

1 wk
Test Coverage

 * SSH Client (based on SSH2 PHP extension).
 * @author        YFix Team <>
 * @version        1.0
class yf_ssh
    // TODO: chained mode like in form and table, mass actions on one server, array of servers, named group(s) of servers:
    // ssh('')->exec('service memcached restart');
    // ssh('s23*.dev')->exec('service memcached restart');
    // ssh('','')->exec('service memcached restart');
    // ssh(array('',''), 's89*.dev')->exec('service memcached restart');
    // ssh('group:nginx_proxy')->exec('service nginx reload');
    // ssh('group:nginx_proxy')->exec('service nginx reload', 'service cron reload');
    // ssh('group:nginx_proxy', '')->exec(array('service nginx reload', 'service cron reload'))->write_string('/tmp/last_mass_ssh_action.done', time());
    // ssh('group:nginx_proxy', '')->each(function($srv, $ssh){ $ssh->exec('service nginx reload'); });

    /** @var string @conf_skip array('phpseclib','pecl_ssh2','auto') */
    public $DRIVER = 'phpseclib';
    /** @var bool @conf_skip */
    public $_INIT_OK = false;
    /** @var string @conf_skip */
    public $_TMP_DIR = 'uploads/tmp';
    /** @var enum('password','pubkey') */
    public $AUTH_TYPE = 'password';
    /** @var bool Save actions log or not */
    public $LOG_ACTIONS = false;
    /** @var bool Use archiving for mass actions */
    public $MASS_USE_ARCHIVES = true;
    /** @var string Path to the tar archiver in console */
    public $TAR_PATH = '';
    /** @var string Path to the gzip console programm */
    public $GZIP_PATH = '';
    /** @var bool */
    public $USE_GZIP = true;
    /** @var bool */
    public $CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5;
    /** @var bool */
    public $MAX_RECONNECTS = 1;
    /** @var bool */
    public $LOG_FULL_EXEC = 0;
    /** @var bool */
    public $_debug = [];

     * Catch missing method call.
     * @param mixed $name
     * @param mixed $args
    public function __call($name, $args)
        return main()->extend_call($this, $name, $args);

     * Framework constructor.
    public function _init()
        if ( ! $this->DRIVER) {
            $this->DRIVER = 'phpseclib';
        if ($this->DRIVER == 'phpseclib') {
        if ($this->DRIVER == 'phpseclib' && ! class_exists('Net_SSH2')) {
            trigger_error('phpseclib Net_SSH2 not found', E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        } elseif ($this->DRIVER == 'pecl_ssh2' && ! function_exists('ssh2_connect')) {
            trigger_error('function ssh2_connect does not exist', E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        $this->_INIT_OK = true;

     * Return internal SERVER_ID (usually 'ssh_host:ssh_port').
     * @param mixed $server_info
    public function _get_server_id($server_info = [])
        if ( ! $server_info) {
            return false;
        $ssh_host = $server_info['base_ip'] ? $server_info['base_ip'] : $server_info['ssh_host'];
        $ssh_port = $server_info['ssh_port'] ? $server_info['ssh_port'] : 22;
        if ( ! $ssh_host) {
            return false;
        return $ssh_host . ':' . $ssh_port;

     * Return remote OS string.
     * @param mixed $server_info
    public function _get_remote_os($server_info = [])
        $_SERVER_ID = $this->_get_server_id($server_info);
        if (isset($this->_ssh_cache_os[$_SERVER_ID])) {
            return $this->_ssh_cache_os[$_SERVER_ID];
        $result = strtoupper(trim($this->exec($server_info, 'uname')));
        $this->_ssh_cache_os[$_SERVER_ID] = $result;
        return $result;

