

5 days
Test Coverage

 * Menu API methods.
 * @author        YFix Team <>
 * @version        1.0
class yf_core_menu
    /** @conf_skip */
    public $USE_DYNAMIC_ATTS = true;

     * Catch missing method call.
     * @param mixed $name
     * @param mixed $args
    public function __call($name, $args)
        return main()->extend_call($this, $name, $args);

     * Show menu (alias for the '_show_menu').
     * @param mixed $params
    public function show($params)
        return $this->_show_menu($params);

     * Show menu (alias for the '_show_menu').
     * @param mixed $params
    public function show_menu($params)
        return $this->_show_menu($params);

     * Show menu
     *     $_item_types = array(
     *        1 => 'Internal link',
     *        2 => 'External link',
     *        3 => 'Spacer',
     *        4 => 'Divider',
     *    );.
     * @param mixed $params
    public function _show_menu($params = [])
        $return_array = isset($params['return_array']) ? $params['return_array'] : false;
        $force_stpl_name = isset($params['force_stpl_name']) ? $params['force_stpl_name'] : false;
        $menu_name = $params['name'];
        if (empty($menu_name)) {
            trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': Given empty menu name to display', E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        $cur_menu_info = $this->_get_cur_menu_info($menu_name);
        if ( ! $cur_menu_info['active']) {
            return false;
        _class('core_events')->fire('core.before_menu', [
            'name' => $menu_name,
            'info' => $cur_menu_info,
            'params' => $params,
        if ($force_stpl_name) {
            $cur_menu_info['stpl_name'] = $force_stpl_name;
        $stpl_item = ! empty($cur_menu_info['stpl_name']) ? $cur_menu_info['stpl_name'] . '_item' : 'system/menu_item';
        $stpl_main = ! empty($cur_menu_info['stpl_name']) ? $cur_menu_info['stpl_name'] : 'system/menu_main';
        $stpl_pad = ! empty($cur_menu_info['stpl_name']) ? $cur_menu_info['stpl_name'] . '_pad' : 'system/menu_pad';
        $level_pad_text = tpl()->parse($stpl_pad);

        $menu_items = $this->_get_menu_items($cur_menu_info);
        if (empty($menu_items)) {
            return false;
        $num_menu_items = count((array) $menu_items);
        $_prev_level = 0;
        $_next_level = 0;
        $item_counter = 0;
        $in_output_cache = main()->_IN_OUTPUT_CACHE;
        $ICONS_DIR = _class('graphics')->ICONS_PATH;
        $MEDIA_PATH = _class('graphics')->MEDIA_PATH;

        $item_links = [];
        $cur_page_id = null;
        foreach ((array) $menu_items as $i => $item) {
            $is_cur_page = false;
            $item_link = '';
            if (substr($item['location'], 0, 3) == './?') {
                $item['location'] = substr($item['location'], 3);
            // Internal link
            if ($item['type_id'] == 1 && strlen($item['location']) > 0) {
                $is_cur_page = $this->_is_current_page($item);
                $item_link = './?' . $item['location'];
            } elseif ($item['type_id'] == 2) {
                $item_link = $item['location'];
            $id = $item['id'];
            if ($is_cur_page) {
                $cur_page_id = $id;
            $item_links[$id] = $item_link;
        foreach ((array) $menu_items as $i => $item) {
            $id = $item['id'];
            $_next_info = isset($menu_items[$i + 1]) ? $menu_items[$i + 1] : [];
            $_next_level = isset($_next_info['level']) ? (int) $_next_info['level'] : 0;
            $icon = trim($item['icon']);
            $icon_path = '';
            $icon_class = '';
            if ($icon) {
                // Icon class from bootstrap icon class names
                if (preg_match('/^icon\-[a-z0-9_-]+$/i', $icon) || (strpos($icon, '.') === false)) {
                    $icon_class = $icon;
                } else {
                    $_icon_fs_path = PROJECT_PATH . $ICONS_DIR . $icon;
                    if (file_exists($_icon_fs_path)) {
                        $icon_path = $MEDIA_PATH . $ICONS_DIR . $icon;
            $items[$item['id']] = [
                'item_id' => (int) ($item['id']),
                'parent_id' => (int) ($item['parent_id']),
                'bg_class' => ! ($item_counter % 2) ? 'bg1' : 'bg2',
                'link' => $item_links[$id],
                'name' => _prepare_html(t($item['name'])),
                'level_pad' => str_repeat($level_pad_text, $item['level']),
                'level_num' => (int) ($item['level']),
                'prev_level' => (int) $_prev_level,
                'next_level' => (int) $_next_level,
                'type_id' => $item['type_id'],
                'icon_path' => $icon_path,
                'icon_class' => $icon_class,
                'is_first_item' => (int) ($item_counter == 1),
                'is_last_item' => (int) ($item_counter == $num_menu_items),
                'is_cur_page' => (int) ($id === $cur_page_id),
                'have_children' => (int) ((bool) $item['have_children']),
                'next_level_diff' => (int) (abs($item['level'] - $_next_level)),
            // Save current level for the next iteration
            $_prev_level = $item['level'];
        _class('core_events')->fire('core.after_menu', [
            'name' => $menu_name,
            'items' => $items,
            'params' => $params,
        if ($return_array) {
            return $items;
        foreach ((array) $items as $id => $item) {
            $items[$id] = tpl()->parse($stpl_item, $item);
        return tpl()->parse($stpl_main, [
            'items' => implode(PHP_EOL, (array) $items),

