

1 wk
Test Coverage

require_once __DIR__ . '/tpl__setup.php';

class tpl_driver_yf_foreach_test extends tpl_abstract
    public function return_true($out = '')
        return $out ? (is_array($out) ? implode(',', $out) : $out) : 'true';
    public function test_foreach()
        $data2 = [
            5 => ['name' => 'name1', 'age' => 21],
            6 => ['name' => 'name2', 'age' => 22],
            7 => ['name' => 'name3', 'age' => 23],
        $this->assertEquals('1111111111', self::_tpl('{foreach(10)}1{/foreach}'));
        $this->assertEquals('111111111122222222221111111111', self::_tpl('{foreach(10)}1{/foreach}{foreach(10)}2{/foreach}{foreach(10)}1{/foreach}'));
        $this->assertEquals(' 1  2  3  4 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {_val} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [1, 2, 3, 4]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 0  1  2  3 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {_key} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [1, 2, 3, 4]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 4  4  4  4 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {_total} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [1, 2, 3, 4]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 1  2  3 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {_num} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 42  0  0 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {if("_first" eq "1")}42{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 0  0  42 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {if("_last" eq "1")}42{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 42  0  42 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {if("_even" eq "1")}42{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 0  42  0 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {if("_odd" eq "1")}42{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 0  42  0 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {if("_key" eq "1")}42{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 42  0  0 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {if("_val" eq "5")}42{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 0  0  7  0  0 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {if("_num" eq "3")}{_val}{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 1  1  1 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {if("_total" eq "3")}1{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 1  1  1 ', self::_tpl('{foreach( "testarray" )} {if("_total" eq "3")}1{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 1  1  1 ', self::_tpl('{foreach(\'testarray\')} {if("_total" eq "3")}1{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 1  1  1 ', self::_tpl('{foreach( \'testarray\' )} {if("_total" eq "3")}1{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 1  1  1 ', self::_tpl('{foreach(testarray)} {if("_total" eq "3")}1{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' 1  1  1 ', self::_tpl('{foreach( testarray )} {if("_total" eq "3")}1{else}0{/if} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => [5, 6, 7]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' name1:21  name2:22  name3:23 ', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")} {#.name}:{#.age} {/foreach}', ['testarray' => $data2]));
        $this->assertEquals('', self::_tpl('{foreach( not_existing_key )}{/foreach}'));
        $this->assertEquals('', self::_tpl('{foreach( not_existing_key )} {if("_total" eq "3")}1{else}0{/if} {/foreach}'));
    public function test_foreach_and_var_modifier()
        $a = [['key1' => ' val11 '], ['key1' => ' val21 ']];
        $this->assertEquals('+val11++val21+', self::_tpl('{foreach("testarray")}+{#.key1|trim}+{/foreach}', ['testarray' => $a]));
    public function test_complex_foreach()
        $data = [
            'test_array_1' => ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four'],
            'test_array_2' => [
                'One' => ['name' => 'First'],
                'Two' => ['name' => 'Second'],
                'Three' => ['name' => 'Third'],
                'Four' => ['name' => 'Fourth'],
            'cond_1' => 1,
            'cond_2' => 2,
            'cond_3' => 2,
            '1). <small>(key: One)</small><b style="color:red;">First!!!</b><br /><span style="color: blue;">name: First<br />, num_items: 4<br /></span>, <br />' .
            '2). <small>(key: Two)</small><span style="color: green;">name: Second<br />, num_items: 4<br /></span>, <br />' .
            '3). <small>(key: Three)</small><span style="color: blue;">name: Third<br />, num_items: 4<br /></span>, <br />' .
            '4). <small>(key: Four)</small><span style="color: green;">name: Fourth<br />, num_items: 4<br /></span>',
            '{foreach(test_array_2)}' . PHP_EOL .
            '{_num}). <small>(key: {_key})</small>{if(_first eq 1)}<b style="color:red;">First!!!</b><br />{/if}' . PHP_EOL .
            '<span style="{if(_even eq 1)}color: blue;{/if}{if(_odd eq 1)}color: green;{/if}">name: {#.name}<br />, num_items: {_total}<br /></span>{if(_last ne 1)}, <br />{/if}' . PHP_EOL .
    public function test_complex_foreach2()
        $data = [
            'test_array' => [
                'One' => ['name' => 'First'],
                'Two' => ['name' => 'Second'],
                'Three' => ['name' => 'Third'],
                'Four' => ['name' => 'Fourth'],
            'cond_name' => 'Third',
            'cond_array' => ['mykey' => 'Third'],
        $this->assertEquals('ok', self::_tpl('{foreach("test_array")}{if(#.name eq #cond_name)}ok{/if}{/foreach}', $data));
        $this->assertEquals('ok', self::_tpl('{catch(mycond)}{cond_array.mykey}{/catch}{foreach("test_array")}{if(#.name eq #mycond)}ok{/if}{/foreach}', $data));
    public function test_avail_arrays()
        // TODO: deep debug why
        // For some reason it fails under current jenkins
        if (getenv('CI') === 'jenkins') {
            return false;
        $old = tpl()->_avail_arrays;
        $_GET['mytestvar'] = 'mytestvalue';
        tpl()->_avail_arrays = ['get' => '_GET'];

