

6 days
Test Coverage

 * Core blocks methods.
 * @author        YFix Team <>
 * @version        1.0
class yf_core_blocks
    public $TASK_NOT_FOUND_404_HEADER = false;
    public $TASK_DENIED_403_HEADER = false;

     * Catch missing method call.
     * @param mixed $name
     * @param mixed $args
    public function __call($name, $args)
        return main()->extend_call($this, $name, $args);

     * Alias for the '_show_block'.
     * @param mixed $params
    public function show_block($params = [])
        return $this->_show_block($params);

     * Show custom block contents.
     * @param mixed $input
    public function _show_block($input = [])
        if ( ! isset($this->_blocks_infos)) {
            $this->_blocks_infos = main()->get_data('blocks_all');
        if (empty($this->_blocks_infos)) {
            if ( ! $this->_error_no_blocks_raised) {
                trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': Blocks names not loaded', E_USER_WARNING);
                $this->_error_no_blocks_raised = true;
            return false;
        $BLOCK_EXISTS = false;
        if (isset($input['block_id']) && is_numeric($input['block_id'])) {
            $block_info = $this->_blocks_infos[$input['block_id']];
            if ($block_info && trim($block_info['type']) == MAIN_TYPE) {
                $block_id = $input['block_id'];
                $block_name = $block_info['name'];
                $BLOCK_EXISTS = true;
        } else {
            $block_name = $input['name'];
            if (empty($block_name)) {
                trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': Given empty block name to show', E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;
            foreach ((array) $this->_blocks_infos as $block_info) {
                // Skip blocks from other init type ('admin' or 'user')
                if (trim($block_info['type']) != MAIN_TYPE) {
                // Found!
                if ($block_info['name'] == $block_name) {
                    $BLOCK_EXISTS = true;
                    $block_id = $block_info['id'];
        if ( ! $BLOCK_EXISTS) {
            trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': block "' . _prepare_html($block_name) . '" not found in blocks list', E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        if ( ! $this->_blocks_infos[$block_id]['active']) {
            return false;
        if ( ! $this->_check_block_rights($block_id, $_GET['object'], $_GET['action'])) {
            return $this->_action_on_block_denied($block_name);
        $cur_block_info = $this->_blocks_infos[$block_id];
        //     If special object method specified - then call it
        //    Syntax: [path_to]$class_name.$method_name
        //    @example ''
        //    @example 'classes/minicalendar.createcalendar'
        if ( ! empty($cur_block_info['method_name'])) {
            $special_path = '';
            if (false !== strpos($cur_block_info['method_name'], '/')) {
                $special_path = substr($cur_block_info['method_name'], 0, strrpos($cur_block_info['method_name'], '/') + 1);
                $cur_block_info['method_name'] = substr($cur_block_info['method_name'], strrpos($cur_block_info['method_name'], '/') + 1);
            list($special_class_name, $special_method_name) = explode('.', $cur_block_info['method_name']);
            $special_params = [
                'block_name' => $block_name,
                'block_id' => $block_id,
            if ( ! empty($special_class_name) && ! empty($special_method_name)) {
                $obj = _class_safe($special_class_name, $special_path);
                if (is_object($obj) && method_exists($obj, $special_method_name)) {
                    return $obj->$special_method_name($special_params);
                trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': block "' . _prepare_html($block_name) . '" custom php module.method not exists: ' . _prepare_html($cur_block_info['method_name']), E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;
        $prepend = _class('core_events')->fire('block.prepend[' . $block_name . ']');

        $body = tpl()->parse($cur_block_info['stpl_name'] ?: $block_name, [
            'block_name' => $block_name,
            'block_id' => $block_id,

        $append = _class('core_events')->fire('block.append[' . $block_name . ']', [&$body]);

        return ($prepend ? implode(PHP_EOL, $prepend) : '') . $body . ($append ? implode(PHP_EOL, $append) : '');

