

4 days
Test Coverage

// User profile handling module
class yf_user_profile extends yf_module
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_ADS = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_REVIEWS = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_USER_REVIEWS = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_FORUM_POSTS = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_ARTICLES = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_BLOG_POSTS = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_GALLERY_PHOTO = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_COMMENTS = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_FRIEND_OF = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $MAX_SHOW_FRIENDS = 10;
    /** @var int */
    public $ADS_TEXT_PREVIEW_LENGTH = 250;

    // Module constructor
    public function _init()
        if ( ! empty($_SESSION['edit_escort_id'])) {
            // Do cache
            if ( ! isset($GLOBALS['_agency_info'])) {
                $agencies_infos = main()->get_data('agencies');
                $GLOBALS['_agency_info'] = $agencies_infos[$_SESSION['user_id']];
            if ( ! empty($GLOBALS['_agency_info'])) {
                $this->_agency_info = &$GLOBALS['_agency_info'];
            main()->USER_ID = $_SESSION['edit_escort_id'];
            main()->USER_GROUP = 3;
        } else {
            main()->USER_ID = main()->USER_ID;
            main()->USER_GROUP = main()->USER_GROUP;
        // Get user account type
        $this->_account_types = main()->get_data('account_types');
        if ($_GET['action'] == 'show') {
            // Try to get user info
        // Init friends module
        $this->FRIENDS_OBJ = module('friends');
        // Params for the comments
        $this->_comments_params = [
            'return_action' => 'show',
            'object_id' => (int) ($this->_user_info['id']),
        // Array of dynamic info
        if (main()->USER_INFO_DYNAMIC) {
            $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . db('user_data_info_fields') . ' WHERE active=1 ORDER BY `order`, name';
            $Q = db()->query($sql);
            while ($A = db()->fetch_assoc($Q)) {
                $this->_dynamic_fields[$A['name']] = $A;

    // Try to get user info
    public function _get_user_info()
        if ( ! empty($this->_user_info)) {
            return '';
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        if ( ! isset($_GET['profile_url']) && ! isset($_GET['id']) && ! empty(main()->USER_ID)) {
            $user_id = main()->USER_ID;
        } elseif (isset($_GET['profile_url'])) {
            $this->_user_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('user') . " WHERE profile_url='" . _es($_GET['profile_url']) . "' AND active='1'");
            $user_id = $_GET['id'] = (int) ($user_info['id']);
        } elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) {
            $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
            $user_id = ! empty($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : main()->USER_ID;
        // Try to get user info
        if ( ! empty($user_id) && empty($this->_user_info)) {
            $this->_user_info = user($user_id, 'full', ['WHERE' => ['active' => 1]]);
        // Set global user info (for other modules)
        $GLOBALS['user_info'] = $this->_user_info;

    // Default function
    public function show()
        // Check if user exists
        if (empty($this->_user_info)) {
            return _e('No such user!');

        if ($this->_user_info['group'] == '99') {
            $community_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT id FROM ' . db('community') . ' WHERE user_id=' . (int) ($this->_user_info['id']));
            return js_redirect('./?object=community&action=view&id=' . $community_info['id']);

        // Skip other user accounts
        if ( ! array_key_exists($this->_user_info['group'], $this->_account_types)) {
            return _e('Wrong account type!');
        // Fix dates
        if (empty($this->_user_info['last_login'])) {
            $this->_user_info['last_login'] = $this->_user_info['add_date'];
        if (empty($this->_user_info['last_update'])) {
            $this->_user_info['last_update'] = $this->_user_info['add_date'];
        // Get live quick user stats
        $totals = _class_safe('user_stats')->_get_live_stats(['user_id' => $this->_user_info['id']]);

        // Process template
        $forum_posts = $totals['forum_posts'] ? $this->_show_forum_posts() : '';
        $blog_posts = $totals['blog_posts'] ? $this->_show_blog_posts() : '';
        $article_posts = $totals['articles'] ? $this->_show_articles() : '';

