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It's an e-mail sending web app.

Read this blog post, it explains how it works:
[ Helps Manage Newsletters and Mailing Lists_](

## How to Configure?

There are few entities you can configure via simple [YAML](
settings, including lists, lanes, campaigns, letters, and recipients.

### List

title: My subscribers
  # Notify this email every time a new subscriber
  # is added to the list through the /subscribe URL
  # Notify in Telegram chat. You can get this number
  # just by starting a chat with
  telegram: 136544085
  # You may ignore some notifications
    - subscribe
    - unsubscribe
    - add
    - comment
    - download
    - upload
    - bounce
# List of GitHub account who also have access to this list
# and can add recipients to it, via /add?list=ID URL.
  - yegor256
# If this is set to TRUE an email right after being added
# to this list will be de-activated in all other lists
exclusive: true
# If this is TRUE, all new recipients that get into the list via the
# /subscribe link, will be marked as non-yet-confirmed. They will have
# to click the link, which is available in your Markdown template
# as {{confirm}} (similar to the {{unsubsribe}} you have there).
# The default is FALSE.
confirmation_required: true

### Lane

title: Monthly newsletters
# The FROM field of all letters to be sent from this
# Lane. This can be overwritten by each individual Letter.
from: Yegor Bugayenko <>
# The CC of the email to be sent
  - Yegor Bugayenko <>
# The BCC of the email to be sent
  - Yegor Bugayenko <>
# The TO field of all emails to be sent, which
# you don't need to specify usually, since this
# address is taken from the recipient details, but sometimes
# you may need this.
to: Yegor Bugayenko <>
# The email to collect all bounces (the default is ``)
# SMTP parameters of the email sending server
  port: 587
  password: ArPxO8gf56y02G8cKM80IpvMQve8Pss+L4+inJZ3UG3t
# Here you can specify the Telegram transport details, if
# some of your letters are going to be delivered via Telegram.
  chat_id: 7389473289

### Campaign

# The title of the campaign
title: Monthly
# Stop the campaign at this date (it will be deactivated automatically)
until: 03-09-2018
# Maximum amount of emails to be sent per day
speed: 100
  # Notify in Telegram chat. You can get this number
  # just by starting a chat with
  telegram: 136544085
# Send fake emails to this address, in order to
# lower the bounce-back stats of the SMTP providers (recommended)
  # How many fake emails per each real email
  amount: 0.1
  # Destination address ('*' will be replaced by a random 0-9 number)
  address: my-fake***

### Letter

# The title of the letter
title: Aug 2018
# The subject of all emails to be sent
subject: There are some great news, guys!
# The FROM field of all emails to be sent
from: Yegor Bugayenko <>
# The CC of the email to be sent
  - Yegor Bugayenko <>
# The BCC of the email to be sent
  - Yegor Bugayenko <>
# The TO field of all emails to be sent, which
# you don't need to specify usually, since this
# address is taken from the recipient details, but sometimes
# you may need this.
to: Yegor Bugayenko <>
# When this Letter has to be deactivated
until: 03-09-2018
# For how many days/hours/minutes the campaign should
# not send out any letters after it sends this one. There
# are three possible formats:
#  hh:mm:ss    - exactly how much time it should relax
#  dd-mm-yyyy  - when exactly it should relax
#  sss         - in how many seconds
relax: "20:0:0"
# The ID of the letter to quote while sending this one
quote: 12
# This can be either SMTP or Telegram. If it's SMTP, you have
# to specify the SMTP section in the Lane. If it's Telegram,
# you have to specify telegram chat ID in the Lane.
transport: SMTP
# Maximum amount of emails to be sent per day
speed: 100
# Turn OFF email opening tracking feature (ON by default)
tracking: off

Here is how your Liquid template may look like:

{% if first %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

How are you? Thanks for joining my list. Please
[click here]({{confirm}}) to confirm that you are serious
and want to stay.

Yegor Bugayenko<br/>
To remove your email ({{email}}) from the list, [click here]({{unsubscribe}}).

### Recipient

Not implemented yet...

## API

You can retrieve the data from the system via the API. First, you have
to get the authorization code from the [API page](
Then, add it to each HTTP request you make, as `auth` URI parameter. For example,
to see the total count of all active subscribers of your list:


All URIs:

  * `/api/lists/:id/active_count.json`: total active subscibers in the list
  * `/api/lists/:id/per_day.json`: new subscribers per day (last 10 days stat, change with `days`)
  * `/api/campaigns/:id/deliveries_count.json`: deliveries per day (last day, change with `days`)
  * more coming...

## How to contribute

Read [these guidelines](
Make sure you build is green before you contribute
your pull request. You will need to have [Ruby]( 2.3+,
Java 8+, Maven 3.2+, PostgreSQL 10+, and
[Bundler]( installed. Then:

$ bundle update
$ bundle exec rake

If it's clean and you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.

To run a single unit test you should first do this:

$ bundle exec rake pgsql liquibase run

And then, in another terminal (for example):

$ bundle exec ruby test/test_campaign.rb -n test_iterates_lists

Should work.