

2 days
Test Coverage

// settings
$base_path = 'd:/www/htdocs/zend/';
$source_dir = $base_path . 'library/';
$packed_dir = $base_path . 'packed/';
$compiled_dir = $base_path;
$compiled_file = $compiled_dir . 'zend_framework_min.php';


$pattern_require = "/(require_once[\s\t]*[\"\'\(]+([^\'\"\(\)]+?)[\'\"\)]+[\s\t]*;[\s\t]*)/ims";
$GLOBALS['BUILT_IN_CLASSES'] = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), spl_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
$time_start = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()));

 * Put string contents to the file.
if ( ! function_exists('file_put_contents')) {
    function file_put_contents($filename, $data)
        if ( ! $fp = @fopen($filename, 'w')) {
            return false;
        flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
        $res = fwrite($fp, $data, strlen($data));
        flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
        return $res;

if ( ! defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) {
    define('T_ML_COMMENT', T_COMMENT);
} else {
    define('T_DOC_COMMENT', T_ML_COMMENT);

// Method that allows to compress PHP code (removing comments, spaces, tabs, etc)
function _do_compress_php_file($file_to_open = '', $file_to_save = '')
    $source = file_get_contents($file_to_open);
    // Removes comments
    foreach ((array) token_get_all($source) as $token) {
        if (is_string($token)) {
            // simple 1-character token
            $output .= $token;
        } else {
            // token array
            list($id, $text) = $token;
            switch ($id) {
                case T_COMMENT:
                case T_ML_COMMENT: // we've defined this
                case T_DOC_COMMENT: // and this
                    // no action on comments
                    $output .= ' ';
                    // anything else -> output "as is"
                    $output .= $text;
    $output = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], '', $output);
    $output = str_replace("\t", ' ', $output);
    $output = preg_replace("/[\s\t]{2,}/ims", ' ', $output);
    // Write the file
    $fh = @fopen($file_to_save, 'w');
    fwrite($fh, $output);
    // Display compress ratio
    $body .= 'compressed file "' . $file_to_open . '" saved into "' . $file_to_save . "\"<br />\r\n";
    $body .= '<b>compress ratio: ' . (round(@filesize($file_to_open) / @filesize($file_to_save), 2) * 100) . '% (' . @filesize($file_to_open) . ' / ' . @filesize($file_to_save) . " bytes)</b><br />\r\n";
    return $body;

 * Create dir structure.
 * @param mixed $dir_name
 * @param mixed $dir_mode
 * @param mixed $create_index_htmls
 * @param mixed $start_folder
function _mkdir_m($dir_name, $dir_mode = 0755, $create_index_htmls = 0, $start_folder = '')
    if ( ! $dir_name || ! strlen($dir_name)) {
        return 0;
    $dir_name = rtrim($dir_name, '/');
    // Default start folder to look at
    if ( ! strlen($start_folder)) {
        $start_folder = INCLUDE_PATH;
    $start_folder = str_replace(['\\', '//'], '/', realpath($start_folder) . '/');
    $dir_name = str_replace(['\\', '//'], '/', $dir_name);
    $old_mask = umask(0);
    // Default dir mode
    if (empty($dir_mode)) {
        $dir_mode = 0755;
    // Process given file name
    if ( ! file_exists($dir_name)) {
        $base_path = substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN' ? '' : '/';
        preg_match_all('/([^\/]+)\/?/i', $dir_name, $atmp);
        foreach ((array) $atmp[0] as $val) {
            $base_path = $base_path . $val;
            // Skip paths while we are out of base_folder
            if ( ! empty($start_folder) && false === strpos($base_path, $start_folder)) {
            // Skip if already exists
            if (file_exists($base_path)) {
            // Try to create sub dir
            if ( ! mkdir($base_path, $dir_mode)) {
                trigger_error('DIR: Cannot create "' . $base_path . '"', E_USER_WARNING);
                return -1;
            chmod($base_path, $dir_mode);
    } elseif ( ! is_dir($dir_name)) {
        trigger_error('DIR: ' . $dir_name . ' exists and is not a directory', E_USER_WARNING);
        return -2;
    // Create empty index.html in new folder if needed
    if ($create_index_htmls) {
        $index_file_path = $dir_name . '/index.html';
        if ( ! file_exists($index_file_path)) {
            file_put_contents($index_file_path, '');
    return 0;

