n\nTo create each line segment,
  we use four consecutive numbers t<sub>n</sub>. That is, the first line segment is
  given by:\n\n(t<sub>1</sub>, t<sub>2</sub>) to (t<sub>3</sub>, t<sub>4</sub>)\n\nThe
  first four numbers computed according to the above generator should be: 27, 144,
  12 and 232. The first segment would thus be (27,144) to (12,232).\n\nHow many distinct
  true intersection points are found among the 5000 line segments?\n\n"