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Test Coverage
:id: 30
:name: Digit fifth powers
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=30
:content: "Surprisingly there are only three numbers that can be written as the sum
  of fourth powers of their digits:\n\n> 1634 = 1<sup>4</sup> + 6<sup>4</sup> + 3<sup>4</sup>
  + 4<sup>4</sup>  \n> 8208 = 8<sup>4</sup> + 2<sup>4</sup> + 0<sup>4</sup> + 8<sup>4</sup>
  \ \n> 9474 = 9<sup>4</sup> + 4<sup>4</sup> + 7<sup>4</sup> + 4<sup>4</sup>\n\nAs
  1 = 1<sup>4</sup> is not a sum it is not included.\n\nThe sum of these numbers is
  1634 + 8208 + 9474 = 19316.\n\nFind the sum of all the numbers that can be written
  as the sum of fifth powers of their digits.\n\n"