 * Recursively scanning directory structure (including subdirectories) //.
 * @param mixed $start_dir
 * @param mixed $FLAT_MODE
 * @param mixed $include_pattern
 * @param mixed $exclude_pattern
function scan_dir($start_dir, $FLAT_MODE = true, $include_pattern = '', $exclude_pattern = '')
    if ( ! file_exists($start_dir)) {
        return false;
    // Cut trailing slash
    if (substr($start_dir, -1) == '/') {
        $start_dir = substr($start_dir, 0, -1);
    $files = [];
    $dh = opendir($start_dir);
    while (false !== ($f = readdir($dh))) {
        if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') {
        $item_name = $start_dir . '/' . $f;
        // "Flat" mode (all filenames are stored as 1-dimension array, else - multi-dimension array)
        if (is_dir($item_name)) {
            $tmp_file = scan_dir($item_name, $FLAT_MODE, $include_pattern, $exclude_pattern);
        } else {
            $tmp_file = $FLAT_MODE ? $item_name : $f;
            // Include files only if they match the mask
            if ( ! empty($include_pattern)) {
                if ( ! preg_match($include_pattern . 'ims', $tmp_file)) {
            // Exclude files from list by mask
            if ( ! empty($exclude_pattern)) {
                if (preg_match($exclude_pattern . 'ims', $tmp_file)) {
        // Add item to the result array
        $files[$item_name] = $tmp_file;
    // Prepare for the flat mode (if needed)
    if (is_array($files)) {
        if ($FLAT_MODE) {
            $files = array_values_recursive($files);
    return $files;

 * Get values from the multi-dimensional array.
 * @param mixed $ary
function array_values_recursive($ary)
    $lst = [];
    foreach (array_keys($ary) as $k) {
        $v = $ary[$k];
        if (is_scalar($v)) {
            $lst[] = $v;
        } elseif (is_array($v)) {
            $lst = array_merge($lst, array_values_recursive($v));
    return $lst;

 * Build other inheritance arrays.
 * @param mixed $parent
function _build_inherit_parents($parent = '')
    $next_parent = $GLOBALS['INHERIT_TREE'][$parent];

    $parents = [];
    $parents[$parent] = $next_parent;
    if ( ! $next_parent) {
    } else {
        $parents[$next_parent] = $GLOBALS['INHERIT_TREE'][$next_parent];
        foreach ((array) _build_inherit_parents($next_parent) as $k => $v) {
            if ( ! isset($parents[$k])) {
                $parents[$k] = $v;
    return $parents;


_mkdir_m($packed_dir, 0777);
_mkdir_m($compiled_dir, 0777);

// Get files array
$files_to_compress = scan_dir($source_dir, 1, "#.*\.(php)\$#");
foreach ((array) $files_to_compress as $cur_file_path) {
    $compressed_file_path = $packed_dir . substr($cur_file_path, strlen($source_dir));
    $compressed_file_dir = dirname($compressed_file_path);
    if ( ! file_exists($compressed_file_dir)) {
        _mkdir_m($compressed_file_dir, 0777);
    // Do compress
    _do_compress_php_file($cur_file_path, $compressed_file_path);

// Get classes names and paths
$new_files_to_compile = [];
foreach ((array) scan_dir($packed_dir, 1, "#.*\.(php)\$#", $exclude_pattern_user) as $cur_file_path) {
    $class_name = str_replace('/', '_', str_replace("\/", '/', substr($cur_file_path, strlen($packed_dir), -4)));
    $GLOBALS['CLASSES'][$class_name] = $class_name;
    $GLOBALS['CLASSES_PATHS'][$class_name] = $cur_file_path;

// Build inheritance tree
foreach ((array) $GLOBALS['CLASSES'] as $class_name) {
    $text = substr(file_get_contents($GLOBALS['CLASSES_PATHS'][$class_name]), 6) . "\r\n";
    $text = preg_replace($pattern_require, '', $text);
    if (preg_match("/abstract class ([a-z\_]+)/ims", $text, $m)) {
        $GLOBALS['ABSTRACT_CLASSES'][$class_name] = $class_name;
    if (preg_match("/interface ([a-z\_]+)/ims", $text, $m)) {
        $GLOBALS['INTERFACES'][$class_name] = $class_name;
    if (preg_match("/(class|interface) ([a-z\_]+) (extends|implements) ([a-z\_]+)/ims", $text, $m)) {
        $_child = $m[2];
        $_parent = $m[4];
        if ( ! in_array($_parent, $GLOBALS['BUILT_IN_CLASSES'])) {
            $GLOBALS['INHERIT_TREE'][$_child] = $_parent;
            $GLOBALS['INHERIT_CHILDREN'][$_parent][$_child] = $_child;
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['INHERIT_NONE'][$class_name] = $class_name;

