

1 wk
Test Coverage
(function () { 'use strict';

var __NS__ = 'payment.balance.recharge';
__ANGULAR_MODULES__.push( __NS__ );

angular.module( __NS__, [

// .value( 'payment.balance.recharge.config', { payment: {}, } )

.controller( 'payment.balance.recharge.ctrl',
[ '$log', '$scope', '$timeout', 'PaymentApi', 'PaymentBalance', 'payment.balance.config', 'payment.balance.recharge.config',
function( $log, $scope, $timeout, PaymentApi, PaymentBalance, _config_balance, _config_recharge ) {
    // var config = PaymentApiConfig.config();
    var config = {};
    angular.extend( config, _config_balance  );
    $scope.payment = {};
    $scope.payout  = {};
    angular.extend( $scope.payment, _config_recharge.payment );
    $scope.amount_init = function() {
        // min, step
        $scope.amount_min           = $scope.currency_min( false );
        $scope.amount_max           = $scope.currency_max( false );
        $scope.amount_step          = $scope.currency_step( false );
        $scope.amount_payout_min    = $scope.currency_min( false, true );
        $scope.amount_payout_max    = $scope.currency_max( false, true );
        $scope.amount_currency_min  = $scope.currency_min( true );
        $scope.amount_currency_step = $scope.currency_step( true );
    var CurrencyApi = {
        timer: {
            id      : null,
            timeout : 100,
            cancel  : function() {
                $timeout.cancel( );
            start : function( _function_ ) {
       = $timeout( _function_, this.timeout );
        change: function() {
            var $this = this;
            var amount = $scope.amount;
            if( amount ) {
                $this.timer.start( function() {
                    $scope.amount = amount;
                    $scope.amount_change( false );
    $scope.currency_change = function() {
        $scope.currency_id = $scope.currency_selected.currency_id;
        // update amount
    // block
    $scope.show_balance_recharge = function( show ) {
        $scope.block_balance_recharge = !!show;
        $scope.block_operation = !show;
    $scope.show_balance_recharge( false );
    $scope.provider_change = function( provider, method ) {
        $scope.provider_id = +provider.provider_id;
        $scope.provider_selected = provider;
        $scope.fee               = provider._fee || 0;
        $scope.provider_currency( provider, method );
    $scope.provider_currency = function( provider, method ) {
        provider = provider || $scope.provider_selected;
        var currency_allow = ( method && method.currency_allow ) || provider._currency_allow || null;
        var index, currencies = {};
        if( currency_allow ) {
            angular.forEach( $scope.payment.currencies, function( item, id ) {
                if( currency_allow[ id ] ) {
                    this[ id ] = item;
            }, currencies );
        } else {
            for( index in $scope.payment.currencies ) break;
            currencies[ index ] = $scope.payment.currencies[ index ];
        $scope.currencies = currencies;
        // select first
        if( !$scope.currencies[ $scope.currency_id ] ) {
            for( index in $scope.currencies ) break;
            $scope.currency_id       = index;
            $scope.currency_selected = $scope.currencies[ index ];
    // currency change: min, step
    $scope.currency_min = function( is_currency, is_payout ) {
        is_currency = is_currency || false;
        is_payout   = is_payout   || false;
        var currency = is_currency ? $scope.currency_selected : $scope.payment.currency;
        var round, rate = 1, value = 1, offset = 0;
        if( is_payout ) {
            value = $scope.payment.payout_limit_min || value;
            var _value = ( $scope.action.payout &&
                $scope.action.payout.method &&
                $scope.action.payout.method.amount &&
            ) || 0;
            value = _value < value ? value : _value;
        if( is_currency ) {
            // currency rate
            var currency_rate = $scope.currency_rate( currency );
            rate  = currency_rate.rate;
            value = currency_rate.value;
            value = rate / value;
        round = currency.minor_units;
        var result = +( +value ).toFixed( round );
        return( result );
    $scope.currency_max = function( is_currency, is_payout ) {
        var max = $scope.payment.account.balance || null;
        is_currency = is_currency || false;
        is_payout   = is_payout   || false;
        var currency = is_currency ? $scope.currency_selected : $scope.payment.currency;
        var round, rate = 1, value = +max, offset = 0;
        if( is_payout ) {
            var min = $scope.payment.balance_limit_lower || 0;
            value -= +min;
            var _value = ( $scope.action.payout &&
                $scope.action.payout.method &&
                $scope.action.payout.method.amount &&
            ) || 0;
