

1 wk
Test Coverage

return [
  124 => [
    'id' => '124',
    'value' => 'Blogs of Escorts and their Clients',
    'location' => 'templates/user/blog/main_page.stpl:0',
  195 => [
    'id' => '195',
    'value' => 'Confirm Your Information',
    'location' => 'templates/user/register/step_3_member.stpl:0; templates/stihiya/register/step_3_member.stpl:0',
  200 => [
    'id' => '200',
    'value' => 'Continue',
    'location' => 'templates/user/register/step_1.stpl:19; templates/user/register/step_2_member.stpl:92; templates/stihiya/register/step_2_member.stpl:50',
  228 => [
    'id' => '228',
    'value' => 'Default Blog Privacy',
    'location' => 'templates/user/blog/start_blog.stpl:18',
  229 => [
    'id' => '229',
    'value' => 'Default Comments Permission',
    'location' => 'templates/user/blog/start_blog.stpl:22',
  250 => [
    'id' => '250',
    'value' => 'E-mail',
    'location' => 'templates/user/user_info/step_1_member.stpl:18; templates/stihiya/user_info/step_1_member.stpl:18',
  420 => [
    'id' => '420',
    'value' => 'Home Page',
    'location' => 'templates/user/forum/view_profile.stpl:128',
  465 => [
    'id' => '465',
    'value' => 'Invalid e-mail, please check your spelling!',
    'location' => 'modules/yf_register.class.php:579',
  528 => [
    'id' => '528',
    'value' => 'Login required',
    'location' => 'classes/yf_validate.class.php:145; modules/yf_register.class.php:572',
  559 => [
    'id' => '559',
    'value' => 'Member Login',
    'location' => 'templates/user/login_form/form.stpl:0',
  632 => [
    'id' => '632',
    'value' => 'Nickname',
    'location' => 'templates/stihiya/register/step_2_member.stpl:11; templates/stihiya/register/step_3_member.stpl:11',
  673 => [
    'id' => '673',
    'value' => 'No photos yet',
    'location' => 'templates/user/gallery/edit_main.stpl:23',
  688 => [
    'id' => '688',
    'value' => 'Not a member yet',
    'location' => 'templates/user/login_form/form.stpl:34',
  689 => [
    'id' => '689',
    'value' => 'Not entered',
    'location' => 'modules/yf_register.class.php:193,199,200,201,202',
  727 => [
    'id' => '727',
    'value' => 'Password Reminder',
    'location' => 'templates/user/get_pswd/step_1.stpl:0',
  729 => [
    'id' => '729',
    'value' => 'Password is required!',
    'location' => 'modules/yf_register.class.php:378',
  751 => [
    'id' => '751',
    'value' => 'Please re-enter your password again!',
    'location' => 'modules/yf_register.class.php:381',
  807 => [
    'id' => '807',
    'value' => 'Register now',
    'location' => 'templates/user/login_form/form.stpl:34',
  833 => [
    'id' => '833',
    'value' => 'Retrieve lost password',
    'location' => 'templates/user/login_form/form.stpl:35',
  990 => [
    'id' => '990',
    'value' => 'Two passwords don\'t match!',
    'location' => 'modules/yf_register.class.php:383',
  1065 => [
    'id' => '1065',
    'value' => 'Visitor Account Registration',
    'location' => 'templates/user/register/step_2_member.stpl:0; templates/stihiya/register/step_2_member.stpl:0',
  1089 => [
    'id' => '1089',
    'value' => 'You have no articles yet',
    'location' => 'templates/user/articles/manage_main.stpl:18',
  1092 => [
    'id' => '1092',
    'value' => 'You must agree with site Terms of Service',
    'location' => 'templates/user/register/js_step3.stpl:8',
  1103 => [
    'id' => '1103',
    'value' => 'You will also be able set or edit it individually for each blog entry',
    'location' => 'templates/user/blog/start_blog.stpl:18',
  1104 => [
    'id' => '1104',
    'value' => 'You will also be able to set or edit it individually for each blog entry',
    'location' => 'templates/user/blog/start_blog.stpl:22',
  1131 => [
    'id' => '1131',
    'value' => 'action',
    'location' => 'classes/yf_table.class.php:264,279; templates/admin/forum/admin/category_main.stpl:17; templates/admin/forum/admin/view_forum.stpl:30,54; templates/admin/settings/cat_main.stpl:6,22; templates/admin/settings/constructor_header.stpl:8; templates/admin/static_pages/main.stpl:7; templates/user/chat/edit_ban_list_main.stpl:8',
  1133 => [
    'id' => '1133',
    'value' => 'active',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/yf_manage_articles.class.php:33; admin_modules/yf_manage_faq.class.php:33; modules/yf_articles.class.php:112',
