

Test Coverage
Start the RPC servers. On one terminal window type:

        $ php char_count_server.php
Then start the second server in another window:

        $ php random_int_server.php
And on the third window launch the RPC client:

        php parallel_rpc.php 'Some Words' 15
The response will be:

        Waiting for replies…
        array(2) {
          string(2) "10"
          string(2) "13"
        Total time: 5

The first argument is the string to send so we get the char count back. The second argument is the _max_ for the _rand()_ function to return a random number between 0 and _max_.

The _char\_count\_server_ will take at least 2 seconds –see the sleep() call inside–. The _random\_int\_server_ will take at least 5 seconds to reply.

The total running time of the RPC Client should be around 5 seconds –the slowest server–.

The return will be an associative _array()_ having all the responses there. The third parameter to RpcClient::addRequest() will be the request identifier. If this parameter is "char-count" then the response will have a key called "char-count" with the response from the server.