            value = ( _value && _value < value ) ? _value : value;
        if( is_currency ) {
            // currency rate
            var currency_rate = $scope.currency_rate( currency );
            rate  = currency_rate.rate;
            value = currency_rate.value;
            value = rate / value;
        round = currency.minor_units;
        var result = +( +value ).toFixed( round );
        return( result );
    $scope.currency_step = function( is_currency ) {
        var result = $scope.currency_min( is_currency );
        // is_currency = is_currency || false;
        // var currency = is_currency ? $scope.currency_selected : $scope.payment.currency;
        // var result = 1 / Math.pow( 10, currency.minor_units );
        return( result );
    $scope.currency_rate = function( currency ) {
        // currency rate
        var currency_id = currency.currency_id;
        var rate = 1, value = 1;
        if( $scope.payment.currency_rate[ currency_id ] ) {
            rate  = $scope.payment.currency_rate[ currency_id ].rate;
            value = $scope.payment.currency_rate[ currency_id ].value;
        return({ rate: rate, value: value });
    // calc recharge amount in currency
    $scope.amount_change = function( is_currency ) {
        // init calc
        is_currency = is_currency || false;
        var form = $scope.form_payment__payin;
        if( !angular.isObject( form ) ||
                ( is_currency && form.amount_currency.$error.number ) ||
                ( !is_currency && form.amount.$error.number )
        ) { return( false ); }
        // currency rate
        var currency_rate = $scope.currency_rate( $scope.currency_selected );
        var rate  = currency_rate.rate;
        var value = currency_rate.value;
        var round           = +$scope.payment.currency.minor_units;
        var round_currency  = +$scope.currency_selected.minor_units;
        // get amount
        var amount          = +$scope.amount || 0;
        var amount_currency = +$scope.amount_currency || 0;
        if( is_currency ) {
            // to UNT
            amount = amount_currency / rate * value;
        amount = +amount.toFixed( round );
        // to USD, etc
        amount_currency  = amount * rate / value;
        var amount_currency_round = +amount_currency.toFixed( round_currency );
        // fee
        var amount_currency_fee       = amount_currency_round * ( +$scope.fee / 100 );
        var amount_currency_fee_round = amount_currency_fee.toFixed( round_currency );
        // save amount
        $scope.amount           = amount;
        // total
        $scope._amount_currency = ( +amount_currency_round ) + ( +amount_currency_fee_round );
        if( !is_currency ) {
            $scope.amount_currency     = amount_currency_round;
            $scope.amount_currency_fee = amount_currency_fee_round;
    // payin
    $scope.payin_provider_change = function( $event, provider_id, method_id ) {
        if( $event ) { $event.stopPropagation(); }
        var action = $scope.action.payin;
        if( action.provider_id == provider_id && action.method_id == method_id ) {
            // $scope.payin_provider_init();
            return( false );
        var provider = $scope.payment.providers[ provider_id ];
        var method   = method_id && provider._method_allow.payin[ method_id ] || method_id;
        var option   = method && method.option || method;
        $scope.action.payin = {
            provider_id : provider_id,
            method_id   : method_id,
            provider    : provider,
            method      : method,
            option      : option,
        $scope.provider_change( provider, method );
        // amount
        $scope.block_payin_provider_show = false;
        return( true );
    $scope.payin_provider_init = function() {
        $scope.block_payin_provider_show = true;
        $scope.action.payin = {};
        // select first provider, method
            $scope.payment.provider.payin &&
            $scope.payment.provider.payin[ 0 ] )
            var provider_id = $scope.payment.provider.payin[ 0 ];
            var provider    = $scope.payment.providers[ provider_id ];
            var method_id   = null;
            if( provider._method_allow && provider._method_allow.payin ) {
                for( method_id in provider._method_allow.payin ) break;
            var method      = method_id && provider._method_allow.payin.method_id || null;
            $scope.payin_provider_change( null, provider_id, method_id );
            $scope.provider_change( provider, method );
            // amount
    $scope.action_payin = function() {
        var payment     = $scope.action.payin;
        var currency_id = $scope.currency_id;
        var options = {
            amount      : $scope.amount,
            currency_id : currency_id,
            provider_id : payment.provider_id,
            method_id   : payment.method_id,
        // angular.extend( options, payment.options );
        BalanceApi.payin( options );