        $replace = [
            'user_name' => _display_name($this->_user_info),
            'user_group' => $this->_user_info['group'],
//            "birth_date"        => $this->_user_info["birth_date"],
            'emails_received' => (int) ($this->_user_info['emails']),
            'emails_sent' => (int) ($this->_user_info['emailssent']),
            'reg_date' => _format_date($this->_user_info['add_date']),
            'last_update' => _format_date($this->_user_info['last_update'], 'long'),
            'last_login' => _format_date($this->_user_info['last_login'], 'long'),
            'num_logins' => (int) ($this->_user_info['num_logins']),
            'site_visits' => (int) ($this->_user_info['sitevisits']),
            'visits' => in_array($this->_user_info['group'], [3, 4]) ? (int) ($this->_user_info['visits']) : '',
            'info_items' => $this->_show_info_items(),
            'forum_posts' => $forum_posts[0],
            'forum_pages' => $forum_posts[1],
            'blog_posts' => $blog_posts[0],
            'blog_pages' => $blog_posts[1],
            'gallery_photos' => $totals['gallery_photos'] ? $this->_show_gallery_photos() : '',
            'friend_of_users' => $this->_show_friend_of(),
            'friends_users' => /*$totals["try_friends"]    ? */$this->_show_friends()/* : ""*/,
            'interests' => $totals['try_interests'] ? $this->_show_interests() : '',
            'articles' => $article_posts[0],
            'articles_pages' => $article_posts[1],
            'num_forum_posts' => $this->_num_forum_posts > $this->MAX_SHOW_FORUM_POSTS ? (int) ($this->_num_forum_posts) : 0,
            'num_blog_posts' => $this->_num_blog_posts > $this->MAX_SHOW_BLOG_POSTS ? (int) ($this->_num_blog_posts) : 0,
            'num_friend_of' => $GLOBALS['profile_total_friend_of'] > $this->MAX_SHOW_FRIEND_OF ? (int) ($GLOBALS['profile_total_friend_of']) : 0,
            'num_friends' => $GLOBALS['profile_total_friends'] > $this->MAX_SHOW_FRIENDS ? (int) ($GLOBALS['profile_total_friends']) : 0,
            'forum_posts_link' => './?object=forum&action=search&user_name=' . urlencode(_display_name($this->_user_info)) . '&sort_by=last_post_date&sort_order=desc&prune_days=1000&prune_type=newer&search_in=posts&result_type=posts&keywords=&q=results',
            'blog_posts_link' => './?object=blog&action=show_posts&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'],
            'que_url' => './?object=que&action=view&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'],
            'all_friend_of_link' => './?object=friends&action=view_all_friend_of&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'],
            'all_friends_link' => './?object=friends&action=view_all_friends&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'],
            'user_avatar' => _show_avatar($this->_user_info['id'], $this->_user_info, 0),
            'reput_info' => $this->_show_reput_info(),
            'page_link' => ! empty($this->_user_info['profile_url']) ? $this->_user_info['profile_url'] : '',
            'comments' => $this->_show_comments(),
            'custom_css' => ''/*$this->_show_custom_design_css ($this->_user_info)*/,
            'add_review_link' => $this->_user_info['group'] == 3/* && ($this->_user_info["id"] != main()->USER_ID)*/ ? './?object=reviews&action=add_for_user&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'] : './?object=login_form&go_url=reviews;add_for_user;id=' . $this->_user_info['id'],
            'stats_visit_url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_visits_stats',
            'stats_friend_url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_friend_stats',
        // Dynamic info

        //        if (main()->USER_INFO_DYNAMIC) {
        //            $OBJ_DYNAMIC_INFO = &_class("dynamic_info");
        //            $replace["dynamic_items"] = $OBJ_DYNAMIC_INFO->_view(intval($_GET["id"]));
        //        }

        return tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/main', $replace);
        // TODO: prepare array for dd_table
// TODO: make this pluggable: use forum, articles, gallery and other specific items through hooks in those modules
//        return _class('html')->dd_table($replace);