     * Connect to the remote server.
     * @example
     * $server_info = array(
     *    'ssh_host'    => '',
     *    'ssh_user'    => 'root',
     *    'ssh_pswd'    => '111111',
     * );
     * @param mixed $server_info
    public function connect($server_info = [])
        if ( ! $this->_INIT_OK || ! $server_info) {
            return false;
        $ssh_host = $server_info['base_ip'] ? $server_info['base_ip'] : $server_info['ssh_host'];
        $ssh_port = $server_info['ssh_port'] ? $server_info['ssh_port'] : 22;
        if ( ! $ssh_host) {
            trigger_error('SSH: missing server IP to connect', E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        $_SERVER_ID = $this->_get_server_id($server_info);
        // Cache calls to the same server
        if (isset($this->_ssh_connected[$_SERVER_ID])) {
            return $this->_ssh_connected[$_SERVER_ID];
        if ($this->_ssh_try_to_connect[$_SERVER_ID] >= $this->MAX_RECONNECTS) {
            return $this->_ssh_connected[$_SERVER_ID];
        $ssh_user = $server_info['ssh_user'] ? $server_info['ssh_user'] : 'root';
        $ssh_pswd = $server_info['ssh_pswd'];
        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $time_start = microtime(true);
        // Try to connect to server with selected params
        // This avoid long timeouts if server not connected
        $fp = fsockopen($ssh_host, $ssh_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
        if ( ! $fp) {
            trigger_error('SSH: cannot connect to: ' . $_SERVER_ID . '', E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;

        // IMPORTANT: for best execution speed need to do: apt-get install php5-gmp php5-mcrypt php5-mhash
        if ($this->DRIVER == 'phpseclib') {
            $use_pswd = true;
            if ( ! empty($server_info['ssh_key_private'])) {
                $use_pswd = false;
            if ( ! $use_pswd) {
                $key = new Crypt_RSA();
                if ($server_info['ssh_key_pswd']) {
                    $key->setPassword($server_info['ssh_key_pswd']); // password for key
                $key_result = $key->loadKey(file_get_contents($server_info['ssh_key_private']));
                if ( ! $key_result) {
                    trigger_error('SSH: wrong key: ' . $server_info['ssh_key_private'] . ' for: ' . $_SERVER_ID . '', E_USER_WARNING);
                    return false;
            $con = new Net_SSH2($ssh_host);
            $auth_result = $con->login($ssh_user, $use_pswd ? $ssh_pswd : $key);
        } elseif ($this->DRIVER == 'pecl_ssh2') {
            $con = ssh2_connect($ssh_host, $ssh_port, null, []);
            // Try to authenticate
            $auth_result = false;
            if ($con) {
                if ( ! empty($server_info['ssh_key_public']) && ! empty($server_info['ssh_key_private'])) {
                    // using public key
                    $auth_result = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($con, $ssh_user, $server_info['ssh_key_public'], $server_info['ssh_key_private']);
                } else {
                    // using plain password
                    $auth_result = ssh2_auth_password($con, $ssh_user, $ssh_pswd);
        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $this->_debug['connect_time'] = microtime(true) - $time_start;
        if ( ! $con) {
            trigger_error('SSH: cannot connect to: ' . $_SERVER_ID, E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        if ($auth_result) {
            $this->_ssh_connected[$_SERVER_ID] = $con;
            $this->_log($server_info, __FUNCTION__, 'user: ' . $ssh_user . ', auth successful');
            return $con;
        trigger_error('SSH: auth on: ' . $ssh_host . ':' . $ssh_port . ' failed for ' . ($this->AUTH_TYPE == 'pubkey' ? 'pubkey: ' . $server_info['pubkey_path'] : 'user: ' . $ssh_user . ''), E_USER_WARNING);

        return false;