    // payout
    $scope.payout_provider_change = function( $event, provider_id, method_id ) {
        var action = $scope.action.payout;
        if( action.provider_id == provider_id && action.method_id == method_id ) {
            return( false );
        var provider = $scope.payment.providers[ provider_id ];
        var method   = provider._method_allow.payout[ method_id ];
        var option   = method.option;
        var options  = null;
        // default options
        if( method.option_default ) {
            options = angular.extend( {}, method.option );
            angular.forEach( options, function( item, id ) {
                this[ id ] = null;
            }, options );
            angular.extend( options, method.option_default );
            angular.forEach( options, function( item, id ) {
                if( method.option_validation_js &&
                    method.option_validation_js[ id ] &&
                    method.option_validation_js[ id ].type == 'date'
                ) {
                    if( !item || item == '0000-00-00' ) {
                        this[ id ] = null;
                    } else {
                        this[ id ] = new Date().from_mysql( item );
            }, options );
        $scope.action.payout = {
            provider_id : provider_id,
            method_id   : method_id,
            provider    : provider,
            method      : method,
            option      : option,
            options     : options,
        $scope.block_payout_provider_show = false;
        return( true );
    $scope.payout_currency_selected = null;
    $scope.payout_provider_init = function() {
        $scope.block_payout_provider_show = true;
        $scope.action.payout = {};
        if( $scope.payment.payout_currency_allow && !$scope.payout_currency_selected ) {
            $scope.payout_currency_selected = $scope.payment.payout_currency_allow[ 0 ];
    $scope.payout_currency_allow_change = function( currency_id ) {
    $scope.action_payout = function() {
        var payout = $scope.action.payout;
        var options = {
            amount      : $scope.amount,
            provider_id : payout.provider_id,
            method_id   : payout.method_id,
        angular.extend( options, payout.options );
        // date
        var method = payout.method;
        angular.forEach( options, function( item, id ) {
            if( method.option_validation_js &&
                method.option_validation_js[ id ] &&
                method.option_validation_js[ id ].type == 'date'
            ) {
                this[ id ] = item.to_mysql_date();
        }, options );
        BalanceApi.payout( options );
    // balance api
    var BalanceApi = {
        _timer : null,
        timer  : {
            id      : null,
            timeout : 5000,
            cancel  : function() {
                $timeout.cancel( );
        _update: function( r ) {
            angular.extend( $scope.payment, r.response.payment );
            PaymentBalance.load({ account: r.response.payment.account });
        operation: function( options ) {
            var $this             = this;
            $scope.block_wait     = true;
            $scope.is_submitted   = true;
            $scope.status         = false;
            $scope.status_message = null;
            $timeout.cancel( $this._timer );
            $this._timer = $timeout( function() {
                var result = PaymentApi.operation( options );
                    function( r ) {
                        $scope.block_wait   = false;
                        $scope.is_submitted = false;
                        if( r.response && r.response.payment ) {
                            $this._update( r );
                        } else {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.operation;
                            $log.error( 'balance->operation is fail operation:', r );
                    function( r ) {
                        $scope.block_wait   = false;
                        $scope.is_submitted = false;
                        if( r.status && r.status == 403 ) {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.authentication;
                            // reload page for login
                            $ = $timeout( function() {
                                window.location.href = config.url_login;
                            }, 3000 );
                        } else {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.request;
                            $log.error( 'balance->operation is fail transport:', r );
            }, 500 );
        payin: function( options ) {
            var $this = this;
            $scope.block_wait     = true;
            $scope.is_submitted   = true;
            $scope.status         = false;
            $scope.status_message = null;
            var result = PaymentApi.payin( options );
                function( r ) {
                    $scope.block_wait   = false;
