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Test Coverage
:id: 364
:name: Comfortable distance
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=364
:content: "There are <var>N</var> seats in a row. <var>N</var> people come after each
  other to fill the seats according to the following rules:\n\n1. If there is any
  seat whose adjacent seat(s) are not occupied take such a seat.\n2. If there is no
  such seat and there is any seat for which only one adjacent seat is occupied take
  such a seat.\n3. Otherwise take one of the remaining available seats. \nLet T(<var>N</var>)
  be the number of possibilities that <var>N</var> seats are occupied by <var>N</var>
  people with the given rules.  \n The following figure shows T(4)=8.\n ![p364_comf_dist.gif]({{
  images_dir }}/p364_comf_dist.gif)\n\nWe can verify that T(10) = 61632 and T(1 000)
  mod 100 000 007 = 47255094.\n\nFind T(1 000 000) mod 100 000 007.\n\n"