  1134 => [
    'id' => '1134',
    'value' => 'add',
    'location' => 'classes/yf_form.class.php:267; classes/yf_table.class.php:312; __SANDBOX/admin_modules/poll.class.php:81,89; templates/admin/settings/add_form.stpl:19; templates/admin/settings/cat_main.stpl:27; templates/admin/static_pages/main.stpl:21; templates/user/chat/edit_ban_list_main.stpl:24',
  1150 => [
    'id' => '1150',
    'value' => 'articles',
    'location' => 'templates/user/articles/stats_cat_item.stpl:0; templates/user/articles/stats_most_active_item.stpl:0',
  1153 => [
    'id' => '1153',
    'value' => 'author',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/forum/last_post_forum.stpl:3; templates/admin/forum/last_post_topic.stpl:3',
  1155 => [
    'id' => '1155',
    'value' => 'back',
    'location' => 'functions/yf_common_funcs.php:118',
  1159 => [
    'id' => '1159',
    'value' => 'blog',
    'location' => 'templates/user/blog/friends_posts_item.stpl:14; templates/user/blog/main_item.stpl:14; templates/user/blog/single_post_main.stpl:2; templates/user/blog/view_blog_main.stpl:2',
  1162 => [
    'id' => '1162',
    'value' => 'calls',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:286',
  1164 => [
    'id' => '1164',
    'value' => 'category',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/settings/add_form.stpl:9; templates/admin/settings/constructor_header.stpl:7; templates/admin/settings/edit_var.stpl:24',
  1166 => [
    'id' => '1166',
    'value' => 'characters',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/bb_codes/js_vars.stpl:33; templates/user/bb_codes/js_vars.stpl:33; templates/user/forum/new_post_js.stpl:27,31,46',
  1172 => [
    'id' => '1172',
    'value' => 'city',
    'location' => 'templates/user/chat/edit_info.stpl:48',
  1186 => [
    'id' => '1186',
    'value' => 'country',
    'location' => '__SANDBOX/modules/checkout.class.php:127,205; templates/user/chat/edit_info.stpl:53',
  1191 => [
    'id' => '1191',
    'value' => 'date',
    'location' => '__SANDBOX/admin_modules/poll.class.php:75',
  1196 => [
    'id' => '1196',
    'value' => 'delete',
    'location' => 'classes/yf_form.class.php:713; __SANDBOX/admin_modules/poll.class.php:76; templates/admin/file_manager/main.stpl:164; templates/admin/forum/admin/category_main.stpl:8; templates/admin/forum/admin/forum_item.stpl:13,26; templates/admin/forum/admin/post_item.stpl:37; templates/admin/forum/admin/topic_item.stpl:12; templates/admin/forum/admin/view_forum.stpl:4; templates/admin/forum/admin/view_topic.stpl:7; templates/admin/settings/cat_item.stpl:3; templates/admin/settings/record_constructor.stpl:10; templates/admin/static_pages/item.stpl:5; templates/user/chat/edit_ban_list_item.stpl:6',
  1207 => [
    'id' => '1207',
    'value' => 'edit',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/yf_settings.class.php:247; classes/yf_form.class.php:267; templates/admin/file_manager/main.stpl:162; templates/admin/forum/admin/category_main.stpl:7; templates/admin/forum/admin/forum_item.stpl:12,25; templates/admin/forum/admin/post_item.stpl:36; templates/admin/forum/admin/topic_item.stpl:11; templates/admin/forum/admin/view_forum.stpl:3; templates/admin/forum/admin/view_topic.stpl:6; templates/admin/settings/record_constructor.stpl:9; templates/admin/static_pages/item.stpl:4',
  1212 => [
    'id' => '1212',
    'value' => 'edit_post',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/forum/yf_forum_manage_main.class.php:454',
  1215 => [
    'id' => '1215',
    'value' => 'edited',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/yf_manage_articles.class.php:31; modules/yf_articles.class.php:110',
  1222 => [
    'id' => '1222',
    'value' => 'email',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/file_manager/main.stpl:173; templates/user/chat/edit_info.stpl:22; templates/user/chat/register_form.stpl:57',
  1231 => [
    'id' => '1231',
    'value' => 'error',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/yf_forum.class.php:331; functions/yf_common_funcs.php:103; modules/yf_forum.class.php:1132',
  1232 => [
    'id' => '1232',
    'value' => 'exec_time_sum',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:288',
  1248 => [
    'id' => '1248',