                    $scope.is_submitted = false;
                    if( r.response && r.response.balance ) {
                        // provider request form
                        if( r.response.balance.form ) {
                            var form = r.response.balance.form;
                            var $form = angular.element( form );
                            $form.appendTo( document.body ).submit();
                        $scope.status            = r.response.balance.status;
                        $scope.status_message    = r.response.balance.status_message;
                        if( r.response.payment ) {
                            $this._update( r );
                        // hide block_balance_recharge
                        $ = $timeout( function() {
                            $scope.show_balance_recharge( !$scope.status );
                        }, $this.timer.timeout );
                    } else {
                        $scope.status_message = config.message.error.operation;
                        $log.error( 'balance->payin is fail operation:', r );
                function( r ) {
                    $scope.block_wait   = false;
                    $scope.is_submitted = false;
                    if( r.response && r.response.balance ) {
                        $scope.status         = r.response.balance.status;
                        $scope.status_message = r.response.balance.status_message;
                        $log.warnig( 'balance->payin is fail transport operation:', r );
                    } else {
                        if( r.status && r.status == 403 ) {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.authentication;
                            // reload page for login
                            $timeout.cancel( $this.timer );
                            $this.timer = $timeout( function() {
                                window.location.href = config.url_login;
                            }, 3000 );
                        } else {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.request;
                            $log.error( 'balance->payin is fail transport:', r );
        on_payout_success: function() {
            $( '.payment__modal.payout' ).modal( 'hide' );
            $( '.payment__modal.message' ).modal( 'show' );
        on_payout_fail: function() {
        on_payout_validation: function() {
        payout: function( options ) {
            var $this = this;
            $scope.block_wait     = true;
            $scope.is_submitted   = true;
            $scope.status         = false;
            $scope.status_message = null;
            var result = PaymentApi.payout( options );
                function( r ) {
                    $scope.block_wait   = false;
                    $scope.is_submitted = false;
                    if( r.response && r.response.payout ) {
                        $scope.status            = r.response.payout.status;
                        $scope.status_message    = r.response.payout.status_message;
                        $scope.payout.validation = r.response.payout.options || null;
                        if( BalanceApi.on_payout_validation && $scope.payout.validation ) {
                        } else if( BalanceApi.on_payout_success ) {
                        if( r.response.payment ) {
                            $this._update( r );
                    } else {
                        $scope.status_message = config.message.error.operation;
                        $log.error( 'balance->payout is fail operation:', r );
                function( r ) {
                    $scope.block_wait   = false;
                    $scope.is_submitted = false;
                    if( r.response && r.response.payout ) {
                        $scope.status            = r.response.payout.status;
                        $scope.status_message    = r.response.payout.status_message;
                        $log.warnig( 'balance->payout is fail transport operation:', r );
                    } else {
                        if( r.status && r.status == 403 ) {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.authentication;
                            // reload page for login
                            $timeout.cancel( $this.timer );
                            $this.timer = $timeout( function() {
                                window.location.href = ( '{url( /login_form )}' );
                            }, 3000 );
                        } else {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.request;
                            $log.error( 'balance->payout is fail transport:', r );
        cancel: function( options ) {
            var $this = this;
            $scope.block_wait     = true;
            $scope.is_submitted   = true;
            $scope.status         = false;
            $scope.status_message = null;
            var result = PaymentApi.cancel( options );
                function( r ) {
