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Test Coverage
:id: 234
:name: Semidivisible numbers
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=234
:content: "For an integer <var>n</var> ≥ 4, we define the _lower prime square root_
  of <var>n</var>, denoted by lps(<var>n</var>), as the largest prime ≤ √<var>n</var>
  and the _upper prime square root_ of <var>n</var>, ups(<var>n</var>), as the smallest
  prime ≥ √<var>n</var>.\n\nSo, for example, lps(4) = 2 = ups(4), lps(1000) = 31,
  ups(1000) = 37.  \nLet us call an integer <var>n</var> ≥ 4 _semidivisible_, if one
  of lps(<var>n</var>) and ups(<var>n</var>) divides <var>n</var>, but not both.\n\nThe
  sum of the semidivisible numbers not exceeding 15 is 30, the numbers are 8, 10 and
  12.  \n 15 is not semidivisible because it is a multiple of both lps(15) = 3 and
  ups(15) = 5.  \nAs a further example, the sum of the 92 semidivisible numbers up
  to 1000 is 34825.\n\nWhat is the sum of all semidivisible numbers not exceeding
  999966663333 ?\n\n"