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Test Coverage
:id: 259
:name: Reachable Numbers
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=259
:content: |+
  A positive integer will be called _reachable_ if it can result from an arithmetic expression obeying the following rules:

  - Uses the digits 1 through 9, in that order and exactly once each.
  - Any successive digits can be concatenated (for example, using the digits 2, 3 and 4 we obtain the number 234).
  - Only the four usual binary arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) are allowed.
  - Each operation can be used any number of times, or not at all.
  - <dfn title="A minus sign applied to a single operand (as opposed to a subtraction operator between two operands)">Unary minus</dfn> is not allowed.
  - Any number of (possibly nested) parentheses may be used to define the order of operations.

  For example, 42 is reachable, since (1/23) \* ((4\*5)-6) \* (78-9) = 42.

  What is the sum of all positive reachable integers?