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Test Coverage
:id: 314
:name: The Mouse on the Moon
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=314
:content: "The moon has been opened up, and land can be obtained for free, but there
  is a catch. You have to build a wall around the land that you stake out, and building
  a wall on the moon is expensive. Every country has been allotted a 500 m by 500
  m square area, but they will possess only that area which they wall in. 251001 posts
  have been placed in a rectangular grid with 1 meter spacing. The wall must be a
  closed series of straight lines, each line running from post to post.\n\nThe bigger
  countries of course have built a 2000 m wall enclosing the entire 250 000 m<sup>2</sup>
  area. The [Duchy of Grand Fenwick](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Fenwick),
  has a tighter budget, and has asked you (their Royal Programmer) to compute what
  shape would get best maximum enclosed-area/wall-length ratio.\n\nYou have done some
  preliminary calculations on a sheet of paper. For a 2000 meter wall enclosing the
  250 000 m<sup>2</sup> area the enclosed-area/wall-length ratio is 125.  \nAlthough
  not allowed , but to get an idea if this is anything better: if you place a circle
  inside the square area touching the four sides the area will be equal to π\\*250<sup>2</sup>
  m<sup>2</sup> and the perimeter will be π\\*500 m, so the enclosed-area/wall-length
  ratio will also be 125.\n\nHowever, if you cut off from the square four triangles
  with sides 75 m, 75 m and 75√2 m the total area becomes 238750 m<sup>2</sup> and
  the perimeter becomes 1400+300√2 m. So this gives an enclosed-area/wall-length ratio
  of 130.87, which is significantly better.\n\n ![p314_landgrab.gif]({{ images_dir
  }}/p314_landgrab.gif)\n\nFind the maximum enclosed-area/wall-length ratio.  \nGive
  your answer rounded to 8 places behind the decimal point in the form abc.defghijk.\n\n"