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The class BaseInflector has 16 public methods. Consider refactoring BaseInflector to keep number of public methods under 10.

class BaseInflector
     * @var array the rules for converting a word into its plural form.
     * The keys are the regular expressions and the values are the corresponding replacements.
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/helpers/BaseInflector.php by phpmd


Since: 0.1

A class with too many public methods is probably a good suspect for refactoring, in order to reduce its complexity and find a way to have more fine grained objects.

By default it ignores methods starting with 'get' or 'set'.


Source https://phpmd.org/rules/codesize.html#toomanypublicmethods

The class BaseInflector has an overall complexity of 58 which is very high. The configured complexity threshold is 50.

class BaseInflector
     * @var array the rules for converting a word into its plural form.
     * The keys are the regular expressions and the values are the corresponding replacements.
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/helpers/BaseInflector.php by phpmd

Avoid too many return statements within this method.

                return $number . 'th';
Severity: Major
Found in framework/helpers/BaseInflector.php - About 30 mins to fix

    The method humanize has a boolean flag argument $ucAll, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.

        public static function humanize($word, $ucAll = false)
    Severity: Minor
    Found in framework/helpers/BaseInflector.php by phpmd


    Since: 1.4.0

    A boolean flag argument is a reliable indicator for a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). You can fix this problem by extracting the logic in the boolean flag into its own class or method.


    class Foo {
        public function bar($flag = true) {

    Source https://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#booleanargumentflag

    The method slug has a boolean flag argument $lowercase, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.

        public static function slug($string, $replacement = '-', $lowercase = true)
    Severity: Minor
    Found in framework/helpers/BaseInflector.php by phpmd


    Since: 1.4.0

    A boolean flag argument is a reliable indicator for a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). You can fix this problem by extracting the logic in the boolean flag into its own class or method.


    class Foo {
        public function bar($flag = true) {

    Source https://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#booleanargumentflag

    The method camel2id has a boolean flag argument $strict, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.

        public static function camel2id($name, $separator = '-', $strict = false)
    Severity: Minor
    Found in framework/helpers/BaseInflector.php by phpmd


    Since: 1.4.0

    A boolean flag argument is a reliable indicator for a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). You can fix this problem by extracting the logic in the boolean flag into its own class or method.


    class Foo {
        public function bar($flag = true) {

    Source https://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#booleanargumentflag

    The method titleize has a boolean flag argument $ucAll, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.

        public static function titleize($words, $ucAll = false)
    Severity: Minor
    Found in framework/helpers/BaseInflector.php by phpmd


    Since: 1.4.0

    A boolean flag argument is a reliable indicator for a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). You can fix this problem by extracting the logic in the boolean flag into its own class or method.


    class Foo {
        public function bar($flag = true) {

    Source https://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#booleanargumentflag

    The method camel2words has a boolean flag argument $ucwords, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.

        public static function camel2words($name, $ucwords = true)
    Severity: Minor
    Found in framework/helpers/BaseInflector.php by phpmd


    Since: 1.4.0

    A boolean flag argument is a reliable indicator for a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). You can fix this problem by extracting the logic in the boolean flag into its own class or method.


    class Foo {
        public function bar($flag = true) {

    Source https://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#booleanargumentflag

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