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Test Coverage
:id: 194
:name: Coloured Configurations
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=194
:content: "Consider graphs built with the units A: ![]({{ images_dir }}/p194_GraphA.png)and
  B: ![]({{ images_dir }}/p194_GraphB.png), where the units are glued along the vertical
  edges as in the graph ![]({{ images_dir }}/p194_Fig.png).\n\nA configuration of
  type (<var>a</var>,<var>b</var>,<var>c</var>) is a graph thus built of <var>a</var>
  units A and <var>b</var> units B, where the graph's vertices are coloured using
  up to <var>c</var> colours, so that no two adjacent vertices have the same colour.
  \ \nThe compound graph above is an example of a configuration of type (2,2,6), in
  fact of type (2,2,<var>c</var>) for all <var>c</var> ≥ 4.\n\nLet N(<var>a</var>,<var>b</var>,<var>c</var>)
  be the number of configurations of type (<var>a</var>,<var>b</var>,<var>c</var>).
  \ \nFor example, N(1,0,3) = 24, N(0,2,4) = 92928 and N(2,2,3) = 20736.\n\nFind the
  last 8 digits of N(25,75,1984).\n\n"