

1 day
Test Coverage

 * System settings interface.
class yf_settings
    // bs2, bs3, pure, foundation, etc
    public $css_frameworks = [
        'bs2' => 'Twitter Bootstrap v2',
        'bs3' => 'Twitter Bootstrap v3',
        'bs4' => 'Twitter Bootstrap v4',
    // currently for: bs2, bs3
    public $css_subthemes = [
        'default' => 'Bootstrap',
        'amelia' => 'Amelia (light)',
        'cerulean' => 'Cerulean (light)',
        'cosmo' => 'Cosmo (light)',
        'cyborg' => 'Cyborg (dark)',
        'flatly' => 'Flatly (light)',
        'journal' => 'Journal (light)',
        'readable' => 'Readable (light)',
        'simplex' => 'Simplex (light)',
        'slate' => 'Slate (dark)',
        'spacelab' => 'Spacelab (light)',
        'united' => 'United (light)',
    // TODO: add more skins from fs inside project
    public $default_skins = [
        'user' => 'User (default)',
        'admin' => 'Admin (default)',
    public $db_drivers = [
        'mysqli' => 'mysqli',
//        'pgsql'        => 'pgsql',
//        'pdo_mysql'    => 'mysql PDO',
//        'pdo_pgsql'    => 'pgsql',
    public $cache_drivers = [
        'memcache' => 'memcache',
        'xcache' => 'xcache',
//        'apc'        => 'apc',
        'files' => 'files',
    public $tpl_drivers = [
        'yf' => 'YF stpl (default)',
//        'smarty'    => 'smarty',
//        'fenom'        => 'fenom',
//        'twig'        => 'twig',
//        'blitz'        => 'blitz',

    public function show()
        $r = [];
        foreach ((array) conf() as $k => $v) {
            if (is_array($v)) {
                foreach ((array) $v as $k2 => $v2) {
                    $r[$k . '__' . $k2] = $v2;
            } else {
                $r[$k] = $v;
        return '<pre>' . _prepare_html(print_r($r, 1)) . '</pre>';
        function show() {
            if (main()->is_post()) {
                $to_save = $this->_prepare_to_save($_POST);
                if ($to_save) {
                    $saved_settings_content = '<'.'?php'.PHP_EOL.implode(PHP_EOL, $to_save).PHP_EOL;
                    if (defined('CONFIG_PATH') && file_exists(CONFIG_PATH)) {
                        $saved_settings_file = CONFIG_PATH.'saved_settings.php';
                    } else {
                        $saved_settings_file = PROJECT_PATH.'saved_settings.php';
                    common()->message_info('Saved settings file contents ('.$saved_settings_file.') <pre>'.str_replace('_', '&#95;', _prepare_html($saved_settings_content)).'</pre>');
                    file_put_contents($saved_settings_file, $saved_settings_content);
                    return js_redirect(url('/@object'));
            $a = array(
                    array('link', 'display_what', url('/@object/display_what'), array('no_text' => 1, 'icon' => 'icon-edit fa fa-edit')),
                    array('link', 'cache_purge', url('/@object/cache_purge'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')), // TODO: link, method, icon
            $r = array();
            foreach ((array)conf() as $k => $v) {
                if (is_array($v)) {
                    foreach ((array)$v as $k2 => $v2) {
                        $r[$k.'__'.$k2] = $v2;
                } else {
                    $r[$k] = $v;
            $hooks_data = _class('admin_methods')->call_hooks('settings', $r);
            $avail_hook_modules = array();
            foreach ((array)$hooks_data as $k => $v) {
                list($module_name,) = explode('___', $k);
                $avail_hook_modules[$module_name] = $k;
            $settings = $this->_get_settings($hooks_data);
            foreach ((array)$settings as $s) {
                $name = $s['item'];
                if (!isset($avail_hook_modules[$name])) {
                $hooks = $hooks_data[$avail_hook_modules[$name]];
                $is_checked = $s['value'] ? 1 : 0;
                if (!$is_checked || empty($hooks)) {
                $a[] = array('fieldset_start', array('id' => 'module_'.$name, 'legend' => $name, 'class' => 'well'));
                foreach ((array)$hooks as $hook_data) {
                    $a[] = $hook_data;
                $a[] = array('fieldset_end');
                $this->_used_modules[$name] = $name;
            $r = (array)$_POST + (array)$r;
            return form($r, array('class' => 'form-vertical form-condensed span6'))->array_to_form($a);

    public function cache_purge()
        $result = _class('cache')->_clear_all();
        return js_redirect(url('/@object'));