        $this->assertEquals('', self::_tpl('{get.not_exists}'));
        $this->assertEquals('_mytestvalue_', self::_tpl('_{get.mytestvar}_'));
        $this->assertEquals('good', self::_tpl('{if(get.mytestvar eq mytestvalue)}good{else}bad{/if}'));
        $this->assertEquals('good', self::_tpl('{if(get.mytestvar ne "")}good{else}bad{/if}'));
        $this->assertEquals('good', self::_tpl('{if(get.mytestvar ne something_else)}good{else}bad{/if}'));

        $data = [
            'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2', 'k3' => 'v3',
        $_GET['myarray'] = $data;

        $this->assertEquals(' k1=v1  k2=v2  k3=v3 ', self::_tpl('{foreach(data)} {_key}={_val} {/foreach}', ['data' => $data]));
        $this->assertEquals(' k1=v1  k2=v2  k3=v3 ', self::_tpl('{foreach(data.myarray)} {_key}={_val} {/foreach}', ['data' => ['myarray' => $data]]));
        $this->assertEquals('', self::_tpl('{foreach(data.not_exists)} {_key}={_val} {/foreach}', ['data' => ['myarray' => $data]]));
        $this->assertEquals('k1=v1', self::_tpl('{foreach(data.myarray)}{if(_key eq k1)}{_key}={_val}{/if}{/foreach}', ['data' => ['myarray' => $data]]));
        $this->assertEquals('k2=v2', self::_tpl('{foreach(data.myarray)}{if(_key eq k2)}{_key}={_val}{/if}{/foreach}', ['data' => ['myarray' => $data]]));
        $this->assertEquals('k3=v3', self::_tpl('{foreach(data.myarray)}{if(_key eq k3)}{_key}={_val}{/if}{/foreach}', ['data' => ['myarray' => $data]]));
        $this->assertEquals(' k1=v1  k2=v2  k3=v3 ', self::_tpl('{foreach(get.myarray)} {_key}={_val} {/foreach}'));
        $this->assertEquals('', self::_tpl('{foreach(get.not_exists)} {_key}={_val} {/foreach}'));
        $this->assertEquals('k1=v1', self::_tpl('{foreach(get.myarray)}{if(_key eq k1)}{_key}={_val}{/if}{/foreach}'));
        $this->assertEquals('k2=v2', self::_tpl('{foreach(get.myarray)}{if(_key eq k2)}{_key}={_val}{/if}{/foreach}'));
        $this->assertEquals('k3=v3', self::_tpl('{foreach(get.myarray)}{if(_key eq k3)}{_key}={_val}{/if}{/foreach}'));

