

Test Coverage
Testing multi conditions<br /><br />

simple (my_var_1 eq 1) (true): <b>{if("my_var_1" eq "1")} really true {/if}</b><br />
simple (my_var_2 eq 1) (false): <b>{if("my_var_2" eq "1")} wrong!!! {/if}</b><br />
simple (my_var_2 eq 2) (true): <b>{if("my_var_2" eq "2")} really true {/if}</b><br />

complex (my_var_1 + my_var_2) eq 3 (true): <b>{if("my_var_1 + my_var_2" eq "3")} really true {/if}</b><br />
complex (my_var_1 + my_var_2) eq -1 (false): <b>{if("my_var_1 + my_var_2" eq "-1")} wrong!!! {/if}</b><br />

complex (my_var_1 + %3) eq 4 (true): <b>{if("my_var_1 + %3" eq "4")} really true {/if}</b><br />
complex (my_var_1 + %3) eq -1 (false): <b>{if("my_var_1 + %3" eq "-1")} wrong!!! {/if}</b><br />

complex (my_var_1 and my_var_2) eq 1 (true): <b>{if("my_var_1 and my_var_2" eq "1")} really true {/if}</b><br />
complex (my_var_1 and my_var_2) eq 0 (false): <b>{if("my_var_1 and my_var_2" eq "0")} wrong!!! {/if}</b><br />

complex (get.object) eq "mod_example" (true): <b>{if("get.object" eq "mod_example")} really true {/if}</b><br />
complex (get.object) eq "some_other" (false): <b>{if("get.object" eq "some_other")} wrong!!! {/if}</b><br />

nested (3 level deep if's) (my_var_1 eq 1)(my_var_2 eq 2)(my_var_1 eq 1): 

{if("my_var_1" eq "1")}
    {if("my_var_2" eq "2")}
        {if("my_var_1" eq "1")}
            really true 

<table border="1">

{translate("testing translate")}

Testing inclusion of the javascript (if ok - you wil see nothing after double colon):<br />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function ___showstatus() {
        if (2) {
            var test;
        window.status = this.innerText;
        return true;
    function ___hidestatus() {
        window.status = document.title;
        return true;
    function __set_status() {
        var i = 0;
        while(document.links[i]) {
            document.links[i].onmouseover = showstatus;
            document.links[i].onmouseout = hidestatus;
        window.document.body.onload = set_status;


{if("test_array.0.test_3" eq 1)}
    Testing call to the sub array (not global, but from the $replace)!!!<br />

Testing foreach cycles<br /><br />

    <b>String inside foreach</b><br />
    {if('test_array.test_3' eq "1")}
        <i>Test_3 is equal 1 here!!!!</i><br />
    {if("my_var_1" eq "1")}
        <u>Simple comparison with global replace item</u><br />