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// Package diff provides utilities to generate deep, walkable diffs of maps and slices
package diff

import (

// Type is used to specify the nature of the difference
type Type int

const (
    // TypesDiffer is used when two values cannot be compared due to types differences
    // (for example: comparing a slice to an int)
    TypesDiffer Type = iota
    // ContentDiffer is used when the types matches but the content differs
    // Identical is used when both the type and the content match.
    // Invalid is used when calling Diff() on an inproperly constructed node

// Differ is implemented by all nodes in a diff-tree.
type Differ interface {
    Diff() Type
    Strings() []string
    StringIndent(key, prefix string, conf Output) string

type diffFn func(c config, lhs, rhs interface{}, visited *visited) (Differ, error)

// Diff generates a tree representing differences and similarities between two objects.
// Diff supports maps, slices, Stream and scalars (comparables types such as int, string, etc ...).
// When an unsupported type is encountered, an ErrUnsupported error is returned.
func Diff(lhs, rhs interface{}, opts ...ConfigOpt) (Differ, error) {
    c := defaultConfig()
    for _, opt := range opts {
        c = opt(c)

    return diff(c, lhs, rhs, &visited{})

func diff(c config, lhs, rhs interface{}, visited *visited) (Differ, error) {
    lhsVal, lhs := indirectValueOf(lhs)
    rhsVal, rhs := indirectValueOf(rhs)

    if d, ok := nilCheck(lhsVal, rhsVal, lhs, rhs); ok {
        return d, nil

    err := visited.push(lhsVal, rhsVal)
    defer visited.pop(lhsVal, rhsVal)
    if err != nil {
        return types{lhs, rhs}, ErrCyclic

    return diffValues(c, lhsVal, rhsVal, visited)

func diffValues(c config, lhs, rhs reflect.Value, visited *visited) (Differ, error) {
    if valueIsStream(lhs) && valueIsStream(rhs) {
        return newStream(c, lhs.Interface(), rhs.Interface(), visited)

    if valueIsScalar(lhs) && valueIsScalar(rhs) {
        return scalar{lhs.Interface(), rhs.Interface()}, nil
    if lhs.Kind() != rhs.Kind() {
        return types{lhs.Interface(), rhs.Interface()}, nil

    switch lhs.Kind() {
    case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
        return c.sliceFn(c, lhs.Interface(), rhs.Interface(), visited)
    case reflect.Map:
        return newMap(c, lhs.Interface(), rhs.Interface(), visited)
    case reflect.Struct:
        return newStruct(c, lhs.Interface(), rhs.Interface(), visited)

    return types{lhs.Interface(), rhs.Interface()}, &ErrUnsupported{lhs.Type(), rhs.Type()}

func indirectValueOf(i interface{}) (reflect.Value, interface{}) {
    if _, ok := i.(Stream); ok {
        return reflect.ValueOf(i), i

    v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(i))
    if !v.IsValid() || !v.CanInterface() {
        return reflect.ValueOf(i), i

    return v, v.Interface()

func valueIsStream(v reflect.Value) bool {
    if !v.IsValid() || !v.CanInterface() {
        return false

    _, ok := v.Interface().(Stream)

    return ok

func valueIsScalar(v reflect.Value) bool {
    switch v.Kind() {
        return v.Type().Comparable()
    case reflect.Struct, reflect.Array, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Chan:
        return false

func nilCheck(lhsVal, rhsVal reflect.Value, lhs, rhs interface{}) (Differ, bool) {
    lhsNil := lhs == nil || (lhsVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && lhsVal.IsNil())
    rhsNil := rhs == nil || (rhsVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && rhsVal.IsNil())

    if lhsNil && rhsNil {
        return scalar{lhsVal, rhsVal}, true
    if lhsNil || rhsNil {
        return types{lhsVal, rhsVal}, true

    return nil, false

func (t Type) String() string {
    switch t {
    case Identical:
        return "identical"
    case ContentDiffer:
        return "content differ"
    case TypesDiffer:
        return "types differ"

    return "invalid type"

// IsExcess returns true if d represent value missing from the LHS (in a map or an array)
func IsExcess(d Differ) bool {
    switch d.(type) {
        return false
    case mapExcess, sliceExcess, streamExcess:
        return true

// IsMissing returns true if d represent value missing from the RHS (in a map or an array)
func IsMissing(d Differ) bool {
    switch d.(type) {
        return false
    case mapMissing, sliceMissing, streamMissing:
        return true

// IsScalar returns true of d is a diff between two values that can be compared (int, float64, string, ...)
func IsScalar(d Differ) bool {
    _, ok := d.(scalar)

    return ok

// IsTypes returns true if d is a diff between two values of different types that cannot be compared
func IsTypes(d Differ) bool {
    _, ok := d.(types)

    return ok

// IsIgnore returns true if d is a diff created by NewIgnore
func IsIgnore(d Differ) bool {
    _, ok := d.(ignore)

    return ok

// IsMap returns true if d is a diff between towo maps
func IsMap(d Differ) bool {
    _, ok := d.(mapDiff)

    return ok

// IsSlice returns true if d is a diff between towo slices
func IsSlice(d Differ) bool {
    _, ok := d.(slice)

    return ok

// IsStream returns true if d is a diff between towo slices
func IsStream(d Differ) bool {
    _, ok := d.(stream)

    return ok

type lhsGetter interface {
    LHS() interface{}

type rhsGetter interface {
    RHS() interface{}

// LHS returns the lhs value associated with the Differ.
func LHS(d Differ) (interface{}, error) {
    if lhs, ok := d.(lhsGetter); ok {
        return lhs.LHS(), nil

    return nil, ErrLHSNotSupported{Diff: d}

// RHS returns the rhs value associated with the Differ.
func RHS(d Differ) (interface{}, error) {
    if rhs, ok := d.(rhsGetter); ok {
        return rhs.RHS(), nil

    return nil, ErrRHSNotSupported{Diff: d}