     * SFTP subsystem for phpseclib.
     * @param mixed $server_info
    public function _init_sftp_phpseclib($server_info = [])
        if ( ! $this->DRIVER == 'phpseclib') {
            return false;
        if ( ! $this->_INIT_OK || ! $server_info) {
            return false;
        $ssh_host = $server_info['base_ip'] ? $server_info['base_ip'] : $server_info['ssh_host'];
        $ssh_port = $server_info['ssh_port'] ? $server_info['ssh_port'] : 22;
        if ( ! $ssh_host) {
            trigger_error('SSH: missing server IP to connect', E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        $_SERVER_ID = $this->_get_server_id($server_info);
        // Cache calls to the same server
        if (isset($this->_sftp_connected[$_SERVER_ID])) {
            return $this->_sftp_connected[$_SERVER_ID];
        if ($this->_sftp_try_to_connect[$_SERVER_ID] >= $this->MAX_RECONNECTS) {
            return $this->_sftp_connected[$_SERVER_ID];
        $ssh_user = $server_info['ssh_user'] ? $server_info['ssh_user'] : 'root';
        $ssh_pswd = $server_info['ssh_pswd'];
        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $time_start = microtime(true);
        // Try to connect to server with selected params
        // This avoid long timeouts if server not connected
        $fp = fsockopen($ssh_host, $ssh_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
        if ( ! $fp) {
            trigger_error('SSH: cannot connect to: ' . $_SERVER_ID, E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;

        $use_pswd = true;
        if ($this->AUTH_TYPE == 'pubkey' && ! empty($server_info['ssh_key_private'])) {
            $use_pswd = false;
        if ( ! $use_pswd) {
            $key = new Crypt_RSA();
            if ($server_info['ssh_key_pswd']) {
                $key->setPassword($server_info['ssh_key_pswd']); // password for key
            $key_result = $key->loadKey(file_get_contents($server_info['ssh_key_private']));
            if ( ! $key_result) {
                trigger_error('SSH: wrong key: ' . $server_info['ssh_key_private'] . ' for: ' . $_SERVER_ID . '', E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;

        require_once 'Net/SFTP.php';

        $con = new Net_SFTP($ssh_host);
        $auth_result = $con->login($ssh_user, $use_pswd ? $ssh_pswd : $key);

        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $this->_debug['connect_time'] += microtime(true) - $time_start;
        if ( ! $con) {
            trigger_error('SSH: cannot connect to: ' . $_SERVER_ID, E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        if ($auth_result) {
            $this->_sftp_connected[$_SERVER_ID] = $con;
            $this->_log($server_info, __FUNCTION__, 'user: ' . $ssh_user . ', auth successful');
            return $con;
        trigger_error('SSH: auth on ' . $ssh_host . ':' . $ssh_port . ' failed for ' . ($this->AUTH_TYPE == 'pubkey' ? 'pubkey: ' . $server_info['pubkey_path'] : 'user: ' . $ssh_user . ''), E_USER_WARNING);

        return false;

     * Executes remote command on given shell and returns result.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $cmd
    public function exec($server_info = [], $cmd = '')
        if ( ! $this->_INIT_OK || ! $cmd || ! $server_info) {
            return false;
        $con = $this->connect($server_info);
        if ( ! $con) {
            return false;
        // Execute several commands per one call ($cmd as array)
        if (is_array($cmd)) {
            $result = [];
            foreach ((array) $cmd as $k => $v) {
                $result[$k] = $this->exec($server_info, $v);
            return $result;
        $data = false;
        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $time_start = microtime(true);
        // execute a command
        if ($this->DRIVER == 'phpseclib') {
            $data = $con->exec($cmd);
            if (false === $data) {
                trigger_error('SSH: failed to execute remote command', E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;
        } elseif ($this->DRIVER == 'pecl_ssh2') {
            if ( ! ($stream = ssh2_exec($con, $cmd, false))) {
                trigger_error('SSH: failed to execute remote command', E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;
            // collect returning data from command
            stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
            $data = '';
            while ($buf = fgets($stream)) {
                $data .= $buf;
        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $exec_time = microtime(true) - $time_start;
            $debug_info .= '<b>' . common()->_format_time_value($exec_time) . ' sec</b>,' . PHP_EOL;
            $debug_info .= 'func: <b>' . __FUNCTION__ . '</b>, server: ' . $server_info['base_ip'] . ',' . PHP_EOL;
            $debug_info .= "cmd: \"<b style='color:blue;'>" . $cmd . '</b>" ' . ($this->LOG_FULL_EXEC ? ", <b>response</b>:<br />\n <pre><small>" . trim($data) . "</small></pre>\n" : '') . '<br />';
            $this->_debug['exec'][] = $debug_info;
            $this->_debug['time_sum'] += $exec_time;
        $this->_log($server_info, __FUNCTION__, $cmd);
        return $data;

