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Test Coverage
:id: 333
:name: Special partitions
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=333
:content: "All positive integers can be partitioned in such a way that each and every
  term of the partition can be expressed as 2<sup>i</sup>x3<sup>j</sup>, where i,j
  ≥ 0.\n\nLet's consider only those such partitions where none of the terms can divide
  any of the other terms.  \nFor example, the partition of 17 = 2 + 6 + 9 = (2<sup>1</sup>x3<sup>0</sup>
  + 2<sup>1</sup>x3<sup>1</sup> + 2<sup>0</sup>x3<sup>2</sup>) would not be valid
  since 2 can divide 6. Neither would the partition 17 = 16 + 1 = (2<sup>4</sup>x3<sup>0</sup>
  + 2<sup>0</sup>x3<sup>0</sup>) since 1 can divide 16. The only valid partition of
  17 would be 8 + 9 = (2<sup>3</sup>x3<sup>0</sup> + 2<sup>0</sup>x3<sup>2</sup>).\n\nMany
  integers have more than one valid partition, the first being 11 having the following
  two partitions.  \n11 = 2 + 9 = (2<sup>1</sup>x3<sup>0</sup> + 2<sup>0</sup>x3<sup>2</sup>)
  \ \n11 = 8 + 3 = (2<sup>3</sup>x3<sup>0</sup> + 2<sup>0</sup>x3<sup>1</sup>)\n\nLet's
  define P(<var>n</var>) as the number of valid partitions of <var>n</var>. For example,
  P(11) = 2.\n\nLet's consider only the prime integers <var>q</var> which would have
  a single valid partition such as P(17).\n\nThe sum of the primes <var>q</var> \\<100
  such that P(<var>q</var>)=1 equals 233.\n\nFind the sum of the primes <var>q</var>
  \\<1000000 such that P(<var>q</var>)=1.\n\n"