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Test Coverage
:id: 280
:name: Ant and seeds
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=280
:content: "A laborious ant walks randomly on a 5x5 grid. The walk starts from the
  central square. At each step, the ant moves to an adjacent square at random, without
  leaving the grid; thus there are 2, 3 or 4 possible moves at each step depending
  on the ant's position.\n\nAt the start of the walk, a seed is placed on each square
  of the lower row. When the ant isn't carrying a seed and reaches a square of the
  lower row containing a seed, it will start to carry the seed. The ant will drop
  the seed on the first empty square of the upper row it eventually reaches.\n\nWhat's
  the expected number of steps until all seeds have been dropped in the top row?   \nGive
  your answer rounded to 6 decimal places.\n\n"