require_once __DIR__ . '/db_offline_abstract.php';
* @requires extension mysqli
class class_db_ddl_parser_mysql_test extends db_offline_abstract
public function test_sql_to_php_sakila()
if ($this->_need_skip_test(__FUNCTION__)) {
$parser = _class('db_ddl_parser_mysql', 'classes/db/');
$parser->RAW_IN_RESULTS = true;
$fixtures_path = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/';
foreach (glob($fixtures_path . '*.sql') as $path) {
$sql = file_get_contents($path);
$php_path = substr($path, 0, -strlen('.sql')) . '.php';
if ( ! file_exists($php_path)) {
$expected = include $php_path;
$response = $parser->parse($sql);
if (empty($expected)) {
$str = var_export($response, 1);
$str = str_replace(' ', "\t", $str);
$str = str_replace('array (', 'array(', $str);
$str = preg_replace('~=>[\s]+array\(~ims', '=> array(', $str);
// file_put_contents($php_path, '<?php'.PHP_EOL.'return '.$str.';');
$this->assertSame($expected, $response, 'fname: ' . basename($path));
// Check that without SQL newlines or pretty formatting code works the same
$response = $parser->parse(str_replace(["\r", "\n"], ' ', $sql));
$this->assertSame($expected, $response);
public function test_php_to_sql_sakila()
if ($this->_need_skip_test(__FUNCTION__)) {
$parser = _class('db_ddl_parser_mysql', 'classes/db/');
$fixtures_path = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/';
foreach (glob($fixtures_path . '*.php') as $path) {
$php_create = include $path;
$sql_path = substr($path, 0, -strlen('.php')) . '.sql';
if ( ! file_exists($sql_path)) {
$expected = trim(file_get_contents($sql_path));
$response = trim($parser->create($php_create));
$this->assertSame($expected, $response);
* In this test we ensure that all generated sql_php files are up-to-date and can be easily reconstructed.
public function test_sql_to_php_db_installer()
if ($this->_need_skip_test(__FUNCTION__)) {
$db_installer = _class('db_installer_mysql', 'classes/db/');
$parser = _class('db_ddl_parser_mysql', 'classes/db/');
$parser->RAW_IN_RESULTS = false;
$tables_sql = [];
$tables_php = [];
// Load install data from external files
$globs_sql = [
'yf_main' => YF_PATH . 'share/db/sql/*.sql.php',
'yf_plugins' => YF_PATH . 'plugins/*/share/db/sql/*.sql.php',
foreach ($globs_sql as $glob) {
foreach (glob($glob) as $f) {
$t_name = substr(basename($f), 0, -strlen('.sql.php'));
$tables_sql[$t_name] = include $f; // $data should be loaded from file
$globs_php = [
'yf_main' => YF_PATH . 'share/db/sql_php/*.sql_php.php',
'yf_plugins' => YF_PATH . 'plugins/*/share/db/sql_php/*.sql_php.php',
foreach ($globs_php as $glob) {
foreach (glob($glob) as $f) {
$t_name = substr(basename($f), 0, -strlen('.sql_php.php'));
$tables_php[$t_name] = include $f; // $data should be loaded from file
$this->assertEquals(array_keys($tables_sql), array_keys($tables_php));
foreach ((array) $tables_sql as $name => $sql) {
$orig_sql = $sql;
$expected = $tables_php[$name];
$options = '';
// Get table options from table structure. Example: /** ENGINE=MEMORY **/
if (preg_match('#\/\*\*(?P<raw_options>[^\*\/]+)\*\*\/#i', trim($sql), $m)) {
// Cut comment with options from source table structure to prevent misunderstanding
$sql = str_replace($m[0], '', $sql);
$options = $m['raw_options'];
$tmp_name = 'tmp_name_not_exists';
if (false === strpos(strtoupper($sql), 'CREATE TABLE')) {
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE `' . $tmp_name . '` (' . $sql . ')';
// Place them into the end of the DDL
if ($options) {
$sql = rtrim(rtrim(rtrim($sql), ';')) . ' ' . $options;
$response = $parser->parse($sql);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $response, 'Parse create table raw: ' . $name);
$response2 = $db_installer->create_table_sql_to_php($sql);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $response2, 'Parse create table with db_installer create_table_sql_to_php: ' . $name);
public function test_php_to_sql_db_installer()
if ($this->_need_skip_test(__FUNCTION__)) {
$db_installer = _class('db_installer_mysql', 'classes/db/');
$parser = _class('db_ddl_parser_mysql', 'classes/db/');
$parser->RAW_IN_RESULTS = false;
$tables_sql = [];
$tables_php = [];
// Load install data from external files
$globs_sql = [
'yf_main' => YF_PATH . 'share/db/sql/*.sql.php',
'yf_plugins' => YF_PATH . 'plugins/*/share/db/sql/*.sql.php',
foreach ($globs_sql as $glob) {
foreach (glob($glob) as $f) {
$t_name = substr(basename($f), 0, -strlen('.sql.php'));
$tables_sql[$t_name] = include $f; // $data should be loaded from file
$globs_php = [
'yf_main' => YF_PATH . 'share/db/sql_php/*.sql_php.php',
'yf_plugins' => YF_PATH . 'plugins/*/share/db/sql_php/*.sql_php.php',
foreach ($globs_php as $glob) {
foreach (glob($glob) as $f) {
$t_name = substr(basename($f), 0, -strlen('.sql_php.php'));
$tables_php[$t_name] = include $f; // $data should be loaded from file
$this->assertEquals(array_keys($tables_sql), array_keys($tables_php));
foreach ((array) $tables_php as $name => $sql_php) {
$sql = $tables_sql[$name];
$options = '';
// Get table options from table structure. Example: /** ENGINE=MEMORY **/
if (preg_match('#\/\*\*(?P<raw_options>[^\*\/]+)\*\*\/#i', trim($sql), $m)) {
// Cut comment with options from source table structure to prevent misunderstanding
$sql = trim(str_replace($m[0], '', $sql));
$options = $m['raw_options'];
$tmp_name = 'tmp_name_not_exists';
if (false === strpos(strtoupper($sql), 'CREATE TABLE')) {
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE `' . $tmp_name . '` (' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . trim($sql) . PHP_EOL . ');';
// Place them into the end of the DDL
if ($options) {
$sql = rtrim(rtrim(rtrim($sql), ';')) . ' ' . trim($options) . ';';
$expected = $sql;
$sql_php['name'] = $tmp_name;
$response = $parser->create($sql_php);
$this->assertSame($expected, $response, 'Create table DDL SQL from sql_php for: ' . $name);