    'value' => 'forum',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/forum/admin/topic_form.stpl:20',
  1253 => [
    'id' => '1253',
    'value' => 'group',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/yf_user_rights.class.php:99',
  1263 => [
    'id' => '1263',
    'value' => 'home',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/file_manager/main.stpl:130',
  1270 => [
    'id' => '1270',
    'value' => 'included_files',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:374',
  1284 => [
    'id' => '1284',
    'value' => 'login',
    'location' => 'modules/chat/yf_chat_login.class.php:104; templates/user/chat/edit_info.stpl:26; templates/user/chat/login_form.stpl:21,47; templates/user/chat/register_form.stpl:25,45; templates/user/chat/register_mail.stpl:5; templates/user/forum/send_pswd/email.stpl:0',
  1287 => [
    'id' => '1287',
    'value' => 'logout',
    'location' => 'templates/user/chat/post_form_new.stpl:31',
  1288 => [
    'id' => '1288',
    'value' => 'main',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/forum/menu_member.stpl:2',
  1294 => [
    'id' => '1294',
    'value' => 'member',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/forum/yf_forum_manage_view.class.php:234; modules/yf_chat.class.php:638',
  1296 => [
    'id' => '1296',
    'value' => 'message',
    'location' => 'templates/user/chat/post_form_new.stpl:15',
  1309 => [
    'id' => '1309',
    'value' => 'name',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:284,379; templates/admin/file_manager/main.stpl:137,203; templates/admin/forum/admin/category_form.stpl:4; templates/admin/forum/admin/forum_form.stpl:4; templates/admin/forum/admin/topic_form.stpl:4; templates/admin/settings/cat_main.stpl:4,20; templates/admin/static_pages/main.stpl:20',
  1335 => [
    'id' => '1335',
    'value' => 'not shown',
    'location' => 'templates/user/user_info/step_1_member.stpl:22; templates/stihiya/user_info/step_1_member.stpl:22',
  1341 => [
    'id' => '1341',
    'value' => 'number_of_queries',
    'location' => 'classes/yf_common.class.php:369',
  1349 => [
    'id' => '1349',
    'value' => 'optional',
    'location' => 'templates/user/forum/search/form_main.stpl:8',
  1356 => [
    'id' => '1356',
    'value' => 'page_generated_in',
    'location' => 'classes/yf_common.class.php:369',
  1358 => [
    'id' => '1358',
    'value' => 'pages',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/system/divide_pages/block_next.stpl:0; templates/admin/system/divide_pages/block_prev.stpl:0; templates/user/system/divide_pages/block_next.stpl:0; templates/user/system/divide_pages/block_prev.stpl:0',
  1360 => [
    'id' => '1360',
    'value' => 'password',
    'location' => 'modules/chat/yf_chat_login.class.php:107; templates/user/chat/edit_info.stpl:7,30; templates/user/chat/login_form.stpl:23,51; templates/user/chat/register_form.stpl:27,49; templates/user/chat/register_mail.stpl:6; templates/user/forum/send_pswd/email.stpl:1',
  1376 => [
    'id' => '1376',
    'value' => 'post',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/forum/last_post_topic.stpl:2',
  1379 => [
    'id' => '1379',
    'value' => 'posts',
    'location' => 'templates/user/forum/stats_board_totals.stpl:30; templates/user/forum/view_profile.stpl:66',
  1386 => [
    'id' => '1386',
    'value' => 'query_log',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:168',
  1389 => [
    'id' => '1389',
    'value' => 'read',
    'location' => 'modules/yf_help.class.php:69',
  1392 => [
    'id' => '1392',
    'value' => 'register',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/forum/yf_forum_manage_view.class.php:252; templates/user/chat/login_form.stpl:67; templates/user/login_form/form.stpl:5',
  1396 => [
    'id' => '1396',
    'value' => 'reply',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/forum/new_post.stpl:28; templates/admin/forum/reply.stpl:36',
  1399 => [
    'id' => '1399',
    'value' => 'rewrite_links_info',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:334',
  1403 => [
    'id' => '1403',
