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 * Yee - a tiny PHP 5 framework -> provisional under development
 * @author      Andreas Maier <>
 * @copyright   2014 Andreas Maier
 * @link
 * @license
 * @version     1.0.0
 * @package     Yee
 * Usage:
 * $cache = new Cache();
 * if( true == $cache_data == $cache->jsonCacheStart( 'unique_name', 'language', 3600 ) {
 *      // all the logic to gather data to be saved in the cache
 *      $data = array();
 *      // can handle any set of data, most probably out of a database query or other...
 *      $data['variable1'] = 'somestring data'; 
 *      $data['variable2'] = array( 'var1' => 'somedata', 'var2' => 'somedata' );
 *      $cache->jsonCacheSave( 'unique_name', 'language', $data, 3600 );
 * } else {
 *     // do with your cache data whatever you need here
 *     $variable1 = $cache_data['variable1'];  // returns a string back into 
 *     $variable2 = $cache_data['variable2'];  // returns an array back into  
 * }
 * // continue using your data

namespace Yee\Managers;

class Cache {
    protected $app;
    public function __construct()
        $this->app = \Yee\Yee::getInstance();
     *  Control Data Function or Init Cache start 
    public function jsonCacheStart( $name, $language = '', $cache_timer=900 ) 
        $cache_folder = $this->app->config('cache.path')."/json/";
        $cache_name   = md5($name.$language).".json";
        $ntime = strtotime( date("Y-m-d H:i:s") );
        $ftime = @filemtime( $cache_folder.$cache_name );
        $product = $ntime-$ftime;
        if((int)$cache_timer > (int)$product && $ftime!=false ) {   // 100 <17 //
            return json_decode( $this->jsonCacheUnCompress( file_get_contents( $cache_folder.$cache_name ) ), true ); // returns array in the event cache data is to be used
        } else {
            return true; // returns true in the event that the timer has expired
     * Save compressed and json encoded Data  
    public function jsonCacheSave( $name, $language = '', $data )
        $cache_folder = $this->app->config('cache.path')."json/";
        $cache_name   = md5( $name.$language ).".json";
        file_put_contents( $cache_folder.$cache_name, $this->jsonCacheCompress( json_encode($data) ) );
    private function jsonCacheCompress( $data )
        return gzcompress( $data , 6, ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE );
    private function jsonCacheUnCompress( $data )
         return gzuncompress( $data );