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namespace Yiisoft\Yii\Web\Middleware;

use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Yiisoft\Http\HeaderValueHelper;
use Yiisoft\NetworkUtilities\IpHelper;
use Yiisoft\Validator\Rule\Ip;

 * Trusted hosts network resolver
 * ```php
 * (new TrustedHostsNetworkResolver($responseFactory))
 * ->withAddedTrustedHosts(
 *   // List of secure hosts including $ _SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], can specify IPv4, IPv6, domains and aliases (see {{Ip}})
 *   ['', '', '2001::/32', 'localhost']
 *   // IP list headers. For advanced handling headers, see the constants IP_HEADER_TYPE_ *.
 *   // Headers containing multiple sub-elements (eg RFC 7239) must also be listed for other relevant types
 *   // (eg. host headers), otherwise they will only be used as an IP list.
 *   ['x-forwarded-for', [TrustedHostsNetworkResolver::IP_HEADER_TYPE_RFC7239, 'forwarded']]
 *   // protocol headers with accepted protocols and values. Matching of values ​​is case insensitive.
 *   ['front-end-https' => ['https' => 'on']],
 *   // Host headers
 *   ['forwarded', 'x-forwarded-for']
 *   // URL headers
 *   ['x-rewrite-url'],
 *   // Trusted headers. It is a good idea to list all relevant headers.
 *   ['x-forwarded-for', 'forwarded', ...]
 * );
 * ->withAddedTrustedHosts(...)
 * ;
 * ```
class TrustedHostsNetworkResolver implements MiddlewareInterface
    public const IP_HEADER_TYPE_RFC7239 = 'rfc7239';

    public const DEFAULT_TRUSTED_HEADERS = [
        // common:

        // RFC:

        // Microsoft:

    private const DATA_KEY_HOSTS = 'hosts';
    private const DATA_KEY_IP_HEADERS = 'ipHeaders';
    private const DATA_KEY_HOST_HEADERS = 'hostHeaders';
    private const DATA_KEY_URL_HEADERS = 'urlHeaders';
    private const DATA_KEY_PROTOCOL_HEADERS = 'protocolHeaders';
    private const DATA_KEY_TRUSTED_HEADERS = 'trustedHeaders';
    private const DATA_KEY_PORT_HEADERS = 'portHeaders';

    private array $trustedHosts = [];

    private ?string $attributeIps = null;

    private ?Ip $ipValidator = null;

    public function withIpValidator(Ip $ipValidator): self
        $new = clone $this;
        $new->ipValidator = $ipValidator;
        return $new;

     * With added trusted hosts and related headers
     * The header lists are evaluated in the order they were specified.
     * If you specify multiple headers by type (eg IP headers), you must ensure that the irrelevant header is removed
     * eg. web server application, otherwise spoof clients can be use this vulnerability.
     * @param string[] $hosts List of trusted hosts IP addresses. If `isValidHost` is extended, then can use
     * domain names with reverse DNS resolving eg. yiiframework.com, * .yiiframework.com.
     * @param array $ipHeaders List of headers containing IP lists.
     * @param array $protocolHeaders List of headers containing protocol. eg. ['x-forwarded-for' => ['http' => 'http', 'https' => ['on', 'https']]]
     * @param string[] $hostHeaders List of headers containing HTTP host.
     * @param string[] $urlHeaders List of headers containing HTTP URL.
     * @param string[] $portHeaders List of headers containing port number.
     * @param string[]|null $trustedHeaders List of trusted headers. Removed from the request, if in checking process
     * are classified as untrusted by hosts.
     * @return static
    public function withAddedTrustedHosts(
        array $hosts,
        // Defining default headers is not secure!
        array $ipHeaders = [],
        array $protocolHeaders = [],
        array $hostHeaders = [],
        array $urlHeaders = [],
        array $portHeaders = [],
        ?array $trustedHeaders = null
    ): self {
        $new = clone $this;
        foreach ($ipHeaders as $ipHeader) {
            if (\is_string($ipHeader)) {
            if (!\is_array($ipHeader)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Type of ipHeader is not a string and not array');
            if (count($ipHeader) !== 2) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The ipHeader array must have exactly 2 elements');
            [$type, $header] = $ipHeader;
            if (!\is_string($type)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The type is not a string');
            if (!\is_string($header)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The header is not a string');
            if ($type === self::IP_HEADER_TYPE_RFC7239) {