    'value' => 'save',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/yf_user_rights.class.php:80,121; templates/admin/admin_rights/modules_main.stpl:17; templates/admin/admin_rights/tables_main.stpl:11; templates/admin/conf_editor/main.stpl:21; templates/admin/forum/admin/category_form.stpl:24; templates/admin/forum/admin/forum_form.stpl:32; templates/admin/forum/admin/post_form.stpl:36; templates/admin/forum/admin/topic_form.stpl:36; templates/admin/forum/new_topic.stpl:38; templates/admin/settings/cat_main.stpl:9; templates/admin/settings/edit_var.stpl:28; templates/admin/settings/main.stpl:13; templates/admin/static_pages/edit_main.stpl:14; templates/user/chat/edit_info.stpl:160; templates/user/chat/edit_settings.stpl:69; templates/user/chat/register_form.stpl:73',
  1406 => [
    'id' => '1406',
    'value' => 'seconds',
    'location' => 'classes/yf_common.class.php:369; modules/chat/yf_chat_user_info.class.php:149; templates/admin/system/redirect.stpl:7; templates/user/chat/edit_settings.stpl:30; templates/user/system/redirect.stpl:7',
  1410 => [
    'id' => '1410',
    'value' => 'send',
    'location' => 'templates/user/chat/post_form_new.stpl:17',
  1411 => [
    'id' => '1411',
    'value' => 'settings',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/settings/main.stpl:0',
  1417 => [
    'id' => '1417',
    'value' => 'simple_templates',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:282',
  1419 => [
    'id' => '1419',
    'value' => 'size',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:287,379; templates/admin/file_manager/main.stpl:139; templates/admin/settings/add_form.stpl:7; templates/admin/settings/constructor_header.stpl:5; templates/admin/settings/edit_var.stpl:16',
  1421 => [
    'id' => '1421',
    'value' => 'some_errors_occured',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/system/error_message.stpl:3',
  1424 => [
    'id' => '1424',
    'value' => 'sort_order',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/settings/cat_main.stpl:5,21; templates/admin/settings/constructor_header.stpl:6; templates/admin/settings/edit_var.stpl:20',
  1427 => [
    'id' => '1427',
    'value' => 'static_pages',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/static_pages/main.stpl:0',
  1429 => [
    'id' => '1429',
    'value' => 'status',
    'location' => 'admin_modules/yf_user_rights.class.php:60,104',
  1431 => [
    'id' => '1431',
    'value' => 'storage',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:285',
  1433 => [
    'id' => '1433',
    'value' => 'subject',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/forum/admin/post_form.stpl:4',
  1444 => [
    'id' => '1444',
    'value' => 'time',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:379',
  1445 => [
    'id' => '1445',
    'value' => 'to post an article',
    'location' => 'templates/user/articles/manage_main.stpl:19',
  1449 => [
    'id' => '1449',
    'value' => 'total',
    'location' => 'classes/yf_table.class.php:250; __SANDBOX/modules/humor_stories.class.php:112; __SANDBOX/modules/online.class.php:44,66',
  1450 => [
    'id' => '1450',
    'value' => 'total_exec_time',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:182,322',
  1451 => [
    'id' => '1451',
    'value' => 'total_include_time',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:394',
  1452 => [
    'id' => '1452',
    'value' => 'total_included_size',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:393',
  1460 => [
    'id' => '1460',
    'value' => 'used_templates_size',
    'location' => 'classes/common/yf_debug_info.class.php:321',
  1462 => [
    'id' => '1462',
    'value' => 'user_name',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/forum/admin/post_form.stpl:12; templates/admin/forum/admin/topic_form.stpl:12',
  1469 => [
    'id' => '1469',
    'value' => 'view',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/file_manager/main.stpl:161',
  1476 => [
    'id' => '1476',
    'value' => 'welcome',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/forum/main.stpl:6',
  1478 => [
    'id' => '1478',
    'value' => 'with_selected',
    'location' => 'templates/admin/file_manager/main.stpl:158',
  1496 => [
    'id' => '1496',
    'value' => 'you can also set or edit it individually for each blog entry',
    'location' => 'templates/user/blog/edit_blog_settings.stpl:35,39',
  1515 => [
    'id' => '1515',
    'value' => 'Up to',
    'location' => '',
  1516 => [
    'id' => '1516',
    'value' => 'You have not started your blog yet. You can do it right now',
