class yf_notifications
public $salt = 'spfiprt34593502riweprir';
// var $_CACHE_CHECK_TTL = 1;
// todo: cache
public function check()
main()->NO_GRAPHICS = true;
$out = [];
$online_class = _class('online_users', 'classes/');
// user part
$R = db()->get_all('SELECT `id`,`notification_id` FROM `' . db('notifications_receivers') . "` WHERE `receiver_id`='" . $online_class->online_user_id . "' AND `receiver_type`='" . $online_class->online_user_type . "' AND `is_read`=0");
$notifications_ids = [];
foreach ((array) $R as $A) {
$notifications_ids[$A['id']] = $A['notification_id'];
if (count((array) $notifications_ids) != 0) {
$notifications = db()->get_all('SELECT `id`,`title`,`content`,`add_date` FROM `' . db('notifications') . '` WHERE `id` IN (' . implode(',', $notifications_ids) . ')');
$add_info = db()->get_all('SELECT `id`,`text`,`url` FROM `' . db('notifications_receivers_add_info') . '` WHERE `id` IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($notifications_ids)) . ')');
foreach ($notifications_ids as $k => $v) {
$out[$k] = [
'id' => $k,
'title' => $notifications[$v]['title'],
'content' => $notifications[$v]['content'],
'add_date' => $notifications[$v]['add_date'],
'text' => $add_info[$k]['text'],
'url' => $add_info[$k]['url'] != '' ? process_url($add_info[$k]['url'] . '¬ification_id=' . $k) : '',
echo json_encode($out);
public function read()
$online_class = _class('online_users', 'classes/');
main()->NO_GRAPHICS = true;
db()->query('UPDATE `' . db('notifications_receivers') . "` SET `is_read`=1 WHERE `receiver_id`='" . $online_class->online_user_id . "' AND `receiver_type`='" . $online_class->online_user_type . "' AND `id`=" . (int) ($_POST['id']));
echo 'OK';
public function _prepare()
if ((int) ($_GET['notification_id']) != 0) {
db()->query('UPDATE `' . db('notifications_receivers') . "` SET `is_read`=1 WHERE `receiver_id`='" . (int) (main()->USER_ID) . "' AND `receiver_type`='user_id' AND `id`=" . (int) ($_GET['notification_id']));
if (conf('IS_AJAX')) {
return false;
$tpl = file_get_contents(pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_DIRNAME) . '/../templates/user/notifications/notifications_js.stpl');
$func_name = 'url_' . main()->type;
$obj_name = main()->type == 'admin' ? 'notifications_admin' : 'notifications';
$replace = [
'url_check' => $func_name("/{$obj_name}/check"),
'url_read' => $func_name("/{$obj_name}/read"),
js(tpl()->parse_string($tpl, $replace));
public function _add_receiver_user($name, $user_id, $text = '', $url = '')
$notification_id = db()->get_one('SELECT `id` FROM `' . db('notifications') . "` WHERE `id`='" . _es($name) . "'
OR (`is_common_template`=1 AND `template_alias` = '" . _es($name) . "')");
if ((int) $notification_id == 0) {
return false;
$hash = md5($url . $text . (int) $notification_id . (int) $user_id . $this->salt);
$A = db()->get('SELECT * FROM `' . db('notifications_receivers') . "` WHERE `hash`='{$hash}'");
if ( ! empty($A)) {
if ($A['is_read'] == 1) {
db()->query('UPDATE `' . db('notifications_receivers') . "` SET `is_read`=0 WHERE `hash`='{$hash}'");
return true;
return false;
db()->insert(db('notifications_receivers'), [
'notification_id' => (int) $notification_id,
'receiver_type' => 'user_id',
'receiver_id' => (int) $user_id,
'is_read' => 0,
'hash' => $hash,
if (($text != '') || ($url != '')) {
$id = db()->insert_id();
db()->replace(db('notifications_receivers_add_info'), [
'id' => (int) $id,
'text' => _es($text),
'url' => _es($url),
return true;