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Test Coverage
:id: 350
:name: Constraining the least greatest and the greatest least
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=350
:content: "A _list of size n_ is a sequence of <var>n</var> natural numbers.  \n Examples
  are (2,4,6), (2,6,4), (10,6,15,6), and (11).\n\nThe **greatest common divisor**
  , or gcd, of a list is the largest natural number that divides all entries of the
  list.   \nExamples: gcd(2,6,4) = 2, gcd(10,6,15,6) = 1 and gcd(11) = 11.\n\nThe
  **least common multiple** , or lcm, of a list is the smallest natural number divisible
  by each entry of the list.   \nExamples: lcm(2,6,4) = 12, lcm(10,6,15,6) = 30 and
  lcm(11) = 11.\n\nLet f(<var>G</var>, <var>L</var>, <var>N</var>) be the number of
  lists of size <var>N</var> with gcd ≥ <var>G</var> and lcm ≤ <var>L</var>. For example:\n\nf(10,
  100, 1) = 91.  \nf(10, 100, 2) = 327.  \nf(10, 100, 3) = 1135.  \nf(10, 100, 1000)
  mod 101<sup>4</sup> = 3286053.\n\nFind f(10<sup>6</sup>, 10<sup>12</sup>, 10<sup>18</sup>)
  mod 101<sup>4</sup>.\n\n"