    // Show user info items
    public function _show_info_items()
        // Array of text fields
        $text_fields = [
            'name' => 'Name',
            'group' => 'Group',
            'status' => 'Agency',
            'sex' => 'Gender',
            'age' => 'Age',
            'birth_date' => 'Birth date',
            'country' => 'Country',
            'state' => 'State',
            'city' => 'City',
            'zip_code' => 'Zip Code',
            'height' => 'Height',
            'weight' => 'Weight',
        // Array of fields which value need to be retrieved from array
        $array_fields = [
            'state' => 'State',
            'height' => 'Height',
            'weight' => 'Weight',
        // Array of fields with link
        $link_fields = [
            'email' => 'E-mail',
            'url' => 'Web Site',
            'phone' => 'Phone',
            'fax' => 'Fax',
            'icq' => 'ICQ',
            'yim' => 'YIM',
            'aim' => 'AIM',
            'msn' => 'MSN',
            'jabber' => 'Jabber',
            'skype' => 'Skype',
        $other_fields = [
        // Process not empty fields
        foreach ((array) $text_fields as $name => $desc) {
            $value = $this->_user_info[$name];
            if (empty($value)) {
            // Skip "status" field for visitors
            if ($this->_user_info['group'] == 2 && $name == 'status') {
            // Special fields
            if ($name == 'group') {
                $value = t($this->_account_types[$value]);
            } elseif ($name == 'sex') {
                $value = t($value);
            } elseif ($name == 'status' && strtolower($value) == 'agency') {
                $parent_agency_info = user($this->_user_info['agency_id'], ['id', 'login', 'nick', 'email']);
                $value = ! empty($parent_agency_info) ? '<a href="' . _profile_link($parent_agency_info['id']) . '">' . _prepare_html(_display_name($parent_agency_info)) . '</a>' : '';
            } elseif (array_key_exists($name, $array_fields)) {
                $value = eval('return $this->_' . $name . 's[$value];');
            $body .= $this->_show_item($desc, $value);
        $_login_link = tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/login_link', ['link' => './?object=login_form&go_url=' . $_GET['object'] . ';show;id=' . $_GET['id']]);
        $website = $this->_show_contact_item('Web Site', ($this->_user_info['approved_recip'] && $this->_ad_info['url']) ? (main()->USER_ID ? './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=go&id=' . $this->_ad_info['ad_id'] : './?object=login_form&go_url=' . $_GET['object'] . ';go;id=' . $this->_ad_info['ad_id']) : '');
        $email = $this->_show_contact_item('Email', main()->USER_ID ? './?object=email&action=send_form&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'] : './?object=login_form&go_url=email;send_form;id=' . $this->_user_info['id']);
        $phone = $this->_show_item('Phone', $this->_user_info['phone'] ? (main()->USER_ID ? $this->_user_info['phone'] : $_login_link) : '');
        $fax = $this->_show_item('Fax', $this->_user_info['fax'] ? (main()->USER_ID ? $this->_user_info['fax'] : $_login_link) : '');
        $icq = $this->_show_item('ICQ', $this->_user_info['icq'] ? (main()->USER_ID ? $this->_user_info['icq'] : $_login_link) : '');
        $yahoo = $this->_show_item('YIM', $this->_user_info['yahoo'] ? (main()->USER_ID ? $this->_user_info['yahoo'] : $_login_link) : '');
        $aim = $this->_show_item('AIM', $this->_user_info['aim'] ? (main()->USER_ID ? $this->_user_info['aim'] : $_login_link) : '');
        $msn = $this->_show_item('MSN', $this->_user_info['msn'] ? (main()->USER_ID ? $this->_user_info['msn'] : $_login_link) : '');
        $jabber = $this->_show_item('Jabber', $this->_user_info['jabber'] ? (main()->USER_ID ? $this->_user_info['jabber'] : $_login_link) : '');
        $skype = $this->_show_item('Skype', $this->_user_info['skype'] ? (main()->USER_ID ? $this->_user_info['skype'] : $_login_link) : '');
        // Process fields with links
        foreach ((array) $link_fields as $name => $desc) {
            if ( ! empty($this->_user_info[$name])) {
                $body .= $$name;
        // Process other fields
        foreach ((array) $other_fields as $name) {
            $value = $this->_user_info[$name];
            if (empty($value)) {
            if (array_key_exists($name, $text_fields)) {
            if (array_key_exists($name, $link_fields)) {
            // Try to translate item name
            $name = str_replace('_', ' ', $name);
            $name = ucwords($name);
            $name = t($name);
            // Process item template
            $body .= $this->_show_item($name, $value);
        return $body;