     * Remote shell exec.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $cmd
    public function shell_exec($server_info = [], $cmd = '')
        if ( ! $this->_INIT_OK || ! $cmd || ! $server_info) {
            return false;
        if ( ! ($con = $this->connect($server_info))) {
            return false;
        // Execute several commands per one call ($cmd as array)
        if (is_array($cmd)) {
            $result = [];
            foreach ((array) $cmd as $k => $v) {
                $result[$k] = $this->shell_exec($server_info, $v);
            return $result;
        $data = false;
        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $time_start = microtime(true);
        // execute a command
        if ($this->DRIVER == 'phpseclib') {

            // Really not supported by lib, but should work as wrapper for exec
            $data = $con->exec($cmd);
            if (false === $data) {
                trigger_error('SSH: failed to execute remote command', E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;
        } elseif ($this->DRIVER == 'pecl_ssh2') {
            if ( ! isset($this->shell)) {
                $this->shell = ssh2_shell($con, 'xterm');

            if ( ! (fwrite($this->shell, $cmd . PHP_EOL))) {
                trigger_error('SSH: failed to execute remote command', E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;
            // collect returning data from command
            stream_set_blocking($this->shell, true);
            $data = '';
            while ($buf = fgets($this->shell)) {
                $data .= $buf;

        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $exec_time = microtime(true) - $time_start;
            $debug_info .= '<b>' . common()->_format_time_value($exec_time) . " sec</b>,\n";
            $debug_info .= 'func: <b>' . __FUNCTION__ . '</b>, server: ' . $server_info['base_ip'] . ",\n";
            $debug_info .= "cmd: \"<b style='color:blue;'>" . $cmd . '</b>" ' . ($this->LOG_FULL_EXEC ? ", <b>response</b>:<br />\n <pre><small>" . trim($data) . "</small></pre>\n" : '') . '<br />';
            $this->_debug['exec'][] = $debug_info;
            $this->_debug['time_sum'] += $exec_time;
        $this->_log($server_info, __FUNCTION__, $cmd);
        return $data;

     * Read remote file.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $remote_file
     * @param mixed $local_file
    public function read_file($server_info = [], $remote_file = '', $local_file = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $remote_file, $local_file);

     * Write local file into remote file.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $local_file
     * @param mixed $remote_file
    public function write_file($server_info = [], $local_file = '', $remote_file = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $local_file, $remote_file);

     * Write string into remote file.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $string
     * @param mixed $remote_file
    public function write_string($server_info = [], $string = '', $remote_file = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $string, $remote_file);

     * Check if file exists remotely.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $path
    public function file_exists($server_info = [], $path = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $path);

     * Get selected file info.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $path
    public function file_info($server_info = [], $path = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $path);

     * Resolve full path for the given file, dir or link.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $path
    public function realpath($server_info = [], $path = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $path);

     * Scan remote dir and return array of files details.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $start_dir
     * @param mixed $pattern_include
     * @param mixed $pattern_exclude
     * @param mixed $level
     * @param mixed $single_file
    public function scan_dir($server_info = [], $start_dir = '', $pattern_include = '', $pattern_exclude = '', $level = 0, $single_file = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $start_dir, $pattern_include, $pattern_exclude, $level, $single_file);

     * Alias for the mkdir_m.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $dir_name
     * @param mixed $dir_mode
     * @param mixed $create_index_htmls
     * @param mixed $start_folder
    public function mkdir($server_info = [], $dir_name = '', $dir_mode = 755, $create_index_htmls = 0, $start_folder = '')
        return $this->mkdir_m($server_info, $dir_name, $dir_mode, $create_index_htmls, $start_folder);

