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Yii EasyImage extension

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You don't need to create many types of thumbnails for images in your project.
You can create a thumbnail directly in the `View`. Thumbnail will automatically cached. It's easy!
- Easy to use
- Support `Imagick`, `Gmagick` and `GD2`
- Automatically images caching
- Cache sorting to subdirectories

### Installing and configuring
Add the following to your config file `components` section:

'easyimage' => [
    'class' => 'yiicod\easyimage\EasyImage',
    'webrootAlias' => '@frontend/web',
    'cachePath' => '/uploads/easyimage/',
    'imageOptions' => [
        'quality' => 100
#### Parameters
- string `webrootAlias` webroot folder path
- string `cachePath` cache directory path in webroot folder
- array `imageOptions` array with default output image options which will used by Imagine to save image

## Usage
Yii::$app->easyimage->getUrl($file, $params, $absolute); //Get cached image url
Yii::$app->easyimage->getPath($file, $params); //Get cached image path

Note: you can get access to the component using static method EasyImage::getInstance()

#### Parameters
- string `$file` required - Image file path
- array `$params` image tools params Default: []
- mixed `$absolute` get absolute (true) url or not (false). Will use in Url::to() helper method

### Available tools and parameters
'crop' => [
    'width' => 200, //Required
    'height' => 200, //Required
    'offset_x' => 100,
    'offset_y' => 100,
'flip' => [
    'axis' => 'vertical', //Required available 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
'resize' => [
    'width' => 200, //Required
    'height' => 200, //Required
'scale' => [
    'width' => 200, //Required
    'height' => 200, //Required
'rotate' => [
    'angle' => 45 //Required
'thumbnail' => [
    'width' => 100, //Required one of dimensions
    'height' => 100, //Required one of dimensions
'watermark' => [
    'image' => $file, //Required
    'offset_x' => 100,
    'offset_y' => 100,
'background' => [
    'color' => '#000', //Required
    'alpha' => 0 //Background color's alpha

### Tools
You can add additional tools in config:
'easyimage' => [
    'class' => 'yiicod\easyimage\EasyImage',
    'webrootAlias' => '@frontend/web',
    'cachePath' => '/uploads/easyimage/',
    'tools' => [
        'crop' => Crop::class,
- 'crop' - tool name which will use in getUrl() or getPath() params
- Crop::class - tool class name which must implement yiicod\easyimage\base\ToolInterface