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Test Coverage
:id: 292
:name: Pythagorean Polygons
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=292
:content: "We shall define a _pythagorean polygon_ to be a **convex polygon** with
  the following properties:\n\n- there are at least three vertices,\n- no three vertices
  are aligned,\n- each vertex has **integer coordinates** ,\n- each edge has **integer
  length**.\n\nFor a given integer <var>n</var>, define P(<var>n</var>) as the number
  of distinct pythagorean polygons for which the perimeter is ≤ <var>n</var>.  \nPythagorean
  polygons should be considered distinct as long as none is a translation of another.\n\nYou
  are given that P(4) = 1, P(30) = 3655 and P(60) = 891045.  \nFind P(120).\n\n"