    // Show item
    public function _show_item($name = '', $value = '')
        return ( ! empty($name) && ! empty($value)) ? tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/item', ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]) : '';

    // Show contact item
    public function _show_contact_item($name = '', $value = '')
        return ( ! empty($name) && ! empty($value)) ? tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/item_contact', ['name' => $name, 'link' => $value]) : '';

    // Show user forum posts
    public function _show_forum_posts()
        $OBJ_FORUM = module('forum');
        return $OBJ_FORUM->_for_user_profile($this->_user_info['id'], $this->MAX_SHOW_FORUM_POSTS);

    // Show user forum posts
    public function _show_articles()
        $OBJ_ARTICLE = module('articles');
        return $OBJ_ARTICLE->_for_user_profile($this->_user_info['id'], $this->MAX_SHOW_ARTICLES);

    // Show user blog posts
    public function _show_blog_posts()
        $OBJ_BLOG = module('blog');
        return $OBJ_BLOG->_for_user_profile($this->_user_info['id'], $this->MAX_SHOW_BLOG_POSTS);

    // Show user blog posts
    public function _show_gallery_photos()
        $OBJ_GALLERY = module('gallery');
        return $OBJ_GALLERY->_for_user_profile(user($this->_user_info['id'], 'short'), $this->MAX_SHOW_GALLERY_PHOTO);

    // Show user comments
    public function _show_comments()
        $COMMENTS_OBJ = module('comments');
        return $COMMENTS_OBJ->_for_user_profile($this->_user_info['id'], $this->MAX_SHOW_COMMENTS);

    // Show users where current one is in friends list
    public function _show_friend_of()
        return is_object($this->FRIENDS_OBJ) ? $this->FRIENDS_OBJ->_show_friend_of_for_profile($this->_user_info, $this->MAX_SHOW_FRIEND_OF) : '';

    // Show friends users list
    public function _show_friends()
        return is_object($this->FRIENDS_OBJ) ? $this->FRIENDS_OBJ->_show_friends_for_profile($this->_user_info, $this->MAX_SHOW_FRIENDS) : '';

    // Show user reputation info
    public function _show_reput_info()
        $REPUT_OBJ = module('reputation');
        if (is_object($REPUT_OBJ)) {
            $REPUT_INFO = $REPUT_OBJ->_get_user_reput_info($this->_user_info['id']);
            $reput_stars = $REPUT_OBJ->_show_reput_stars($REPUT_INFO['points']);
            $activity_points = $REPUT_OBJ->_get_user_activity_points($this->_user_info['id']);
        if (empty($REPUT_INFO)) {
            return false;
        $replace = [
            'stars' => $reput_stars,
            'activity_points' => (int) $activity_points,
            'reput_points' => (int) ($REPUT_INFO['points']),
            'alt_power' => (int) ($REPUT_INFO['alt_power']),
        return tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/reput_info', $replace);

    // Show user interests
    public function _show_interests()
        $INTERESTS_OBJ = module('interests');
        if ( ! is_object($INTERESTS_OBJ)) {
            return '';
        $body = '';
        foreach ((array) $INTERESTS_OBJ->_get_for_user_id($this->_user_info['id']) as $cur_info) {
            $replace = [
                'search_link' => $cur_info['search_link'],
                'keyword' => $cur_info['keyword'],
            $body .= tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/interests_item', $replace);
            $this->_interests_array[] = $cur_info['keyword'];
        return $body;

    // Show stars for the given value between 1 and 5
    public function _show_stars($value = 0)
        if (empty($value) || $value > 5 || $value < 1) {
            return 'Not rated';
        $star_gold = tpl()->parse('reviews/star_gold');
        $star_gray = tpl()->parse('reviews/star_gray');
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $value; $i++) {
            $body .= $star_gold;
        for ($i = 5; $i > $value; $i--) {
            $body .= $star_gray;
        return $body;