        tpl()->_avail_arrays = $old;
    public function test_foreach_val_array()
        $data = ['k1' => 'v1', 'k4' => [1, 2, 3]];
        $this->assertEquals(' k1=v1  k4=1,2,3 ', self::_tpl('{foreach(data)} {_key}={_val} {/foreach}', ['data' => $data]));
    public function test_elseforeach()
        $data = ['k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2'];
        $this->assertEquals('no rows', self::_tpl('{foreach(data)} {_key}={_val} {elseforeach}no rows{/foreach}', []));
        $this->assertEquals(' k1=v1  k2=v2 ', self::_tpl('{foreach(data)} {_key}={_val} {elseforeach}no rows{/foreach}', ['data' => $data]));
        $this->assertEquals('no rows', self::_tpl('{foreach(data.sub)} {_key}={_val} {elseforeach}no rows{/foreach}', []));
        $this->assertEquals(' k1=v1  k2=v2 ', self::_tpl('{foreach(data.sub)} {_key}={_val} {elseforeach}no rows{/foreach}', ['data' => ['sub' => $data]]));
        $this->assertEquals('k1k2 k1k2', self::_tpl('{foreach(data.sub)}{_key}{elseforeach}no rows{/foreach} {foreach(data.sub)}{_key}{elseforeach}no rows{/foreach}', ['data' => ['sub' => $data]]));
        $data = ['k1' => ' v1 ', 'k2' => ' v2 '];
    public function _callme2($a)
        if ( ! is_array($this->_callme2_results)) {
            $this->_callme2_results = [];
        if (is_array($a)) {
            $this->_callme2_results = $a;
        return $this->_callme2_results;
    public function callme2($a)
        return $this->_callme2($a);
    public function test_foreach_exec()
        // Some magick here with DI container, we link to this class :-)
        main()->modules['unittest2'] = $this;
        $data = ['k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2'];
        $result = _class('unittest2')->_callme2($data);
        $this->assertSame($result, $data);
        $this->assertSame($result, $this->_callme2_results);

        $this->assertSame(' _k1=v1_  _k2=v2_ ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(unittest2,_callme2)} _{_key}={_val}_ {/foreach_exec}'));
        $_GET['object'] = 'unittest2';
        $this->assertSame(' _k1=v1_  _k2=v2_ ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(@object,_callme2)} _{_key}={_val}_ {/foreach_exec}'));
        $_GET['action'] = '_callme2';
        $this->assertSame(' _k1=v1_  _k2=v2_ ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(@object,@action)} _{_key}={_val}_ {/foreach_exec}'));
        $this->assertSame(' _k1=v1_  _k2=v2_ ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(@object,@action)} _{_key}={_val}_ {/foreach_exec}'));
        $this->assertSame(' _k1=v1_  _k2=v2_ ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(@object;@action)} _{_key}={_val}_ {/foreach_exec}'));
        $this->assertSame(' _arg1=val1_  _arg2=val2_ ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(@object;@action;arg1=val1;arg2=val2)} _{_key}={_val}_ {/foreach_exec}'));
        $this->assertSame(' _arg1=val1_  _arg2=val2_ ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(@object; @action; arg1=val1; arg2=val2)} _{_key}={_val}_ {/foreach_exec}'));
        $this->assertSame(' _arg1=val1_  _arg2=val2_ ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(unittest2; _callme2; arg1=val1; arg2=val2)} _{_key}={_val}_ {/foreach_exec}'));

        $result = _class('unittest2')->_callme2([]);
        $this->assertSame($result, []);
        $this->assertSame(' no rows ', self::_tpl('{foreach_exec(unittest2,_callme2)} _{_key}={_val}_ {elseforeach} no rows {/foreach_exec}'));

    public function test_foreach_and_cond()
        $bak = $_GET;
        $_GET = ['cat_id' => '5', 'cat_name' => 'five'];
        $data = ['cats' => ['5' => 'five', '6' => 'six']];
            '<a href="#" class="active">5:five</a><a href="#">6:six</a>',
            self::_tpl('{foreach(cats)}<a href="#"{if(get.cat_id eq _key)} class="active"{/if}>{_key}:{_val}</a>{/foreach}', $data)
            '<a href="#" class="active">5:five</a><a href="#">6:six</a>',
            self::_tpl('{foreach(cats)}<a href="#"{if(get.cat_name eq _val)} class="active"{/if}>{_key}:{_val}</a>{/foreach}', $data)
        $_GET = $bak;