     * @param mixed $cur_menu_info
    public function _get_menu_items($cur_menu_info)
        $menu_id = $cur_menu_info['id'];
        $menu_name = $cur_menu_info['name'];
        if ( ! isset($this->_menu_items)) {
            $this->_menu_items = main()->get_data('menu_items');
        // Do not show menu if there is no items in it
        if (empty($this->_menu_items[$menu_id])) {
            return false;
        // Check if we need to call special menu handler
        $special_class_name = '';
        $special_method_name = '';
        if (false !== strpos($cur_menu_info['method_name'], '.')) {
            list($special_class_name, $special_method_name) = explode('.', $cur_menu_info['method_name']);
        $special_params = [
            'menu_name' => $menu_name,
            'menu_id' => $menu_id,
        $menu_items = [];
        if ( ! empty($special_class_name) && ! empty($special_method_name)) {
            $menu_items = _class($special_class_name, $special_path)->$special_method_name($special_params);
        } else {
            $menu_items = $this->_recursive_get_menu_items($menu_id);
        // Support for custom fields, that will be available as menu_items array keys
        $menu_items = $this->_apply_custom_fields($cur_menu_info, $menu_items);
        $menu_items = $this->_cleanup_menu_items($menu_items);
        return $menu_items;

     * @param mixed $menu_name
    public function _get_cur_menu_info($menu_name)
        if ( ! isset($this->_menus_infos)) {
            $this->_menus_infos = main()->get_data('menus');
        if (empty($this->_menus_infos)) {
            if ( ! $this->_error_no_menus_raised) {
                trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': Menus info not loaded', E_USER_WARNING);
                $this->_error_no_menus_raised = true;
            return false;
        $menu_id = 0;
        foreach ((array) $this->_menus_infos as $menu_info) {
            if ($menu_info['type'] != MAIN_TYPE) {
            if ($menu_info['name'] == $menu_name) {
                $menu_id = $menu_info['id'];
        if ( ! $menu_id) {
            trigger_error(__CLASS__ . ': Menu name "' . _prepare_html($menu_name) . '" not found in menus list', E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        return $this->_menus_infos[$menu_id];

     * @param mixed $cur_menu_info
     * @param mixed $menu_items
    public function _apply_custom_fields($cur_menu_info, $menu_items)
        $custom_fields = [];
        if ($cur_menu_info['custom_fields']) {
            foreach (explode(',', str_replace(';', ',', trim($cur_menu_info['custom_fields']))) as $f) {
                $f = trim($f);
                if ($f) {
                    $custom_fields[$f] = $f;
        if ($this->USE_DYNAMIC_ATTS && $custom_fields) {
            foreach ((array) $menu_items as $item_id => $item_info) {
                $custom_attrs = [];
                if ( ! strlen($item_info['other_info'])) {
                $custom_attrs = (array) _attrs_string2array($item_info['other_info']);
                foreach ((array) $custom_fields as $f) {
                    $menu_items[$item_id][$f] = (string) ($custom_attrs[$f]);
        return $menu_items;

     * @param mixed $menu_items
    public function _cleanup_menu_items($menu_items = [])
        $center_block_id = _class('graphics')->_get_center_block_id();

