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Test Coverage
:id: 377
:name: Sum of digits, experience 13
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=377
:content: "There are 16 positive integers that do not have a zero in their digits
  and that have a digital sum equal to 5, namely:   \n5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 113, 122,
  131, 212, 221, 311, 1112, 1121, 1211, 2111 and 11111.  \nTheir sum is 17891.\n\nLet
  <var>f</var>(<var>n</var>) be the sum of all positive integers that do not have
  a zero in their digits and have a digital sum equal to <var>n</var>.\n\nFind $\\displaystyle
  \\sum\\_{i=1}^{17} f(13^i)$.  \nGive the last 9 digits as your answer.\n\n"