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Test Coverage
:id: 408
:name: Admissible paths through a grid
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=408
:content: "Let's call a lattice point (<var>x</var>, <var>y</var>) _inadmissible_
  if <var>x</var>, <var>y</var> and <var>x</var>&nbsp;+&nbsp;<var>y</var> are all
  positive perfect squares.  \nFor example, (9, 16) is inadmissible, while (0, 4),
  (3, 1) and (9, 4) are not.\n\nConsider a path from point (<var>x</var><sub>1</sub>,
  <var>y</var><sub>1</sub>) to point (<var>x</var><sub>2</sub>, <var>y</var><sub>2</sub>)
  using only unit steps north or east.  \nLet's call such a path _admissible_ if none
  of its intermediate points are inadmissible.\n\nLet P(<var>n</var>) be the number
  of admissible paths from (0, 0) to (<var>n</var>, <var>n</var>).  \nIt can be verified
  that P(5) = 252, P(16) = 596994440 and P(1000) mod 1&nbsp;000&nbsp;000&nbsp;007
  = 341920854.\n\nFind P(10&nbsp;000&nbsp;000) mod 1&nbsp;000&nbsp;000&nbsp;007.\n\n"