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Test Coverage
:id: 25
:name: 1000-digit Fibonacci number
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=25
:content: "The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:\n\n> F<sub><i>n</i></sub>
  = F<sub><i>n</i>−1</sub> + F<sub><i>n</i>−2</sub>, where F<sub>1</sub> = 1 and F<sub>2</sub>
  = 1.\n\nHence the first 12 terms will be:\n\n> F<sub>1</sub> = 1  \n> F<sub>2</sub>
  = 1  \n> F<sub>3</sub> = 2  \n> F<sub>4</sub> = 3  \n> F<sub>5</sub> = 5  \n> F<sub>6</sub>
  = 8  \n> F<sub>7</sub> = 13  \n> F<sub>8</sub> = 21  \n> F<sub>9</sub> = 34  \n>
  F<sub>10</sub> = 55  \n> F<sub>11</sub> = 89  \n> F<sub>12</sub> = 144\n\nThe 12th
  term, F<sub>12</sub>, is the first term to contain three digits.\n\nWhat is the
  index of the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits?\n\n"