     * @param mixed $hooks_data
    public function _get_settings($hooks_data)
        $settings = db()->from('settings')->order_by('`order`, item ASC')->get_all();
        if ( ! $settings && $hooks_data) {
            $settings = [];
            foreach ((array) $hooks_data as $k => $v) {
                list($module_name) = explode('___', $k);
                $settings[] = [
                    'item' => $module_name,
                    'value' => 0,
                    'order' => ++$i,
            if ($settings) {
                db()->insert_safe('settings', $settings);
        return $settings;

    public function display_what()
        $hooks_data = _class('admin_methods')->call_hooks('settings', $r);
        $avail_hook_modules = [];
        foreach ((array) $hooks_data as $k => $v) {
            list($module_name) = explode('___', $k);
            $avail_hook_modules[$module_name] = $k;
        $settings = $this->_get_settings($hooks_data);
        if (main()->is_post()) {
            parse_str($_POST['sort'], $tmp);
            $posted_sort = [];
            foreach ((array) $tmp['sort'] as $v) {
                $posted_sort[$v] = $v;
            foreach ((array) $settings as $s) {
                $name = $s['item'];
                $_n = str_replace('_', '', $name);
                if ( ! isset($avail_hook_modules[$name])) {
                $posted_sort[$_n] = $name;
            $to_save = [];
            foreach ((array) $posted_sort as $_n => $name) {
                $to_save[$name] = [
                    'item' => $name,
                    'value' => isset($_POST['check'][$_n]) ? 1 : 0,
                    'order' => ++$i,
            if ($to_save) {
                db()->query('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . db('settings'));
                db()->insert_safe('settings', $to_save);
            return js_redirect('/@object/@action');
            var container = $("#settings-sortable-container")
            container.closest("form").on("submit", function(){
                $(this).find("input[name=sort][type=hidden]").val( container.find("ul").sortable("serialize", { key: "sort[]" }) )
        $container_html = '
            <div class="span6" id="settings-sortable-container">
                <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" id="sortable_settings">
        foreach ((array) $settings as $s) {
            $name = $s['item'];
            if ( ! isset($avail_hook_modules[$name])) {
            $hooks = $hooks_data[$avail_hook_modules[$name]];
            $is_checked = $s['value'] ? 1 : 0;
            $container_html .= '<li class="item" id="liitem_' . str_replace('_', '', $name) . '"><a style="cursor:move;"><i class="icon icon-move fa fa-arrows"></i> ' . t($name) . ' (' . (count((array) $hooks)) . ')'
                . ' <input type="checkbox" name="check[' . str_replace('_', '', $name) . ']" value="1" style="float:right;"' . ($is_checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '></a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
        $container_html .= '
        $a['back_link'] = url('/@object');
        return form($a, ['legend' => 'Settings items'])
            ->container($container_html, ['wide' => 1])

     * @param mixed $val
    public function _addslashes($val)
        if (is_array($val)) {
            foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                $val[$k] = $this->_addslashes($v);
            return $val;
        return addslashes($val);

     * @param mixed $a
    public function _prepare_to_save($a)
        $to_save = [];
        foreach ((array) $a as $k => $v) {
            if (is_string($v) && ! strlen($v)) {
            if (is_array($v)) {
                foreach ((array) $v as $k2 => $v2) {
                    if ( ! $k2 || (is_string($v2) && ! strlen($v2))) {
                if ( ! count((array) $v)) {
            $to_save[$k] = $v;
        if ($to_save) {
            foreach ((array) $to_save as $k => $v) {
                if (is_array($v)) {
                    foreach ((array) $v as $k2 => $v2) {
                        $to_save[$k . '::' . $k2] = '$CONF[\'' . $this->_addslashes($k) . '\'][\'' . $this->_addslashes($k2) . '\'] = \'' . $this->_addslashes($v2) . '\';';
                } elseif (false !== strpos($k, '__')) {
                    list($_module, $_setting) = explode('__', $k);
                    $to_save[$k] = '$CONF[\'' . $this->_addslashes($_module) . '\'][\'' . $this->_addslashes($_setting) . '\'] = \'' . $this->_addslashes($v) . '\';';
                } else {
                    $to_save[$k] = '$CONF[\'' . $this->_addslashes($k) . '\'] = \'' . $this->_addslashes($v) . '\';';
        return $to_save;

    public function _hook_settings(&$selected = [])
        $selected['site_maintenance'] = conf('site_maintenance') ?: 0;
        $selected['main[USE_SYSTEM_CACHE]'] = module_conf('main', 'USE_SYSTEM_CACHE') || (defined('USE_CACHE') && USE_CACHE) ?: 0; // TODO: unify and simplify
        $selected['cache[DRIVER]'] = module_conf('cache', 'DRIVER') ?: 'memcache';
        $selected['main[ALLOW_DEBUG_PROFILING]'] = main()->ALLOW_DEBUG_PROFILING;
        $selected['DEBUG_CONSOLE_POPUP'] = conf('DEBUG_CONSOLE_POPUP');

