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Test Coverage
:id: 393
:name: Migrating ants
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=393
:content: "An <var>n</var>×<var>n</var> grid of squares contains <var>n</var><sup>2</sup>
  ants, one ant per square.  \nAll ants decide to move simultaneously to an adjacent
  square (usually 4 possibilities, except for ants on the edge of the grid or at the
  corners).  \nWe define <var>f</var>(<var>n</var>) to be the number of ways this
  can happen without any ants ending on the same square and without any two ants crossing
  the same edge between two squares.\n\nYou are given that <var>f</var>(4) = 88.  \nFind