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Test Coverage
<img alt="logo" src="" width="64px" height="64px"/>

[![Managed by Zerocracy](](
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[![Availability at SixNines](](

[SixNines]( is a hosted service to validate
and prove availability of your web service and sites.

Read this blog post for more details:
[, Your Website Availability Monitor_](

The badge is available as:


Here, the `style` parameter can be either `round` or `flat`.
The `format` parameter can be either `svg` (106x20) or `png` (424x80).

This is how you put it in your `README` (in Markdown):

[![Availability at SixNines](](

The badge you see above works exactly like that.

## DynamoDB Schema

The `sn-endpoints` table contains all registered end-points:

  login/H: GitHub login of the owner
  uri/R: URI of the endpoint, e.g. ""
  id: Unique ID of the endpoint
  active: "yes" if it's alive, "no" otherwise
  created: Epoch time number of when it was added
  hostname: Host name of the URI, e.g. ""
  pings: Total amount of ping's we've done so far
  failures: Total amount of failed attempts
  state: Either "up" or "down"
  updated: Epoch time of the most recent update of this record
  flipped: Epoch time of recent state change
  expires: Epoch time when it has to be pinged again
  log: Detailed log of the most recent failure
  favicon: URI of the favicon
sn-endpoints/unique: (index)
sn-endpoints/hostnames: (index)
sn-endpoints/flips: (index)
sn-endpoints/expires: (index)

The `sn-pings` table contains all recent pings:

  uri/H: URI of the endpoint we pinged
  time/R: Epoch time of ping
  local: IP address where we were pinging from
  remote: IP address of the endpoint we reached
  msec: How many milliseconds it took
  code: HTTP response code (2xx means success)
  delete_on: TTL attribute for DynamoDB (when to delete this item)

## How to contribute?

First, install
[Java 8+](,
[Maven 3.2+](,
[Ruby 2.3+](,

$ bundle update
$ bundle exec rake --quiet

The build has to be clean. If it's not, [submit an issue](

Then, make your changes, make sure the build is still clean,
and [submit a pull request](

In order to run a single test:

$ bundle exec rake run

Then, in another terminal:

$ bundle exec ruby test/test_base.rb -n test_lists_flips

Then, if you want to test the UI, open `http://localhost:9292` in your browser,
and login, if necessary, by adding `?glogin=tester` to the URL.