namespace Yiisoft\Di;
use Exception;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface;
* `CompositeNotFoundException` is thrown when no definition or class was found in the composite container
* for a given ID. It contains all exceptions thrown by containers registered in the composite container.
final class CompositeNotFoundException extends Exception implements NotFoundExceptionInterface
* @param array $exceptions Container exceptions in [throwable, container] format.
* @psalm-param list<array{\Throwable,ContainerInterface}> $exceptions
public function __construct(array $exceptions)
$message = '';
foreach ($exceptions as $i => [$exception, $container]) {
$containerClass = $container::class;
$containerId = spl_object_id($container);
$number = $i + 1;
$message .= "\n $number. Container $containerClass #$containerId: {$exception->getMessage()}";
parent::__construct(sprintf('No definition or class found or resolvable in composite container:%s', $message));