     * Action to on denied block.
     * @param mixed $block_name
    public function _action_on_block_denied($block_name = '')
        if ($block_name == 'center_area') {
            if ($this->TASK_DENIED_403_HEADER) {
                header(($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1') . ' 403 Forbidden');
                main()->IS_403 = true;
            if (MAIN_TYPE_USER && ! main()->USER_ID) {
                $redir_params = [
                    '%%object%%' => $_GET['object'],
                    '%%action%%' => $_GET['action'],
                    '%%add_get_vars%%' => str_replace('&', ';', _add_get(['object', 'action'])),
                $redir_url = str_replace(array_keys($redir_params), array_values($redir_params), main()->REDIR_URL_DENIED);
                if ( ! empty($redir_url)) {
                    if ($_GET['object'] == 'login_form') {
                        return 'Access to login form denied on center block (' . __CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__ . ')';
                    return js_redirect($redir_url);
            } elseif (MAIN_TYPE_USER && main()->USER_ID) {
                return '<div class="alert alert-error alert-danger">' . t('Access denied') . '</div>';
            } elseif (MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN && main()->ADMIN_ID) {
                return '<div class="alert alert-error alert-danger">' . t('Access denied') . '</div>';
                //} elseif (MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN && !main()->ADMIN_ID) {
        return false;

     * Try to find id of the center block.
    public function _get_center_block_id()
        if ( ! isset($this->_blocks_infos)) {
            $this->_blocks_infos = main()->get_data('blocks_all');
        $center_block_id = 0;
        foreach ((array) $this->_blocks_infos as $cur_block_id => $cur_block_info) {
            if ($cur_block_info['type'] == MAIN_TYPE && trim($cur_block_info['name']) == 'center_area') {
                $center_block_id = $cur_block_id;
        return $center_block_id;

     * Load array of blocks rules.
    public function _load_blocks_rules()
        if ( ! empty($this->_blocks_rules)) {
            return false;
        $rules = main()->get_data('blocks_rules');
        $rule_names_to_skip = ['id', 'block_id', 'rule_type', 'active', 'order'];
        foreach ((array) $rules as $rule_id => $rule_info) {
            foreach ((array) $rule_info as $rule_name => $rule_text) {
                if (in_array($rule_name, $rule_names_to_skip) || empty($rule_text)) {
                $rule_text = trim(str_replace([' ', "\t", "\r", "\n", '"', "'", ',,'], '', $rule_text), ',');
                $rule_text = explode(',', $rule_text);
                $rules[$rule_id][$rule_name] = $rule_text;
        $this->_blocks_rules = $rules;

    public function _get_center_block_rules()
        $rules = &$this->CENTER_BLOCK_RULES;
        if (isset($rules)) {
            return $rules;
        $this->CENTER_BLOCK_ID = $this->_get_center_block_id();

        $rules = [];
        foreach ((array) $this->_blocks_rules as $rid => $rinfo) {
            if ($rinfo != $this->CENTER_BLOCK_ID) {
            $rules[$rid] = $rinfo;

        $this->CENTER_BLOCK_RULES = $rules;
        return $rules;

