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Test Coverage
:id: 348
:name: Sum of a square and a cube
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=348
:content: "Many numbers can be expressed as the sum of a square and a cube. Some of
  them in more than one way.\n\nConsider the palindromic numbers that can be expressed
  as the sum of a square and a cube, both greater than 1, in **exactly** 4 different
  ways.  \nFor example, 5229225 is a palindromic number and it can be expressed in
  exactly 4 different ways:\n\n2285<sup>2</sup> + 20<sup>3</sup>  \n2223<sup>2</sup>
  + 66<sup>3</sup>  \n1810<sup>2</sup> + 125<sup>3</sup>  \n1197<sup>2</sup> + 156<sup>3</sup>\n\nFind
  the sum of the five smallest such palindromic numbers.\n\n"