

35 mins
Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env php

Place this script in the PF framework folder (PF-x.y.z.rxxx/PF-phar.php) and run it
to package the framework into a single phar file.

In the "index.php" of your application, assuming you placed the packaged framework under
your application's "protected" folder, add the following line at the top:

new Phar(__DIR__.'/protected/PF-1.1.9.r3527.phar');

This makes the framework available via the phar:// stream-wrapper - when specifying the
path to the PF framework, set it as "phar://PF".

// Configuration:

$dir = __DIR__;

ini_set('phar.readonly', 0); // Could be done in php.ini

//$path = $dir.'/yf';
$path = '/home/www/yf/';

$name = 'yf.phar';
echo $name;
$mode = Phar::GZ;

// Error checks:

if (!class_exists('Phar')) {
    die('*** Phar extension is not installed (or not enabled)');

if (!Phar::canCompress($mode)) {
    die('*** Compression unsupported - please enable the zlib extension');

if (!is_dir($path)) {
    die('*** PF Framework not found: ' . $path);

if (!Phar::canWrite()) {
    die('*** Phar is in read-only mode (check phar.readonly in php.ini)');

// Iterator:

class FrameworkIterator implements Iterator, Countable
    private $index;
    private $files;
    private $baselen;
    private $size;
    private $mask;
    private $dirs;

    public function __construct($path, $mask = '*')
        $this->index = 0;
        $this->files = [];
        $this->baselen = strlen($path) + 1;
        $this->size = 0;
        $this->mask = $mask;
        $this->dirs = [];


    public function rewind()
        $this->index = 0;

    public function current()
        return $this->files[$this->index];

    public function key()
        return $this->getRelative($this->files[$this->index]);

    public function next()
        $this->index += 1;

    public function valid()
        return isset($this->files[$this->index]);

    public function count()
        return count((array) $this->files);

    public function getSize()
        return $this->size;

    public function getDirs()
        return $this->dirs;

    private function scan($path)
        global $phar, $baselen, $total;

        foreach (glob($path . '/' . $this->mask) as $file) {
            if (false !== strpos($file, '/libs/')) {
            if (is_dir($file)) {
                $this->dirs[$this->getRelative($file)] = $file;
            } else {
                //        if (substr($file, -10) != ".class.php") {
                //        if (substr($file, -4) != ".php") {
                //            continue;
                //        }
                echo $file . "\n";
                $this->size += filesize($file);
                $this->files[] = $file;

    private function getRelative($path)
        return substr($path, $this->baselen);

// Build and Compress:

echo "Creating archive: $name\n\n";

if (file_exists($name)) {

$phar = new Phar($name, 0, 'pf');

$iter = new FrameworkIterator($path);

echo 'Building: ' . number_format(count((array) $iter)) . ' files in ' . number_format(count((array) $iter->getDirs())) . ' folders (' . number_format($iter->getSize()) . " bytes) ...\n\n";


echo "Compressing files ...\n\n";

$filesize = filesize($name);

echo 'Output: ' . number_format($filesize) . ' bytes (' . sprintf('%0.2f', $filesize * 100 / $iter->getSize()) . "%)\n\n";