

Test Coverage
<p>{t(This is the list of your favorite users, those you like and might be interested in contacting in the future)}. 
    {t(You can add site users to your favorites list while browsing our site and come back to their profile later)}. 
    {t(This will help you not to forget or miss interesting contacts)}.
{if("items" ne "")}
<table align="left">
        <th width="140">{t(Avatar)}</th>
        <th width="80%">{t(Details)}</th>
    <tr class="{items.bg_class}">
        <td valign="top" align="center">{#.avatar}</td>
        <td align="left" valign="top"><a href="{#.profile_link}"><b>{#.user_name}</b></a><br />
        <small>{t(Location)}: {#.location}<br />
        {t(Sex)}: {#.gender}<br />
{t(Age)}: {#.age}</small><br /><br />
<a href="{#.delete_link}" onclick="return confirm('{t(Are_you_sure)}?')" class="actionlink">{t(Delete)}</a></td>
{if("items" eq "")}
    <br />
    <div align="center">{t(No favorite users yet)}</div>

{if("pages" ne "")}
    <br /><br />
    <div align="center">{t(Pages)}: {pages}</div>