    // Show profile comments
    public function _show_custom_design_css($user_info = [])
                $OBJ = _class("custom_design");
                return is_object($OBJ) ? $OBJ->_show_css(array(
                    "item_id"            => $user_info["id"],
                    "css_table_main"    => "tbl,.wrapper,textarea,input",
                    "css_table_header"    => "stripe,.menu_top,.left_menu_header,.right_menu_header",
                )) : "";

    // Check if comment delete allowed
    public function _comment_delete_allowed($params = [])
        $delete_allowed = main()->USER_ID && (($params['user_id'] && $params['user_id'] == main()->USER_ID) || ($params['object_id'] && main()->USER_ID == $params['object_id']));
        return (bool) $delete_allowed;

     * Hook for navigation bar.
     * @param mixed $params
    public function _nav_bar_items($params = [])
        $NAV_BAR_OBJ = &$params['nav_bar_obj'];
        if ( ! is_object($NAV_BAR_OBJ)) {
            return false;
        // Save old items
        $old_items = $params['items'];
        // Create new items
        $items = [];
        $items[] = $NAV_BAR_OBJ->_nav_item('Profiles');
        $items[] = $NAV_BAR_OBJ->_nav_item(_display_name($this->_user_info));
        return $items;

    // Show compact user info (usually for JavaScript calls)
    public function compact_info()
        main()->NO_GRAPHICS = true;
        conf('no_ajax_here', true);
        // Check user id
        $USER_ID = $_REQUEST['id'];
        if (empty($USER_ID)) {
            $error_message = 'No id';
        if (empty($error_message)) {
            // Try to get user info
            $this->_user_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('user') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) $USER_ID . " AND active='1'");
            if (empty($this->_user_info)) {
                $error_message = 'No info';
        if (empty($error_message)) {
            // Get live quick user stats
            $totals = _class_safe('user_stats')->_get_live_stats(['user_id' => $this->_user_info['id']]);
            // Check if this user is in favorites (also check if this is own profile)
            $DISPLAY_CONTACT_ITEMS = 0;
            if (main()->USER_ID && $this->_user_info['id'] != main()->USER_ID) {
                if ($totals['favorite_users']) {
                    $is_in_favorites = db()->query_num_rows('SELECT 1 FROM ' . db('favorites') . ' WHERE user_id=' . (int) (main()->USER_ID) . ' AND target_user_id=' . (int) ($this->_user_info['id']));
                if ($totals['ignored_users']) {
                    $is_ignored = db()->query_num_rows('SELECT 1 FROM ' . db('ignore_list') . ' WHERE user_id=' . (int) (main()->USER_ID) . ' AND target_user_id=' . (int) ($this->_user_info['id']));
                // Check friendship
                $FRIENDS_OBJ = module('friends');
                $is_a_friend = is_object($FRIENDS_OBJ) ? $FRIENDS_OBJ->_is_a_friend(main()->USER_ID, $this->_user_info['id']) : -1;
                if ( ! empty($totals['try_friends'])) {
                    $is_friend_of = $FRIENDS_OBJ->_is_a_friend($this->_user_info['id'], main()->USER_ID);
                $is_mutual_friends = $is_a_friend && $is_friend_of;
                // Switch for contact items
                $DISPLAY_CONTACT_ITEMS = 1;
            // Interests
            $totals['interests'] = 0;
            if ( ! empty($totals['try_interests'])) {
                $INTERESTS_OBJ = module('interests');
                if (is_object($INTERESTS_OBJ)) {
                    $user_interests = $INTERESTS_OBJ->_get_for_user_id($user_id);
                    if ( ! empty($user_interests) && is_array($user_interests)) {
                        $totals['interests'] = count((array) $user_interests);
            // Process user reputation
            $reput_text = '';
            $REPUT_OBJ = module('reputation');
            if (is_object($REPUT_OBJ)) {
                $reput_info = [
                    'points' => $totals['reput_points'],
                $reput_text = $REPUT_OBJ->_show_for_user($this->_user_info['id'], $reput_info);
            // Array of $_GET vars to skip
            $skip_get = ['page', 'escort_id', 'q', 'show'];

