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Test Coverage
:id: 185
:name: Number Mind
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=185
:content: "The game Number Mind is a variant of the well known game Master Mind.\n\nInstead
  of coloured pegs, you have to guess a secret sequence of digits. After each guess
  you're only told in how many places you've guessed the correct digit. So, if the
  sequence was 1234 and you guessed 2036, you'd be told that you have one correct
  digit; however, you would NOT be told that you also have another digit in the wrong
  place.\n\nFor instance, given the following guesses for a 5-digit secret sequence,\n\n90342
  ;2 correct  \n70794 ;0 correct  \n39458 ;2 correct  \n34109 ;1 correct  \n51545
  ;2 correct  \n12531 ;1 correct\n\nThe correct sequence 39542 is unique.\n\nBased
  on the following guesses,\n\n5616185650518293 ;2 correct  \n3847439647293047 ;1
  correct  \n5855462940810587 ;3 correct  \n9742855507068353 ;3 correct  \n4296849643607543
  ;3 correct  \n3174248439465858 ;1 correct  \n4513559094146117 ;2 correct  \n7890971548908067
  ;3 correct  \n8157356344118483 ;1 correct  \n2615250744386899 ;2 correct  \n8690095851526254
  ;3 correct  \n6375711915077050 ;1 correct  \n6913859173121360 ;1 correct  \n6442889055042768
  ;2 correct  \n2321386104303845 ;0 correct  \n2326509471271448 ;2 correct  \n5251583379644322
  ;2 correct  \n1748270476758276 ;3 correct  \n4895722652190306 ;1 correct  \n3041631117224635
  ;3 correct  \n1841236454324589 ;3 correct  \n2659862637316867 ;2 correct\n\nFind
  the unique 16-digit secret sequence.\n\n"