        return [
            ['yes_no_box', 'site_maintenance', ['tip' => '']],
            ['yes_no_box', 'main[USE_SYSTEM_CACHE]', ['desc' => 'use_cache']],
            ['select_box', 'cache[DRIVER]', $this->cache_drivers, ['desc' => 'cache_driver']],
//            array('number', 'cache[FILES_TTL]', array('desc' => 'cache_ttl')), //, cache()->FILES_TTL
            ['select_box', 'css_framework', $this->css_frameworks, ['show_text' => 1]], // TODO: link to edit
            ['yes_no_box', 'main[ALLOW_DEBUG_PROFILING]', ['desc' => 'Use built-in code profiling (for DEBUG_MODE)']],
            ['yes_no_box', 'DEBUG_CONSOLE_POPUP', ['desc' => 'Debug console as popup window (for DEBUG_MODE)']],
#            array('select_box', 'DEF_BOOTSTRAP_THEME', $this->css_subthemes, array('desc' => 'default_css_subtheme')), // TODO: link to edit
            array('select_box', 'default_css_subtheme', $this->css_subthemes), // TODO: link to edit
            array('select_box', 'default_skin', $this->default_skins), // TODO: link to edit
            array('select_box', 'default_language', main()->get_data('languages')), // TODO: link to edit
#            array('select_box', 'default_server', main()->get_data('servers')), // TODO: link to edit
#            array('select_box', 'default_site', main()->get_data('sites')), // TODO: link to edit
#            array('select_box', 'default_timezone', main()->get_data('timezones')), // TODO: link to edit
#            array('select_box', 'default_currency', main()->get_data('currencies')), // TODO: link to edit
#            array('city_box', 'default_city'), // Where site is located and propose this by default for visitors // TODO: link to edit

#            array('text', 'site_name', conf('SITE_NAME')),
            array('text', 'meta_keywords', 'default_meta_keywords'),
            array('text', 'meta_description', 'default_meta_description'),
            array('text', 'charset', 'default_charset'),
#            array('text', 'images_web_path'),
#            array('text', 'media_path_web'),
#            array('text', 'media_path_fs'),
#            array('text', 'media_domain'),

#            array('text', 'session_cookie_path'),
#            array('text', 'session_cookie_domain'),
#            array('text', 'session_cookie_lifetime'),
#            array('active_box', 'session_cookie_httponly'),
#            array('active_box', 'session_cookie_secure'),
#            array('active_box', 'session_referer_check'),

#            array('text', 'php_memory_limit'),
#            array('text', 'php_max_execution_time'),

#            array('active_box', 'rewrite_mode'),
#            array('active_box', 'debug_mode'),
#            array('active_box', 'dev_mode'),
#            array('active_box', 'output_cache'),
#            array('active_box', 'inline_locale_edit'),
#            array('active_box', 'inline_stpl_edit'),
#            array('active_box', 'xhprof_enable'),

            array('active_box', 'use_only_https'),
            array('active_box', 'use_phar_php_code'),
            array('active_box', 'online_users_tracking'),
            array('active_box', 'errors_custom_handler'),
            array('select_box', 'tpl_driver', $this->tpl_drivers),
            array('active_box', 'tpl_compile'),
            array('active_box', 'tpl_allow_use_db'),

#            array('select_box', 'mail_default_driver'),

#            array('active_box', 'admin_ajax_edit'),
#            array('active_box', 'admin_ajax_delete'),
#            array('active_box', 'form_input_no_append'),

            array('select_box', 'db_driver', $this->db_drivers),
#            array('active_box', 'db_auto_restore_tables'),
#            array('active_box', 'db_query_cache_enabled'),
#            array('number', 'db_query_cache_ttl'),
#            array('select_box', 'db_query_cache_driver'),
#                array('link', 'cache_stats', url('/@object/cache_stats')), // TODO: link, method, icon

    public function _hook_side_column()
        if ( ! $this->_used_modules) {
            return false;
        $items = [];
        $url = process_url(url('/@object'));
        foreach ((array) $this->_used_modules as $module_name) {
            $items[] = '<li><a href="' . $url . '#module_' . $module_name . '"><i class="icon-chevron-right fa fa-chevron-right"></i> ' . t($module_name) . '</a></li>';
        return '<div class="span3 bs-docs-sidebar"><ul class="nav nav-list bs-docs-sidenav">' . implode(PHP_EOL, $items) . '</ul></div>';

    public function cache_stats()
        // TODO