            if (empty($this->_user_info['last_login'])) {
                $this->_user_info['last_login'] = $this->_user_info['add_date'];
            // Process template
            $replace = [
                'user_id' => (int) $USER_ID,
                'user_avatar' => _show_avatar($USER_ID),
                'user_name' => _prepare_html(_display_name($this->_user_info)),
                'user_group' => t($this->_account_types[$this->_user_info['group']]),
                'user_profile_link' => process_url(_profile_link($USER_ID)),
                'user_level' => (int) ($this->_user_info['level']),
                'user_level_name' => _prepare_html($this->_user_levels[$this->_user_info['level']]),
                'emails_received' => (int) ($this->_user_info['emails']),
                'emails_sent' => (int) ($this->_user_info['emailssent']),
                'reg_date' => _format_date($this->_user_info['add_date']),
                'last_update' => _format_date($this->_user_info['last_update'], 'long'),
                'last_login' => _format_date($this->_user_info['last_login'], 'long'),
                'num_logins' => (int) ($this->_user_info['num_logins']),
                'site_visits' => (int) ($this->_user_info['sitevisits']),
                'gallery_link' => $totals['gallery_photos'] ? process_url('./?object=gallery&action=show_gallery&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'] . _add_get($skip_get)) : '',
                'blog_link' => $totals['blog_posts'] ? process_url('./?object=blog&action=show_posts&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'] . _add_get($skip_get)) : '',
                'articles_link' => $totals['articles'] ? process_url('./?object=articles&action=view_by_user&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'] . _add_get($skip_get)) : '',
                'interests_link' => $totals['interests'] ? process_url('./?object=interests&action=view&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'] . _add_get($skip_get)) : '',
                'contact_link' => main()->USER_ID && main()->USER_ID != $this->_user_info['id'] ? process_url(main()->USER_ID ? './?object=email&action=send_form&id=' . $this->_user_info['id'] : './?object=login_form&go_url=email;send_form;id=' . $this->_user_info['id']) : '',
                'favorites_link' => ! empty($is_in_favorites) ? process_url('./?object=account&action=favorite_delete&id=' . $this->_user_info['id']) : process_url('./?object=account&action=favorite_add&id=' . $this->_user_info['id']),
                'is_in_favorites' => isset($is_in_favorites) ? (int) ((bool) $is_in_favorites) : '',
                'ignore_link' => ! empty($is_ignored) ? process_url('./?object=account&action=unignore_user&id=' . $this->_user_info['id']) : process_url('./?object=account&action=ignore_user&id=' . $this->_user_info['id']),
                'is_ignored' => isset($is_ignored) ? (int) ((bool) $is_ignored) : '',
                'make_friend_link' => empty($is_a_friend) ? process_url('./?object=friends&action=add&id=' . $this->_user_info['id']) : '',
                'is_a_friend' => isset($is_a_friend) ? (int) $is_a_friend : '',
                'is_friend_of' => isset($is_friend_of) ? (int) $is_friend_of : '',
                'is_mutual_friends' => isset($is_mutual_friends) ? (int) $is_mutual_friends : '',
                'display_contact_items' => (int) $DISPLAY_CONTACT_ITEMS,
                'sex' => _prepare_html($this->_user_info['sex']),
                'country' => _prepare_html($this->_user_info['country']),
                'state' => _prepare_html($this->_user_info['state']),
                'city' => _prepare_html($this->_user_info['city']),
                'country_code_lower' => strtolower($this->_user_info['country']),
                'reput_text' => $reput_text,
                'reput_points' => MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN ? (int) ($totals['reput_points']) : '',
                'alt_power' => MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN ? (int) ($REPUT_INFO['alt_power']) : '',
                'activity_points' => (int) ($totals['activity_points']),
                'is_admin' => MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN ? 1 : 0,
            // Admin-only methods
            if (MAIN_TYPE_ADMIN) {
                $replace = array_merge($replace, [
                    'login_stats' => process_url('./?object=log_auth_view&action=save_filter&user_id=' . $this->_user_info['id']),
                    'multi_accounts_link' => process_url('./?object=check_multi_accounts&action=show_by_user&id=' . $this->_user_info['id']),
                    'user_errors' => process_url('./?object=log_user_errors_viewer&action=save_filter&user_id=' . $this->_user_info['id']),
                    'ban_popup_link' => _class('manage_auto_ban', 'admin_modules/')->_popup_link(['user_id' => (int) ($this->_user_info['id'])]),
                    'verify_link' => ! $this->_user_info['photo_verified'] ? './?object=manage_photo_verify&action=add&id=' . (int) ($this->_user_info['id']) : '',
            $body = tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/compact_info', $replace);
        if ( ! empty($error_message)) {
            $body = $error_message;
        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
            $body .= "<hr class='clearfloat'>DEBUG INFO:\r\n";
            $body .= common()->_show_execution_time();
            //            $body .= common()->show_debug_info();
        echo $body;