            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Not supported IP header type: $type");
        if (count($hosts) === 0) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Empty hosts not allowed');
        $trustedHeaders = $trustedHeaders ?? self::DEFAULT_TRUSTED_HEADERS;
        $protocolHeaders = $this->prepareProtocolHeaders($protocolHeaders);
        $this->checkTypeStringOrArray($hosts, 'hosts');
        $this->checkTypeStringOrArray($trustedHeaders, 'trustedHeaders');
        $this->checkTypeStringOrArray($hostHeaders, 'hostHeaders');
        $this->checkTypeStringOrArray($urlHeaders, 'urlHeaders');
        $this->checkTypeStringOrArray($portHeaders, 'portHeaders');

        foreach ($hosts as $host) {
            $host = str_replace('*', 'wildcard', $host);        // wildcard is allowed in host
            if (filter_var($host, FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN) === false) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException("'$host' host is not a domain and not an IP address");
        $new->trustedHosts[] = [
            self::DATA_KEY_HOSTS => $hosts,
            self::DATA_KEY_IP_HEADERS => $ipHeaders,
            self::DATA_KEY_PROTOCOL_HEADERS => $protocolHeaders,
            self::DATA_KEY_TRUSTED_HEADERS => $trustedHeaders,
            self::DATA_KEY_HOST_HEADERS => $hostHeaders,
            self::DATA_KEY_URL_HEADERS => $urlHeaders,
            self::DATA_KEY_PORT_HEADERS => $portHeaders,
        return $new;

    private function checkTypeStringOrArray(array $array, string $field): void
        foreach ($array as $item) {
            if (!is_string($item)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$field must be string type");
            if (trim($item) === '') {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$field cannot be empty strings");

    public function withoutTrustedHosts(): self
        $new = clone $this;
        $new->trustedHosts = [];
        return $new;

     * Request's attribute name to which trusted path data is added.
     * The list starts with the server and the last item is the client itself.
     * @return static
     * @see getElementsByRfc7239
    public function withAttributeIps(?string $attribute): self
        if ($attribute === '') {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Attribute should not be empty');
        $new = clone $this;
        $new->attributeIps = $attribute;
        return $new;

    public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface
        $actualHost = $request->getServerParams()['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? null;
        if ($actualHost === null) {
            // Validation is not possible.
            return $this->handleNotTrusted($request, $handler);

        $trustedHostData = null;
        $trustedHeaders = [];
        $ipValidator = ($this->ipValidator ?? Ip::rule())->disallowSubnet()->disallowNegation();
        foreach ($this->trustedHosts as $data) {
            // collect all trusted headers
            $trustedHeaders = array_merge($trustedHeaders, $data[self::DATA_KEY_TRUSTED_HEADERS]);
            if ($trustedHostData !== null) {
                // trusted hosts already found
            if ($this->isValidHost($actualHost, $data[self::DATA_KEY_HOSTS], $ipValidator)) {
                $trustedHostData = $data;
        $untrustedHeaders = array_diff($trustedHeaders, $trustedHostData[self::DATA_KEY_TRUSTED_HEADERS] ?? []);
        $request = $this->removeHeaders($request, $untrustedHeaders);
        if ($trustedHostData === null) {
            // No trusted host at all.
            return $this->handleNotTrusted($request, $handler);
        [$ipListType, $ipHeader, $hostList] = $this->getIpList($request, $trustedHostData[self::DATA_KEY_IP_HEADERS]);
        $hostList = array_reverse($hostList);       // the first item should be the closest to the server
        if ($ipListType === null) {
            $hostList = $this->getFormattedIpList($hostList);
        } elseif ($ipListType === self::IP_HEADER_TYPE_RFC7239) {
            $hostList = $this->getElementsByRfc7239($hostList);
        array_unshift($hostList, ['ip' => $actualHost]);  // server's ip to first position
        $hostDataList = [];
        do {
            $hostData = array_shift($hostList);
            if (!isset($hostData['ip'])) {
                $hostData = $this->reverseObfuscate($hostData, $hostDataList, $hostList, $request);
                if ($hostData === null) {
                if (!isset($hostData['ip'])) {
            $ip = $hostData['ip'];
            if (!$this->isValidHost($ip, ['any'], $ipValidator)) {
                // invalid IP
            $hostDataList[] = $hostData;
            if (!$this->isValidHost($ip, $trustedHostData[self::DATA_KEY_HOSTS], $ipValidator)) {
                // not trusted host
        } while (count($hostList) > 0);

        if ($this->attributeIps !== null) {
            $request = $request->withAttribute($this->attributeIps, $hostDataList);