     * Create multiple dirs at one time (eg. mkdir_m("some_dir1/some_dir2/some_dir3")).
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $dir_name
     * @param mixed $dir_mode
     * @param mixed $create_index_htmls
     * @param mixed $start_folder
    public function mkdir_m($server_info = [], $dir_name = '', $dir_mode = 755, $create_index_htmls/*!not implemented here!*/ = 0, $start_folder = '/')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $dir_name, $dir_mode, $create_index_htmls, $start_folder);

     * Remove remote dir.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $path
    public function rmdir($server_info = [], $path = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $path);

     * Unlink remote file or link.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $path
    public function unlink($server_info = [], $path = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $path);

     * Chmod remote file.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $path
     * @param null|mixed $new_mode
     * @param mixed $recursively
    public function chmod($server_info = [], $path = '', $new_mode = null, $recursively = false)
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $path, $new_mode, $recursively);

     * Chown remote file.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $path
     * @param mixed $new_owner
     * @param mixed $new_group
     * @param mixed $recursively
    public function chown($server_info = [], $path = '', $new_owner = '', $new_group = '', $recursively = false)
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $path, $new_owner, $new_group, $recursively);

     * Rename remote file, dir or link.
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $old_name
     * @param mixed $new_name
    public function rename($server_info = [], $old_name = '', $new_name = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $old_name, $new_name);

     * Copy remote dir structure into local one (bulk method).
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $remote_dir
     * @param mixed $local_dir
     * @param mixed $pattern_include
     * @param mixed $pattern_exclude
     * @param null|mixed $level
    public function download_dir($server_info = [], $remote_dir = '', $local_dir = '', $pattern_include = '', $pattern_exclude = '', $level = null)
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $remote_dir, $local_dir, $pattern_include, $pattern_exclude, $level);

     * Copy local dir structure into remote one (bulk method).
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $local_dir
     * @param mixed $remote_dir
     * @param mixed $pattern_include
     * @param mixed $pattern_exclude
     * @param null|mixed $level
    public function upload_dir($server_info = [], $local_dir = '', $remote_dir = '', $pattern_include = '', $pattern_exclude = '', $level = null)
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_files', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($server_info, $local_dir, $remote_dir, $pattern_include, $pattern_exclude, $level);

     * Recursively scanning directory structure (including subdirectories) //.
     * @param mixed $path
     * @param mixed $_type
     * @param mixed $pattern_include
     * @param mixed $pattern_exclude
    public function _skip_by_pattern($path = '', $_type = 'f', $pattern_include = '', $pattern_exclude = '')
        if ( ! $path) {
            return false;
        if ( ! $pattern_include && ! $pattern_exclude) {
            return false;
        if ( ! $type || ! in_array($type, 'f', 'd', 'l')) {
            return false;
        $_path_clean = trim(str_replace('//', '/', str_replace('\\', '/', $path)));
        // Include files only if they match the mask
        if ($_type == 'd') {
            $_index = 0;
            $_path_clean = rtrim($_path_clean, '/');
        } elseif ($_type == 'f') {
            $_index = 1;
        } elseif ($_type == 'l') {
            $_index = 2;
        if (is_array($pattern_include)) {
            $pattern_include = $pattern_include[$_index];
        if (is_array($pattern_include)) {
            $pattern_exclude = $pattern_exclude[$_index];
        if ( ! empty($pattern_include) && is_string($pattern_include)) {
            // Matching file type (pattern like "-d")
            if ($pattern_include[0] == '-') {
                if ($_type != $pattern_include[1]) {
                    return true;
            // Regex searching
            if ( ! preg_match($pattern_include . 'ims', $_path_clean)) {
                return true;
        // Exclude files from list by mask
        if ( ! empty($pattern_exclude) && is_string($pattern_exclude)) {
            // Matching file type (pattern like "-d")
            if ($pattern_exclude[0] == '-') {
                if ($_type == $pattern_exclude[1]) {
                    return true;
            // Regex searching
            if (preg_match($pattern_exclude . 'ims', $_path_clean)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Compress files to tar archive (local).
     * @param mixed $files_list
     * @param mixed $archive_path
    public function _local_make_tar($files_list = [], $archive_path = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_tar', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($files_list, $archive_path);