        $out = [];
        foreach ((array) $menu_items as $item_id => $item) {
            if (empty($item)) {
            // Check PHP conditional code for display
            if ( ! empty($item['cond_code'])) {
                $cond_result = (bool) eval('return (' . $item['cond_code'] . ');');
                if ( ! $cond_result) {
            if (substr($item['location'], 0, 3) == './?') {
                $item['location'] = substr($item['location'], 3);
            // Internal link
            if ($item['type_id'] == 1 && strlen($item['location']) > 0) {
                parse_str($item['location'], $_item_parts);
                if (_class('graphics')->MENU_HIDE_INACTIVE_MODULES) {
                    if ( ! isset($this->_active_modules)) {
                        $cl_name = MAIN_TYPE_USER ? 'user_modules' : 'admin_modules';
                        $this->_active_modules = _class($cl_name, 'admin_modules/')->_get_modules();
                    if ($_item_parts['object'] && ! isset($this->_active_modules[$_item_parts['object']])) {
                    if ($center_block_id && ! _class('graphics')->_check_block_rights($center_block_id, $_item_parts['object'], $_item_parts['action']) && $_item_parts['task'] != 'logout') {
            $out[] = $item;
        // Check for empty blocks starts with spacers
        if (_class('graphics')->MENU_HIDE_INACTIVE_MODULES) {
            foreach ((array) $out as $i => $item) {
                if ($item['level_num'] == 0 && $item['type_id'] == 3) {
                    $next_item = $out[$i + 1];
                    if ( ! $next_item || ($next_item['level_num'] == 0 && $next_item['type_id'] == 3)) {
        return $out;

     * @param mixed $item
    public function _is_current_page($item)
        $object = $_GET['object'];
        $action = $_GET['action'];
        $id = $_GET['id'];
        $is_cur_page = false;
        parse_str($item['location'], $u);
        // Check if we are on the current page
        if (isset($u['object']) && $u['object'] && $u['object'] == $object) {
            if (isset($u['action']) && $u['action']) {
                if ($u['action'] == $action) {
                    // Needed for static pages
                    if ($u['id']) {
                        if ($u['id'] == $id) {
                            $is_cur_page = true;
                    } else {
                        $is_cur_page = true;
            } else {
                $is_cur_page = true;
        return $is_cur_page;

     * Template for the custom class method for menu block (useful to inherit).
     * @param mixed $params
    public function _custom_menu_items($params = [])
        // Example what passes by params
        $params = [
            'menu_name' => $menu_name,
            'menu_id' => $menu_id,
        return false;

     * Get menu items ordered array (recursively).
     * @param mixed $menu_id
     * @param mixed $skip_item_id
    public function _recursive_get_menu_items($menu_id = 0, $skip_item_id = 0)
        if (empty($menu_id) || empty($this->_menu_items[$menu_id])) {
            return false;
        if (MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN) {
            $CUR_USER_GROUP = (int) main()->ADMIN_GROUP;
        } elseif (MAIN_TYPE_USER) {
            $CUR_USER_GROUP = (int) main()->USER_GROUP;
            if (empty($CUR_USER_GROUP)) {
                $CUR_USER_GROUP = 1;
        $CUR_SITE = (int) conf('SITE_ID');
        $CUR_SERVER = (int) conf('SERVER_ID');

        $items_ids = [];
        $items_array = [];
        foreach ((array) $this->_menu_items[$menu_id] as $item) {
            if ($skip_item_id == $item['id']) {
            if ( ! empty($item['user_groups'])) {
                $user_groups = [];
                foreach (explode(',', $item['user_groups']) as $v) {
                    if ( ! empty($v)) {
                        $user_groups[$v] = $v;
                if ( ! empty($user_groups) && ! isset($user_groups[$CUR_USER_GROUP])) {
            if ( ! empty($item['site_ids'])) {
                $site_ids = [];
                foreach (explode(',', $item['site_ids']) as $v) {
                    if ( ! empty($v)) {
                        $site_ids[$v] = $v;
                if ( ! empty($site_ids) && ! isset($site_ids[$CUR_SITE])) {
            if ( ! empty($item['server_ids'])) {
                $server_ids = [];
                foreach (explode(',', $item['server_ids']) as $v) {
                    if ( ! empty($v)) {
                        $server_ids[$v] = $v;
                if ( ! empty($server_ids) && ! isset($server_ids[$CUR_SERVER])) {
            $items_array[$item['id']] = $item;
        return $this->_recursive_sort_items($items_array, $skip_item_id);

     * Get and sort items ordered array (recursively).
     * @param mixed $items
     * @param mixed $skip_item_id
    public function _recursive_sort_items($items = [], $skip_item_id = 0)
        $children = [];
        foreach ((array) $items as $id => $info) {
            $parent_id = $info['parent_id'];
            if ($skip_item_id == $id) {
            $children[$parent_id][$id] = $id;
        $ids = $this->_count_levels(0, $children);
        $new_items = [];
        foreach ((array) $ids as $id => $level) {
            $new_items[$id] = $items[$id] + ['level' => $level];
        return $new_items;

     * @param mixed $start_id
     * @param mixed $level
    public function _count_levels($start_id = 0, &$children, $level = 0)
        $ids = [];
        foreach ((array) $children[$start_id] as $id => $_tmp) {
            $ids[$id] = $level;
            if (isset($children[$id])) {
                foreach ((array) $this->_count_levels($id, $children, $level + 1) as $_id => $_level) {
                    $ids[$_id] = $_level;
        return $ids;