

1 wk
Test Coverage

 * sphinx_config
 * An object representing the sphinx configuration
 * Can read it from file and write it back out after modification.
class yf_manage_sphinx_config
    public $loaded = false;
    public $sections = [];

     * Constructor which optionally loads data from a file.
     * @param mixed $filename
    public function __construct($filename = false)
        if ($filename !== false && file_exists($filename)) {

     * Get a section object by its name.
     * @param mixed $name
    public function &get_section_by_name($name)
        for ($i = 0, $n = count($this->sections); $i < $n; $i++) {
            // make sure this is really a section object and not a comment
            if (is_a($this->sections[$i], 'sphinx_config_section') && $this->sections[$i]->get_name() == $name) {
                return $this->sections[$i];
        $null = null;
        return $null;

     * Appends a new empty section to the end of the config.
     * @param mixed $name
    public function &add_section($name)
        $this->sections[] = new sphinx_config_section($name, '');
        return $this->sections[count($this->sections) - 1];

     * Parses the config file at the given path, which is stored in $this->loaded for later use.
     * @param    string    $filename    The path to the config file
    public function read($filename)
        // split the file into lines, we'll process it line by line
        $config_file = file($filename);

        $this->sections = [];

        $section = null;
        $found_opening_bracket = false;
        $in_value = false;

        foreach ((array) $config_file as $i => $line) {
            // if the value of a variable continues to the next line because the line break was escaped
            // then we don't trim leading space but treat it as a part of the value
            if ($in_value) {
                $line = rtrim($line);
            } else {
                $line = trim($line);
            $line = str_replace("\r", '', $line);

            // if we're not inside a section look for one
            if ( ! $section) {
                // add empty lines and comments as comment objects to the section list
                // that way they're not deleted when reassembling the file from the sections
                if ( ! $line || $line[0] == '#') {
                    $this->sections[] = new sphinx_config_comment($config_file[$i]);

                // otherwise we scan the line reading the section name until we find
                // an opening curly bracket or a comment
                $section_name = '';
                $section_name_comment = '';
                $found_opening_bracket = false;
                for ($j = 0, $n = strlen($line); $j < $n; $j++) {
                    if ($line[$j] == '#') {
                        $section_name_comment = substr($line, $j);

                    if ($found_opening_bracket) {

                    if ($line[$j] == '{') {
                        $found_opening_bracket = true;

                    $section_name .= $line[$j];

                // and then we create the new section object
                $section_name = trim($section_name);
                $section = new sphinx_config_section($section_name, $section_name_comment);
            } else { // if we're looking for variables inside a section
                $skip_first = false;

                // if we're not in a value continuing over the line feed
                if ( ! $in_value) {
                    // then add empty lines and comments as comment objects to the variable list
                    // of this section so they're not deleted on reassembly
                    if ( ! $line || $line[0] == '#') {
                        $section->add_variable(new sphinx_config_comment($config_file[$i]));

                    // as long as we haven't yet actually found an opening bracket for this section
                    // we treat everything as comments so it's not deleted either
                    if ( ! $found_opening_bracket) {
                        if ($line[0] == '{') {
                            $skip_first = true;
                            $line = substr($line, 1);
                            $found_opening_bracket = true;
                        } else {
                            $section->add_variable(new sphinx_config_comment($config_file[$i]));

                // if we did not find a comment in this line or still add to the previous line's value ...
                if ($line || $in_value) {
                    if ( ! $in_value) {
                        $name = '';
                        $value = '';
                        $comment = '';
                        $found_assignment = false;
                    $in_value = false;
                    $end_section = false;

                    // ... then we should prase this line char by char:
                    // - first there's the variable name
                    // - then an equal sign
                    // - the variable value
                    // - possibly a backslash before the linefeed in this case we need to continue
                    //   parsing the value in the next line
                    // - a # indicating that the rest of the line is a comment
                    // - a closing curly bracket indicating the end of this section
                    for ($j = 0, $n = strlen($line); $j < $n; $j++) {
                        if ($line[$j] == '#') {
                            $comment = substr($line, $j);
                        } elseif ($line[$j] == '}') {
                            $comment = substr($line, $j + 1);
                            $end_section = true;
                        } elseif ( ! $found_assignment) {
                            if ($line[$j] == '=') {
                                $found_assignment = true;
                            } else {
                                $name .= $line[$j];
                        } else {
                            if ($line[$j] == '\\' && $j == $n - 1) {
                                $value .= "\n";
                                $in_value = true;
                                continue 2; // go to the next line and keep processing the value in there
                            $value .= $line[$j];

                    // if a name and an equal sign were found then we have append a new variable object to the section
                    if ($name && $found_assignment) {
                        $section->add_variable(new sphinx_config_variable(trim($name), trim($value), ($end_section) ? '' : $comment));

                    // if we found a closing curly bracket this section has been completed and we can append it to the section list
                    // and continue with looking for the next section
                    if ($end_section) {
                        $this->sections[] = $section;
                        $section = null;

                // if we did not find anything meaningful up to here, then just treat it as a comment
                $comment = ($skip_first) ? "\t" . substr(ltrim($config_file[$i]), 1) : $config_file[$i];
                $section->add_variable(new sphinx_config_comment($comment));

        // keep the filename for later use
        $this->loaded = $filename;

     * Writes the config data into a file.
     * @param mixed $filename
    public function write($filename = false)
        if ($filename === false && $this->loaded) {
            $filename = $this->loaded;

        $data = '';
        foreach ((array) $this->sections as $section) {
            $data .= $section->to_string();

        $fp = fopen($filename, 'wb');
        fwrite($fp, $data);

     * Return the config data as string.
     * @param    string    $filename    The optional filename into which the config data shall be written.
     *                                If it's not specified it will be written into the file that the config
     *                                was originally read from.
    public function to_string()
        $data = '';
        foreach ((array) $this->sections as $section) {
            $data .= $section->to_string();
        return $data;