     * Extract files from tar archive (local).
     * @param mixed $archive_path
     * @param mixed $extract_path
    public function _local_extract_tar($archive_path = '', $extract_path = '')
        $f = __FUNCTION__;
        return _class('ssh_tar', 'classes/ssh/')->$f($files_list, $archive_path);

     * Clean path from SFTP prefix (usually for pretty output for user).
     * @param mixed $path
    public function clean_path($path = '')
        $pattern = '#^(ssh2\.sftp://Resource id \#[0-9]+)#ims';
        if (is_array($path)) {
            // Get current resource string
            $cur = current($path);
            if (is_array($cur)) {
                $cur = current($cur);
            preg_match($pattern, $cur, $m);
            return str_replace($m[1], '', $path);
        return preg_replace($pattern, '', $path);

     * Prepare path, Prevent some hacks and misuses.
     * @param mixed $path
    public function _prepare_path($path = '')
        if (is_array($path)) {
            foreach ((array) $path as $k => $v) {
                $path[$k] = $this->_prepare_path($v);
            return $path;
        $bad_chars = ['`', '"', "'", '..', '~', ' ', "\t", "\r", "\n", '|', '<', '>', '&'];
        $result = str_replace($bad_chars, '', rtrim(str_replace(['\\', '//', '///'], '/', trim($path)), '/'));
        return $result ? $result : '/';

     * Prepare text for using inside (grep '%text%') or similar commands.
     * @param mixed $text
    public function _prepare_text($text = '')
        if (is_array($text)) {
            foreach ((array) $path as $k => $v) {
                $text[$k] = $this->_prepare_text($v);
            return $text;
        $text = preg_replace('/[\x0A-\xFF]/i', '', $text);
        $replace = [
            '\\' => '\\\\',
            '`' => '\\`',
            '"' => '\\"',
            "'" => "\\'",
            '|' => '\\|',
            '<' => '\\<',
            '>' => '\\>',
            '&' => '\\&',
            "\t" => '',
            "\r" => '',
            "\n" => '',
        $text = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $text);
        return $text;

     * Log internal action (Currently we store here successful actions, not errors for debug).
     * @param mixed $server_info
     * @param mixed $action
     * @param mixed $comment
    public function _log($server_info = [], $action = '', $comment = '')
        if ( ! $this->LOG_ACTIONS) {
            return false;
        $SERVER_ID = $this->_get_server_id($server_info);
        $sql_array = [
            'server_id' => _es($SERVER_ID),
            'microtime' => _es(str_replace(',', '.', microtime(true))),
            'init_type' => _es(MAIN_TYPE),
            'action' => _es($action),
            'comment' => _es($comment),
            'get_object' => _es($_GET['object']),
            'get_action' => _es($_GET['action']),
            'user_id' => (int) ($_SESSION['user_id']),
            'user_group' => (int) ($_SESSION['user_group']),
            'ip' => _es(common()->get_ip()),
        return db()->INSERT('log_ssh_action', $sql_array);

     * Convert string permission output to numerical.
     * @param mixed $perm
    public function _perm_str2num($perm = '')
        $perm_len = strlen(trim($perm));
        if ($perm_len > 10 && $perm_len < 9) {
            return false;
        if ($perm_len == 10) {
            $perm = substr($perm, 1);
        // Compatibility with sticky bit, setuid, setgid (
        $perm = str_replace(['s', 'S', 't', 'T'], ['x', '-', 'x', '-'], $perm);

        foreach ((array) str_split($perm) as $k => $v) {
            if ($v == '-') {
            // Owner
            if ($k == 0) {
                $own += 4;
            if ($k == 1) {
                $own += 2;
            if ($k == 2) {
                $own += 1;
            // Group
            if ($k == 3) {
                $grp += 4;
            if ($k == 4) {
                $grp += 2;
            if ($k == 5) {
                $grp += 1;
            // Others
            if ($k == 6) {
                $oth += 4;
            if ($k == 7) {
                $oth += 2;
            if ($k == 8) {
                $oth += 1;
        return '0' . $own . '' . $grp . '' . $oth;