        $uri = $request->getUri();
        // find HTTP host
        foreach ($trustedHostData[self::DATA_KEY_HOST_HEADERS] as $hostHeader) {
            if (!$request->hasHeader($hostHeader)) {
            if ($hostHeader === $ipHeader && $ipListType === self::IP_HEADER_TYPE_RFC7239 && isset($hostData['httpHost'])) {
                $uri = $uri->withHost($hostData['httpHost']);
            $host = $request->getHeaderLine($hostHeader);
            if (filter_var($host, FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN) !== false) {
                $uri = $uri->withHost($host);

        // find protocol
        foreach ($trustedHostData[self::DATA_KEY_PROTOCOL_HEADERS] as $protocolHeader => $protocols) {
            if (!$request->hasHeader($protocolHeader)) {
            if ($protocolHeader === $ipHeader && $ipListType === self::IP_HEADER_TYPE_RFC7239 && isset($hostData['protocol'])) {
                $uri = $uri->withScheme($hostData['protocol']);
            $protocolHeaderValue = $request->getHeaderLine($protocolHeader);
            foreach ($protocols as $protocol => $acceptedValues) {
                if (\in_array($protocolHeaderValue, $acceptedValues, true)) {
                    $uri = $uri->withScheme($protocol);
                    break 2;
        $urlParts = $this->getUrl($request, $trustedHostData[self::DATA_KEY_URL_HEADERS]);
        if ($urlParts !== null) {
            [$path, $query] = $urlParts;
            $uri = $uri->withPath($path);
            if ($query !== null) {
                $uri = $uri->withQuery($query);

        // find port
        foreach ($trustedHostData[self::DATA_KEY_PORT_HEADERS] as $portHeader) {
            if (!$request->hasHeader($portHeader)) {
            if ($portHeader === $ipHeader && $ipListType === self::IP_HEADER_TYPE_RFC7239 && isset($hostData['port']) && $this->checkPort((string)$hostData['port'])) {
                $uri = $uri->withPort($hostData['port']);
            $port = $request->getHeaderLine($portHeader);
            if ($this->checkPort($port)) {
                $uri = $uri->withPort((int)$port);

        return $handler->handle($request->withUri($uri)->withAttribute('requestClientIp', $hostData['ip']));

     * Validate host by range
     * This method can be extendable by overwriting eg. with reverse DNS verification.
    protected function isValidHost(string $host, array $ranges, Ip $validator): bool
        return $validator->ranges($ranges)->validate($host)->isValid();

     * Reverse obfuscating host data
     * RFC 7239 allows to use obfuscated host data. In this case, either specifying the
     * IP address or dropping the proxy endpoint is required to determine validated route.
     * By default it does not perform any transformation on the data. You can override this method.
     * @param array $hostData
     * @param array $hostDataListValidated
     * @param array $hostDataListRemaining
     * @param RequestInterface $request
     * @return array|null reverse obfuscated host data or null.
     * In case of null data is discarded and the process continues with the next portion of host data.
     * If the return value is an array, it must contain at least the `ip` key.
     * @see getElementsByRfc7239
     * @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239#section-6.2
     * @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239#section-6.3
    protected function reverseObfuscate(
        array $hostData,
        array $hostDataListValidated,
        array $hostDataListRemaining,
        RequestInterface $request
    ): ?array {
        return $hostData;

    private function handleNotTrusted(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface
        if ($this->attributeIps !== null) {
            $request = $request->withAttribute($this->attributeIps, null);
        return $handler->handle($request->withAttribute('requestClientIp', null));