     * Check rights for blocks.
     * @param mixed $block_id
     * @param mixed $OBJECT
     * @param mixed $ACTION
    public function _check_block_rights($block_id = 0, $OBJECT = '', $ACTION = '')
        if (empty($block_id) || empty($OBJECT)) {
            return false;
        if (empty($ACTION)) {
            $ACTION = 'show';
        $CUR_USER_GROUP = (int) (MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN ? $_SESSION['admin_group'] : $_SESSION['user_group']);
        $CUR_USER_THEME = conf('theme');
        $CUR_LOCALE = conf('language');
        $CUR_SITE = (int) conf('SITE_ID');
        $CUR_SERVER_ID = (int) conf('SERVER_ID');
        $CUR_SERVER_ROLE = conf('SERVER_ROLE');
        $RESULT = false;
        if ( ! isset($this->_blocks_rules)) {
        foreach ((array) $this->_blocks_rules as $rule_id => $rule_info) {
            if ($rule_info['block_id'] != $block_id) {
            $matched_method = false;
            $matched_user_group = false;
            $matched_theme = false;
            $matched_locale = false;
            $matched_site = false;
            $matched_server_id = false;
            $matched_server_role = false;
            // Check matches
            if (is_array($rule_info['methods']) && (in_array($OBJECT, $rule_info['methods']) || in_array($OBJECT . '.' . $ACTION, $rule_info['methods']))) {
                $matched_method = true;
            if (is_array($rule_info['user_groups']) && in_array($CUR_USER_GROUP, $rule_info['user_groups'])) {
                $matched_user_group = true;
            if (is_array($rule_info['themes']) && in_array($CUR_USER_THEME, $rule_info['themes'])) {
                $matched_theme = true;
            if (is_array($rule_info['locales']) && in_array($CUR_LOCALE, $rule_info['locales'])) {
                $matched_locale = true;
            if (is_array($rule_info['site_ids']) && in_array($CUR_SITE, $rule_info['site_ids'])) {
                $matched_site = true;
            if (is_array($rule_info['server_ids']) && in_array($CUR_SERVER_ID, $rule_info['server_ids'])) {
                $matched_server_id = true;
            if (is_array($rule_info['server_roles']) && in_array($CUR_SERVER_ROLE, $rule_info['server_roles'])) {
                $matched_server_role = true;
            if (( ! is_array($rule_info['methods']) || $matched_method)
                && ( ! is_array($rule_info['user_groups']) || $matched_user_group)
                && ( ! is_array($rule_info['themes']) || $matched_theme || ! $CUR_USER_THEME)
                && ( ! is_array($rule_info['locales']) || $matched_locale || ! $CUR_LOCALE)
                && ( ! is_array($rule_info['site_ids']) || $matched_site || ! $CUR_SITE)
                && ( ! is_array($rule_info['server_ids']) || $matched_server_id || ! $CUR_SERVER_ID)
                && ( ! is_array($rule_info['server_roles']) || $matched_server_role || ! $CUR_SERVER_ROLE)
            ) {
                $RESULT = trim($rule_info['rule_type']) == 'ALLOW' ? true : false;
        return $RESULT;

     * Try to run center block module/method if allowed.
    public function prefetch_center()
        $block_name = 'center_area';
        if ( ! isset($this->_blocks_infos)) {
            $this->_blocks_infos = main()->get_data('blocks_all');
        if (empty($this->_blocks_infos)) {
            return false;
        $BLOCK_EXISTS = false;
        foreach ((array) $this->_blocks_infos as $block_info) {
            if (trim($block_info['type']) != MAIN_TYPE) {
            if ($block_info['name'] == $block_name) {
                $BLOCK_EXISTS = true;
                $block_id = $block_info['id'];
        if ( ! $BLOCK_EXISTS) {
            return false;
        if ( ! $this->_blocks_infos[$block_id]['active']) {
            return false;
        if ( ! $this->_check_block_rights($block_id, $_GET['object'], $_GET['action'])) {
            return _class('graphics')->_action_on_block_denied($block_name);
        return $this->tasks($allowed_check = true);

     * Display main 'center' block contents.
    public function show_center()
        return $this->tasks($allowed_check = true);

    public function _get_denied_tasks_names()
        $cache = 'cache_' . __FUNCTION__;
        if (isset($this->$cache)) {
            return $this->$cache;
        $names = [];
        $ext = '.class.php';
        $pattern = '{,plugins/*/}classes/*' . $ext;
        $globs = [
            'framework' => YF_PATH . $pattern,
            'project' => PROJECT_PATH . $pattern,
            'app' => APP_PATH . $pattern,
        $ext_len = strlen($ext);
        $names = [];
        $prefix = YF_PREFIX;
        $plen = strlen($prefix);
        foreach ($globs as $glob) {
            foreach (glob($glob, GLOB_BRACE) as $path) {
                $name = substr(basename($path), 0, -$ext_len);
                if (substr($name, 0, $plen) === $prefix) {
                    $name = substr($name, $plen);
                $names[$name] = $name;
        if ($exclude = $this->FORCE_ALLOWED_CLASSES) {
            foreach ((array) $exclude as $name) {
                if (isset($names[$name])) {
        $this->$cache = $names;
        return $names;

     * Main $_GET tasks handler.
     * @param mixed $allowed_check
    public function tasks($allowed_check = false)
        $main = main();
        if ($main->is_console() || $main->is_ajax()) {
        // Singleton
        $_center_result = tpl()->_CENTER_RESULT;
        if (isset($_center_result)) {
            return $_center_result;
        $not_found = false;
        $access_denied = false;
        $custom_handler_exists = false;