// Build parents array
foreach ((array) $GLOBALS['INHERIT_TREE'] as $_child => $_parent) {
    $GLOBALS['INHERIT_PARENTS'][$_child] = _build_inherit_parents($_parent);


// Build result array
foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['ABSTRACT_CLASSES']) as $v) {
    if ( ! isset($CLASSES_NEW[$v])) {
        $CLASSES_NEW[$v] = $v;
foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['INTERFACES']) as $v) {
    if ( ! isset($CLASSES_NEW[$v])) {
        $CLASSES_NEW[$v] = $v;
foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['INHERIT_NONE']) as $v) {
    if ( ! isset($CLASSES_NEW[$v])) {
        $CLASSES_NEW[$v] = $v;
foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['INHERIT_TOP']) as $v) {
    if ( ! isset($CLASSES_NEW[$v])) {
        $CLASSES_NEW[$v] = $v;
foreach ((array) $GLOBALS['INHERIT_PARENTS'] as $v => $_parents) {
    foreach (array_reverse((array) $_parents, true) as $_parent => $_tmp) {
        if ( ! isset($CLASSES_NEW[$_parent])) {
            $CLASSES_NEW[$_parent] = $_parent;
    if ( ! isset($CLASSES_NEW[$v])) {
        $CLASSES_NEW[$v] = $v;
foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['CLASSES']) as $v) {
    if ( ! isset($CLASSES_NEW[$v])) {
        $CLASSES_NEW[$v] = $v;

$output .= '<pre>';
$output .= '<h1>INHERIT_TREE</h1>';
$output .= print_r($GLOBALS['INHERIT_TREE'], 1);
$output .= '<h1>INHERIT_CHILDREN</h1>';
$output .= print_r($GLOBALS['INHERIT_CHILDREN'], 1);
$output .= '<h1>INHERIT_PARENTS</h1>';
$output .= print_r($GLOBALS['INHERIT_PARENTS'], 1);
$output .= '<h1>INHERIT_TOP</h1>';
$output .= print_r($GLOBALS['INHERIT_TOP'], 1);
$output .= '<h1>INHERIT_NONE</h1>';
$output .= print_r($GLOBALS['INHERIT_NONE'], 1);
$output .= '<h1>ABSTRACT_CLASSES</h1>';
$output .= print_r($GLOBALS['ABSTRACT_CLASSES'], 1);
$output .= '<h1>INTERFACES</h1>';
$output .= print_r($GLOBALS['INTERFACES'], 1);
$output .= '<h1>RESULT_CLASSES</h1>';
$output .= print_r($GLOBALS['CLASSES'], 1);
$output .= '</pre>';

// Finish
$fh = fopen($compiled_file, 'w');
fwrite($fh, "<?php\r\n");
$counter = 0;

foreach ((array) $GLOBALS['CLASSES'] as $name) {
    if ( ! $name) {
    $cur_file_path = $GLOBALS['CLASSES_PATHS'][$name];
    $cur_file_text = file_get_contents($cur_file_path);
    $text = substr($cur_file_text, 6) . "\r\n";
    $text = preg_replace($pattern_require, '', $text);
    if ( ! strlen($text)) {
        $text = '// source: ' . $cur_file_path . "\r\n" . $text;
    fwrite($fh, $text);

    $output .= $name . ' # ' . $cur_file_path . ' <b>' . strlen($text) . '</b><br />';

// prepare output info
$output2 .= "\r\n<br /><b>" . $counter . '</b> files from dir "' . $source_dir . "\"<br />\r\n compiled into result file \"" . $compiled_file . "\"<br />\r\n";
$output2 .= 'result file size: <b>' . filesize($compiled_file) . "</b> bytes<br />\r\n";
$output2 .= 'Generation time: <b>' . round(array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - $time_start, 3) . " secs</b>\r\n";
$output = $output2 . $output;

echo $output;