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Test Coverage
:id: 308
:name: An amazing Prime-generating Automaton
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=308
:content: "A program written in the programming language Fractran consists of a list
  of fractions.\n\nThe internal state of the Fractran Virtual Machine is a positive
  integer, which is initially set to a seed value. Each iteration of a Fractran program
  multiplies the state integer by the first fraction in the list which will leave
  it an integer.\n\nFor example, one of the Fractran programs that John Horton Conway
  wrote for prime-generation consists of the following 14 fractions:\n\n| \n\n| 17
  |\n| 91 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 78 |\n| 85 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 19 |\n| 51 |\n\n | , | \n\n|
  23 |\n| 38 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 29 |\n| 33 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 77 |\n| 29 |\n\n | , |
  \n\n| 95 |\n| 23 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 77 |\n| 19 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 1 |\n| 17 |\n\n
  | , | \n\n| 11 |\n| 13 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 13 |\n| 11 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 15 |\n| 2
  |\n\n | , | \n\n| 1 |\n| 7 |\n\n | , | \n\n| 55 |\n| 1 |\n\n | . |\n\nStarting with
  the seed integer 2, successive iterations of the program produce the sequence:  \n15,
  825, 725, 1925, 2275, 425, ..., 68, **4** , 30, ..., 136, **8** , 60, ..., 544,
  **32** , 240, ...\n\nThe powers of 2 that appear in this sequence are 2<sup>2</sup>,
  2<sup>3</sup>, 2<sup>5</sup>, ...  \nIt can be shown that _all_ the powers of 2
  in this sequence have prime exponents and that _all_ the primes appear as exponents
  of powers of 2, in proper order!\n\nIf someone uses the above Fractran program to
  solve Project Euler Problem 7 (find the 10001<sup>st</sup> prime), how many iterations
  would be needed until the program produces 2<sup>10001st prime</sup> ?\n\n"