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Test Coverage
:id: 227
:name: The Chase
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=227
:content: "\"_The Chase_\" is a game played with two dice and an even number of players.\n\nThe
  players sit around a table; the game begins with two opposite players having one
  die each. On each turn, the two players with a die roll it.  \nIf a player rolls
  a 1, he passes the die to his neighbour on the left; if he rolls a 6, he passes
  the die to his neighbour on the right; otherwise, he keeps the die for the next
  turn.  \nThe game ends when one player has both dice after they have been rolled
  and passed; that player has then lost.\n\nIn a game with 100 players, what is the
  expected number of turns the game lasts?\n\nGive your answer rounded to ten significant