    'location' => '',
  1518 => [
    'id' => '1518',
    'value' => 'to start',
    'location' => '',
  1519 => [
    'id' => '1519',
    'value' => 'Start Your Blog',
    'location' => '',
  1544 => [
    'id' => '1544',
    'value' => 'You have no photos in your gallery',
    'location' => '',
  1545 => [
    'id' => '1545',
    'value' => 'Click here to start your gallery now',
    'location' => '',
  1572 => [
    'id' => '1572',
    'value' => 'Folders is a handy way of sorting your gallery content. If you have a lot of different photos that can be divided into several sets, it will be a good idea to create a separate folder for every set and move your images there. This will bring more logical structrure to your gallery and make user navigation more convenient. Examples of folder titles: Summer 2006, My apartments, Nude in sauna, Hardcore session etc',
    'location' => '',
  1577 => [
    'id' => '1577',
    'value' => 'here',
    'location' => '',
  1578 => [
    'id' => '1578',
    'value' => 'to create a new folder in your gallery',
    'location' => '',
  1592 => [
    'id' => '1592',
    'value' => 'latest photos',
    'location' => '',
  1596 => [
    'id' => '1596',
    'value' => 'images',
    'location' => '',
  1601 => [
    'id' => '1601',
    'value' => 'travelling',
    'location' => '',
  1602 => [
    'id' => '1602',
    'value' => 'skiing',
    'location' => '',
  1603 => [
    'id' => '1603',
    'value' => 'going to the cinema',
    'location' => '',
  1604 => [
    'id' => '1604',
    'value' => 'dancing',
    'location' => '',
  1605 => [
    'id' => '1605',
    'value' => 'nuclear physics',
    'location' => '',
  1611 => [
    'id' => '1611',
    'value' => 'Your comment',
    'location' => '',
  1612 => [
    'id' => '1612',
    'value' => 'Email page to a friend',
    'location' => '',
  1614 => [
    'id' => '1614',
    'value' => 'Page preview',
    'location' => '',
  1619 => [
    'id' => '1619',
    'value' => 'This user has not started the blog yet',
    'location' => '',
  1625 => [
    'id' => '1625',
    'value' => 'full size',
    'location' => '',
  1627 => [
    'id' => '1627',
    'value' => 'blog_post_info',
    'location' => '',
  1632 => [
    'id' => '1632',
    'value' => 'blog_home_page_text',
    'location' => '',
  1633 => [
    'id' => '1633',
    'value' => 'Account activation',
    'location' => '',
  1634 => [
    'id' => '1634',
    'value' => 'Enter activation code',
    'location' => '',
  1635 => [
    'id' => '1635',
    'value' => 'Enter code',
    'location' => '',
  1636 => [
    'id' => '1636',
    'value' => 'Resend activation code',
    'location' => '',
  1637 => [
    'id' => '1637',
    'value' => 'Enter email',
    'location' => '',
  1638 => [
    'id' => '1638',
    'value' => 'Please, fill in the form below',
    'location' => '',
  1640 => [
    'id' => '1640',
    'value' => 'If you can not find it please',
    'location' => '',
  1641 => [
    'id' => '1641',
    'value' => 'contact us',
    'location' => '',
  1642 => [
    'id' => '1642',
    'value' => 'so that we can activate your account manually. Be sure to mention the email you used in your registration',
    'location' => '',
  1646 => [
    'id' => '1646',
    'value' => 'I have read and agree with site',
    'location' => '',
  1647 => [
    'id' => '1647',
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  2095 => [
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  2096 => [
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  2098 => [
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    'value' => ' is already reserved. Please try another one.',
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  2102 => [
    'id' => '2102',
    'value' => 'Nick could contain only these characters',
    'location' => '',
  2103 => [
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  2104 => [
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  2105 => [
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  2111 => [
    'id' => '2111',
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  2112 => [
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    'value' => ' No field name (id) specified',
    'location' => '',
  2113 => [
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