                    $scope.block_wait   = false;
                    $scope.is_submitted = false;
                    if( r.response && r.response.cancel ) {
                        $scope.status            = r.response.cancel.status;
                        $scope.status_message    = r.response.cancel.status_message;
                        if( r.response.payment ) {
                            $this._update( r );
                    } else {
                        $scope.status_message = config.message.error.operation;
                        $log.error( 'balance->cancel is fail operation:', r );
                function( r ) {
                    $scope.block_wait   = false;
                    $scope.is_submitted = false;
                    if( r.response && r.response.payout ) {
                        $scope.status            = r.response.cancel.status;
                        $scope.status_message    = r.response.cancel.status_message;
                        $log.warnig( 'balance->cancel is fail transport operation:', r );
                    } else {
                        if( r.status && r.status == 403 ) {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.authentication;
                            // reload page for login
                            $timeout.cancel( $this.timer );
                            $this.timer = $timeout( function() {
                                window.location.href = ( '{url( /login_form )}' );
                            }, 3000 );
                        } else {
                            $scope.status_message = config.message.error.request;
                            $log.error( 'balance->cancel is fail transport:', r );
    $scope.cancel = function( options ) {
        BalanceApi.cancel( options );
    $scope.balance_recharge = function() {
        var amount      = +$scope.amount;
        var provider_id = +$scope.provider_id;
        var currency_id = $scope.currency_id;
            amount      : amount,
            currency_id : currency_id,
            provider_id : provider_id,
    $scope.balance_refresh = function() {
        BalanceApi.operation({ page: 1 });
    $scope.operation_first = function() {
        BalanceApi.operation({ page: 1 });
    $scope.operation_last = function() {
        BalanceApi.operation({ page: $scope.payment.operation_pagination.pages });
    $scope.operation = function( direction ) {
        var payment  = $scope.payment;
        var page     =;
        $scope.operation_page_change( page + direction );
    $scope.operation_page_change = function( value ) {
        var $this   = this;
        var payment = $scope.payment;
        var pages   = +payment.operation_pagination.pages;
        var page   = +value;
        if( page < 1 || page > pages ) { return( false ); }
        BalanceApi.operation({ page: page });
        return( true );
    // init
    $scope.block_wait   = false;
    $scope.is_submitted = false;
    $scope.action = {
        'deposition' : {},
        'payment'    : {},


Date.prototype.from_mysql = function( str ) {
    if( typeof str === 'string' ) {
        var is_422 = false;
        var is_224 = false;
        if( /^\d{4}[\.\-]\d{1,2}[\.\-]\d{1,2}/.test( str ) ) {
            is_422 = true;
        } else if( /\d{1,2}[\.\-]\d{1,2}[\.\-]\d{4}$/.test( str ) ) {
            is_224 = true;
        } else {
            return( null );
        var t = str.split(/[-. :]/);
        var result = null;
        if( is_422 ) {
            if( t.length == 3 ) {
                result = new Date( Date.UTC( t[0], t[1] - 1, t[2] ) );
            } else if( t.length == 6 ) {
                result = new Date( Date.UTC( t[0], t[1] - 1, t[2], t[3] || 0, t[4] || 0, t[5] || 0 ) );
        } else if( is_224 ) {
            if( t.length == 3 ) {
                result = new Date( Date.UTC( t[2], t[1] - 1, t[0] ) );
            } else if( t.length == 6 ) {
                result = new Date( Date.UTC( t[3], t[4] - 1, t[5], t[0] || 0, t[1] || 0, t[2] || 0 ) );
        return( result );
    return( null );

Date.prototype.to_mysql_date = function() {
    function twoDigits(d) {
        if(0 <= d && d < 10) return "0" + d.toString();
        if(-10 < d && d < 0) return "-0" + (-1*d).toString();
        return d.toString();
    return( this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + twoDigits(1 + this.getUTCMonth()) + "-" + twoDigits(this.getUTCDate()) );

Date.prototype.to_mysql_datetime = function() {
    function twoDigits(d) {
        if(0 <= d && d < 10) return "0" + d.toString();
        if(-10 < d && d < 0) return "-0" + (-1*d).toString();
        return d.toString();
    return this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + twoDigits(1 + this.getUTCMonth()) + "-" + twoDigits(this.getUTCDate()) + " " + twoDigits(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + twoDigits(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + twoDigits(this.getUTCSeconds());