     * Show visits statistics.
    public function show_visits_stats()
        if (empty(main()->USER_ID)) {
            return _error_need_login();

        $_GET['id'] ? $_id = (int) ($_GET['id']) : $_id = main()->USER_ID;
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . db('log_user_action') . " WHERE action_name='visit' AND owner_id=" . (int) $_id . ' ORDER BY add_date DESC';
        list($add_sql, $pages, $total) = common()->divide_pages($sql);
        $stats_array = db()->query_fetch_all($sql . $add_sql);
        foreach ((array) $stats_array as $A) {
            $members_ids[] = $A['member_id'];
        $members_ids = array_unique((array) $members_ids);
        $user_infos = user($members_ids, 'short');

        foreach ((array) $stats_array as $A) {
            $replace2 = [
                'avatar' => _show_avatar($A['member_id']),
                'visit_date' => _format_date($A['add_date'], 'long'),
                'user_nick' => $user_infos[$A['member_id']]['nick'],
                'profile_url' => _profile_link($user_infos[$A['member_id']]),
            $items .= tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/visit_stats_item', $replace2);
        $replace = [
            'total' => $total,
            'pages' => $pages,
            'items' => $items,
            'back_url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'],
        return tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/visit_stats_main', $replace);

     * Show friendship statistics.
    public function show_friend_stats()
        if (empty(main()->USER_ID)) {
            return _error_need_login();

        $_id = (int) (main()->USER_ID);
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . db('log_user_action') . " WHERE action_name IN('add_friend', 'del_friend') AND owner_id=" . $_id . ' ORDER BY add_date DESC';
        list($add_sql, $pages, $total) = common()->divide_pages($sql);
        $stats_array = db()->query_fetch_all($sql . $add_sql);
        foreach ((array) $stats_array as $A) {
            $members_ids[] = $A['member_id'];
        $members_ids = array_unique((array) $members_ids);
        $user_infos = user($members_ids, 'short');

        foreach ((array) $stats_array as $A) {
            $replace2 = [
                'avatar' => _show_avatar($A['member_id']),
                'event_date' => _format_date($A['add_date'], 'long'),
                'user_nick' => $user_infos[$A['member_id']]['nick'],
                'event' => $A['action_name'],
                'profile_url' => _profile_link($user_infos[$A['member_id']]),
            $items .= tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/friend_stats_item', $replace2);
        $replace = [
            'total' => $total,
            'pages' => $pages,
            'items' => $items,
            'back_url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'],
        return tpl()->parse($_GET['object'] . '/friend_stats_main', $replace);

     * Quick menu auto create.
    public function _quick_menu()
        $menu = [
                'name' => 'Manage',
                'url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'],
                'name' => 'Show visits statistics',
                'url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_visits_stats',
                'name' => 'Show friendship statistics',
                'url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_friend_stats',
                'name' => 'View All Friends',
                'url' => './?object=friends&action=view_all_friends',
                'name' => 'View All Friends Of',
                'url' => './?object=friends&action=view_all_friends_of',
                'name' => '',
                'url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'],
        return $menu;