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Test Coverage
:id: 423
:name: Consecutive die throws
:url: https://projecteuler.net/problem=423
:content: "Let <var>n</var> be a positive integer.  \nA 6-sided die is thrown <var>n</var>
  times. Let <var>c</var> be the number of pairs of consecutive throws that give the
  same value.\n\nFor example, if <var>n</var> = 7 and the values of the die throws
  are (1,1,5,6,6,6,3), then the following pairs of consecutive throws give the same
  value:  \n(<u>1,1</u>,5,6,6,6,3)  \n(1,1,5,<u>6,6</u>,6,3)  \n(1,1,5,6,<u>6,6</u>,3)
  \ \nTherefore, <var>c</var> = 3 for (1,1,5,6,6,6,3).\n\nDefine C(<var>n</var>) as
  the number of outcomes of throwing a 6-sided die <var>n</var> times such that <var>c</var>
  does not exceed π(<var>n</var>).<sup>1</sup>  \nFor example, C(3) = 216, C(4) =
  1290, C(11) = 361912500 and C(24) = 4727547363281250000.\n\nDefine S(<var>L</var>)
  as ∑ C(<var>n</var>) for 1 ≤ <var>n</var> ≤ <var>L</var>.  \nFor example, S(50)
  mod 1&nbsp;000&nbsp;000&nbsp;007 = 832833871.\n\nFind S(50&nbsp;000&nbsp;000) mod
  1&nbsp;000&nbsp;000&nbsp;007.\n\n<sup>1</sup> π denotes the **prime-counting function**
  , i.e. π(<var>n</var>) is the number of primes ≤ <var>n</var>.\n\n"