    private function prepareProtocolHeaders(array $protocolHeaders): array
        $output = [];
        foreach ($protocolHeaders as $header => $protocolAndAcceptedValues) {
            $header = strtolower($header);
            if (\is_callable($protocolAndAcceptedValues)) {
                $output[$header] = $protocolAndAcceptedValues;
            if (!\is_array($protocolAndAcceptedValues)) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('Accepted values is not an array nor callable');
            if (count($protocolAndAcceptedValues) === 0) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('Accepted values cannot be an empty array');
            $output[$header] = [];
            foreach ($protocolAndAcceptedValues as $protocol => $acceptedValues) {
                if (!\is_string($protocol)) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException('The protocol must be a string');
                if ($protocol === '') {
                    throw new \RuntimeException('The protocol cannot be empty');
                $output[$header][$protocol] = array_map('strtolower', (array)$acceptedValues);
        return $output;

    private function removeHeaders(ServerRequestInterface $request, array $headers): ServerRequestInterface
        foreach ($headers as $header) {
            $request = $request->withoutAttribute($header);
        return $request;

    private function getIpList(RequestInterface $request, array $ipHeaders): array
        foreach ($ipHeaders as $ipHeader) {
            $type = null;
            if (\is_array($ipHeader)) {
                $type = array_shift($ipHeader);
                $ipHeader = array_shift($ipHeader);
            if ($request->hasHeader($ipHeader)) {
                return [$type, $ipHeader, $request->getHeader($ipHeader)];
        return [null, null, []];

     * @see getElementsByRfc7239
    private function getFormattedIpList(array $forwards): array
        $list = [];
        foreach ($forwards as $ip) {
            $list[] = ['ip' => $ip];
        return $list;

     * Forwarded elements by RFC7239
     * The structure of the elements:
     * - `host`: IP or obfuscated hostname or "unknown"
     * - `ip`: IP address (only if presented)
     * - `by`: used user-agent by proxy (only if presented)
     * - `port`: port number received by proxy (only if presented)
     * - `protocol`: protocol received by proxy (only if presented)
     * - `httpHost`: HTTP host received by proxy (only if presented)
     * @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239
     * @return array proxy data elements
    private function getElementsByRfc7239(array $forwards): array
        $list = [];
        foreach ($forwards as $forward) {
            $data = HeaderValueHelper::getParameters($forward);
            if (!isset($data['for'])) {
                // Invalid item, the following items will be dropped
            $pattern = '/^(?<host>' . IpHelper::IPV4_PATTERN . '|unknown|_[\w\.-]+|[[]' . IpHelper::IPV6_PATTERN . '[]])(?::(?<port>[\w\.-]+))?$/';
            if (preg_match($pattern, $data['for'], $matches) === 0) {
                // Invalid item, the following items will be dropped
            $ipData = [];
            $host = $matches['host'];
            $obfuscatedHost = $host === 'unknown' || strpos($host, '_') === 0;
            if (!$obfuscatedHost) {
                // IPv4 & IPv6
                $ipData['ip'] = strpos($host, '[') === 0 ? trim($host /* IPv6 */, '[]') : $host;
            $ipData['host'] = $host;
            if (isset($matches['port'])) {
                $port = $matches['port'];
                if (!$obfuscatedHost && !$this->checkPort($port)) {
                    // Invalid port, the following items will be dropped
                $ipData['port'] = $obfuscatedHost ? $port : (int)$port;

            // copy other properties
            foreach (['proto' => 'protocol', 'host' => 'httpHost', 'by' => 'by'] as $source => $destination) {
                if (isset($data[$source])) {
                    $ipData[$destination] = $data[$source];
            if (isset($ipData['httpHost']) && filter_var($ipData['httpHost'], FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN) === false) {
                // remove not valid HTTP host

            $list[] = $ipData;
        return $list;

    private function getUrl(RequestInterface $request, array $urlHeaders): ?array
        foreach ($urlHeaders as $header) {
            if (!$request->hasHeader($header)) {
            $url = $request->getHeaderLine($header);
            if (strpos($url, '/') === 0) {
                return array_pad(explode('?', $url, 2), 2, null);
        return null;

    private function checkPort(string $port): bool
        return preg_match('/^\d{1,5}$/', $port) === 1 && (int)$port <= 65535;