

7 hrs
Test Coverage

 * Logging some common actions.
 * @author        YFix Team <>
 * @version        1.0
class yf_logs
    // TODO: connect all logs drivers from classes/logs/

    /** @var bool Turn logging on/off */
    public $_LOGGING = false;
    /** @var bool Store user auth into log table */
    public $STORE_USER_AUTH = false;
    /** @var bool Update user's record for last login */
    public $UPDATE_LAST_LOGIN = false;
    /** @var bool Store user auth into log table */
    public $STORE_ADMIN_AUTH = true;
    /** @var bool Update admin's record for last login */
    public $UPDATE_ADMIN_LAST_LOGIN = true;
    /** @var int @conf_skip Current log level limit ('0' for disabling), could be: 0|E_ERROR|E_WARNING|E_NOTICE */
    public $CUR_LOG_LEVEL = E_NOTICE;
    /** @var array @conf_skip Error levels text representation */
    public $_error_levels_names = [
        E_ERROR => 'error',
        E_WARNING => 'warning',
        E_NOTICE => 'notice',
    /** @var bool Turn logging of user actions for the stats on/off */
    public $LOG_USER_ACTIONS = true;
    /** @var array @conf_skip Available action names */
    public $_avail_action_names = [
    /** @var bool Only if main()->LOG_EXEC enabled */
    public $LOG_EXEC_USER = false;
    /** @var bool Only if main()->LOG_EXEC enabled */
    public $LOG_EXEC_ADMIN = true;

     * Catch missing method call.
     * @param mixed $name
     * @param mixed $args
    public function __call($name, $args)
        return main()->extend_call($this, $name, $args);

     * Constructor.
    public function _init()
        $site_logging = conf('site_logging');
        if (isset($site_logging)) {
            $this->_LOGGING = $site_logging;

     * Store user authentication in log table.
     * @param mixed $A
    public function store_user_auth($A = [])
        // Check if looging needed
        if ( ! is_array($A) || ! $this->_LOGGING) {
            return false;
        // Update user last login
        // Prepare db record
        $IP = is_object(common()) ? common()->get_ip() : false;
        if ( ! $IP) {
            $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        if ($this->STORE_USER_AUTH) {
            db()->INSERT('log_auth', [
                'user_id' => (int) ($A['id']),
                'login' => _es($A['login']),
                'group' => (int) ($A['group']),
                'date' => time(),
                'session_id' => session_id(),
                'ip' => $IP,
                'user_agent' => _es(getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')),
                'referer' => _es(getenv('HTTP_REFERER')),
            conf('_log_auth_insert_id', db()->INSERT_ID());

     * Store user authentication in log table.
     * @param mixed $A
    public function _update_last_login($A = [])
        // Check if looging needed
        if ( ! is_array($A) || ! $this->_LOGGING || ! $this->UPDATE_LAST_LOGIN) {
            return false;
        // Prepare db record
        $sql = 'UPDATE ' . db('user') . ' SET 
                last_login    = ' . time() . ', 
                num_logins    = num_logins + 1
            WHERE id=' . (int) ($A['id']);

     * Store admin authentication in log table.
     * @param mixed $A
    public function store_admin_auth($A = [])
        // Check if looging needed
        if ( ! is_array($A) || ! $this->_LOGGING) {
            return false;
        if ($this->UPDATE_ADMIN_LAST_LOGIN) {
                'UPDATE ' . db('admin') . ' SET 
                    last_login    = ' . time() . ', 
                    num_logins    = num_logins + 1
                WHERE id=' . (int) ($A['id'])
        // Prepare db record
        $IP = is_object(common()) ? common()->get_ip() : false;
        if ( ! $IP) {
            $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        if ($this->STORE_ADMIN_AUTH) {
            db()->INSERT('log_admin_auth', [
                'admin_id' => (int) ($A['id']),
                'login' => _es($A['login']),
                'group' => (int) ($A['group']),
                'date' => time(),
                'session_id' => session_id(),
                'ip' => $IP,
                'user_agent' => _es(getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')),
                'referer' => _es(getenv('HTTP_REFERER')),
            conf('_log_admin_auth_insert_id', db()->INSERT_ID());

     * Save debug log.
     * @param mixed $text
     * @param mixed $log_level
     * @param mixed $trace
     * @param mixed $simple
    public function _save_debug_log($text = '', $log_level = E_NOTICE, $trace = [], $simple = false)
        if (empty($log_level) || ! isset($this->_error_levels_names[$log_level])) {
            $log_level = E_NOTICE;
        if (empty($this->CUR_LOG_LEVEL) || $log_level > $this->CUR_LOG_LEVEL) {
            return false;
        $LOGS_DIR = APP_PATH . 'logs/';

        $log_data = '';
        $log_data .= ! $simple ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [' . $this->_error_levels_names[$log_level] . '] ' : '';
        $log_data .= $text;
        //        $log_data .= !$simple ? '  ('.$trace['file'].' on line '.$trace['line'].')' : '';
        $log_data .= ! $simple ? ' | ' . str_replace("\n", ' ', main()->trace_string()) : '';
        $log_data .= "\n";

        file_put_contents($LOGS_DIR . 'debug_logs.log', $log_data, FILE_APPEND);

     * Store slow pages (even when DEBUG_MODE is turned off).
    public function store_slow_pages()
        // TODO
        if (empty($this->STORE_SLOW_PAGES)) {
            return false;
        // Prepare logs dir
        $LOGS_DIR = INCLUDE_PATH.'logs/';
        // Prepare log data
        $log_data = date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' ['.$this->_error_levels_names[$log_level].'] '.$text.'  ('.$trace['file'].' on line '.$trace['line'].")\r\n";
        // Save info to file
        if ($fh = fopen($LOGS_DIR.'debug_logs.log', 'a')) {
            fwrite($fh, $log_data);

     * Save queries log.
    public function store_db_queries_log()
        return _class('logs_db_queries', 'classes/logs/')->go();

     * Log user actions to the DB for creating statistics reports.
     * @param mixed $action_name
     * @param mixed $owner_id
     * @param mixed $object_name
     * @param mixed $object_id
    public function _log_user_action($action_name, $owner_id, $object_name = '', $object_id = 0)
        if ( ! $this->LOG_USER_ACTIONS || ! in_array($action_name, $this->_avail_action_names)) {
            return false;
        db()->insert_safe('log_user_action', [
            'owner_id' => (int) $owner_id,
            'action_name' => $action_name,
            'member_id' => main()->USER_ID,
            'object_name' => $object_name,
            'object_id' => (int) $object_id,
            'add_date' => time(),
        return true;

     * @param mixed $errors
    public function save_user_error($errors)
        return _class('logs_user_error', 'classes/logs/')->_track_error(implode(PHP_EOL, (array) $errors));

     * Log script execution params.
    public function log_exec()
        if (MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN && $this->LOG_EXEC_ADMIN) {
            return _class('logs_exec_admin', 'classes/logs/')->go();
        } elseif (MAIN_TYPE_USER && $this->LOG_EXEC_USER) {
            return _class('logs_exec_user', 'classes/logs/')->go();