        $OBJECT = &$_GET['object'];
        $ACTION = &$_GET['action'];

        // Check if called class method is 'private' - then do not use it
        // Also we protect here core classes that can be instantinated before this method and can be allowed by mistake
        // Use other module names, think about this list as "reserved" words
        if (substr($ACTION, 0, 1) == '_' || ! strlen($OBJECT) || substr($OBJECT, 0, strlen(YF_PREFIX)) === YF_PREFIX || in_array($OBJECT, $this->_get_denied_tasks_names())) {
            $access_denied = true;
        if ( ! $access_denied) {
            $obj = module($OBJECT);
            if ( ! is_object($obj)) {
                $not_found = true;
            if ( ! $not_found && ! method_exists($obj, $ACTION)) {
                $not_found = true;
            // Check if we have custom action handler in module (catch all requests to module methods)
            if (method_exists($obj, $main->MODULE_ACTION_HANDLER)) {
                $custom_handler_exists = true;
            if ( ! $not_found || $custom_handler_exists) {
                if ($custom_handler_exists) {
                    $not_found = false;
                    $body = $obj->{$main->MODULE_ACTION_HANDLER}($ACTION, $main->_ARGS_DIRTY);
                } else {
                    $is_banned = false;
                    if (MAIN_TYPE_USER && $main->AUTO_BAN_CHECKING) {
                        $is_banned = _class('ban_status')->_auto_check([]);
                    if ($is_banned) {
                        $body = _e();
                    } else {
                        $body = $obj->$ACTION();
        $redirect_func = function ($url) {
            $redir_params = [
                '%%object%%' => $OBJECT,
                '%%action%%' => $ACTION,
                '%%add_get_vars%%' => str_replace('&', ';', _add_get(['object', 'action'])),
            $redir_url = str_replace(array_keys($redir_params), array_values($redir_params), $url);
            if ( ! empty($redir_url)) {
                redirect($redir_url, 1, tpl()->parse('system/error_not_found'));
        if ($not_found) {
            $main->BLOCKS_TASK_404 = true;
            if ($this->TASK_NOT_FOUND_404_HEADER) {
                header(($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1') . ' 404 Not Found');
                $main->IS_404 = true;
            if (_class('graphics')->NOT_FOUND_RAISE_WARNING) {
                trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': Task not found: ' . $OBJECT . '.' . $ACTION, E_USER_WARNING);
            if (MAIN_TYPE_USER) {
                $u = $main->REDIR_URL_NOT_FOUND;
                if (is_array($u) && ! empty($u)) {
                    // Prefill GET keys from redirect url
                    foreach (['object', 'action', 'id', 'page'] as $k) {
                        $_GET[$k] = $u[$k];
                    if ( ! empty($u['object'])) {
                        $action = $u['action'] ?: 'show';
                        $body = _class_safe($u['object'], $u['path'])->$action();
                    } elseif (isset($u['stpl'])) {
                        echo tpl()->parse($u['stpl']);
                } else {
                    $redir_func = $this->REDIRECT_CALLBACK_404 ?: $redirect_func;
        } elseif ($allowed_check && $access_denied) {
            $main->BLOCKS_TASK_403 = true;
            if ($this->TASK_DENIED_403_HEADER) {
                header(($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1') . ' 403 Forbidden');
                $main->IS_403 = true;
            trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': Access denied: ' . $OBJECT . '.' . $ACTION, E_USER_WARNING);
            if (MAIN_TYPE_USER) {
                $redir_func = $this->REDIRECT_CALLBACK_403 ?: $redirect_func;
        $block_name = 'center_area';
        $events = _class('core_events');
        $prepend = $events->fire('block.prepend[' . $block_name . ']');
        $append = $events->fire('block.append[' . $block_name . ']', [&$body]);
        $body = ($prepend ? implode(PHP_EOL, $prepend) : '') . $body . ($append ? implode(PHP_EOL, $append) : '');
        // Singleton
        tpl()->_CENTER_RESULT = (string) $body;
        // Output only center content, when we are inside AJAX_MODE
        if ($main->is_ajax()) {
            echo $body;
        return $body;