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 * @link https://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license https://www.yiiframework.com/license/

namespace yii\widgets;

use Yii;
use yii\base\DynamicContentAwareInterface;
use yii\base\DynamicContentAwareTrait;
use yii\base\Widget;
use yii\caching\CacheInterface;
use yii\caching\Dependency;
use yii\di\Instance;

 * FragmentCache is used by [[\yii\base\View]] to provide caching of page fragments.
 * @property-read string|false $cachedContent The cached content. False is returned if valid content is not
 * found in the cache.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @since 2.0
class FragmentCache extends Widget implements DynamicContentAwareInterface
    use DynamicContentAwareTrait;

     * @var CacheInterface|array|string the cache object or the application component ID of the cache object.
     * After the FragmentCache object is created, if you want to change this property,
     * you should only assign it with a cache object.
     * Starting from version 2.0.2, this can also be a configuration array for creating the object.
    public $cache = 'cache';
     * @var int number of seconds that the data can remain valid in cache.
     * Use 0 to indicate that the cached data will never expire.
    public $duration = 60;
     * @var array|Dependency the dependency that the cached content depends on.
     * This can be either a [[Dependency]] object or a configuration array for creating the dependency object.
     * For example,
     * ```php
     * [
     *     'class' => 'yii\caching\DbDependency',
     *     'sql' => 'SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM post',
     * ]
     * ```
     * would make the output cache depends on the last modified time of all posts.
     * If any post has its modification time changed, the cached content would be invalidated.
    public $dependency;
     * @var string[]|string list of factors that would cause the variation of the content being cached.
     * Each factor is a string representing a variation (e.g. the language, a GET parameter).
     * The following variation setting will cause the content to be cached in different versions
     * according to the current application language:
     * ```php
     * [
     *     Yii::$app->language,
     * ]
     * ```
    public $variations;
     * @var bool whether to enable the fragment cache. You may use this property to turn on and off
     * the fragment cache according to specific setting (e.g. enable fragment cache only for GET requests).
    public $enabled = true;

     * Initializes the FragmentCache object.
    public function init()

        $this->cache = $this->enabled ? Instance::ensure($this->cache, 'yii\caching\CacheInterface') : null;

        if ($this->cache instanceof CacheInterface && $this->getCachedContent() === false) {

     * Marks the end of content to be cached.
     * Content displayed before this method call and after [[init()]]
     * will be captured and saved in cache.
     * This method does nothing if valid content is already found in cache.
    public function run()
        if (($content = $this->getCachedContent()) !== false) {
            echo $content;
        } elseif ($this->cache instanceof CacheInterface) {

            $content = ob_get_clean();
            if ($content === false || $content === '') {
            if (is_array($this->dependency)) {
                $this->dependency = Yii::createObject($this->dependency);
            $data = [$content, $this->getDynamicPlaceholders()];
            $this->cache->set($this->calculateKey(), $data, $this->duration, $this->dependency);
            echo $this->updateDynamicContent($content, $this->getDynamicPlaceholders());

     * @var string|bool the cached content. False if the content is not cached.
    private $_content;

     * Returns the cached content if available.
     * @return string|false the cached content. False is returned if valid content is not found in the cache.
    public function getCachedContent()
        if ($this->_content !== null) {
            return $this->_content;

        $this->_content = false;

        if (!($this->cache instanceof CacheInterface)) {
            return $this->_content;

        $key = $this->calculateKey();
        $data = $this->cache->get($key);
        if (!is_array($data) || count($data) !== 2) {
            return $this->_content;

        list($this->_content, $placeholders) = $data;
        if (!is_array($placeholders) || count($placeholders) === 0) {
            return $this->_content;

        $this->_content = $this->updateDynamicContent($this->_content, $placeholders, true);
        return $this->_content;

     * Generates a unique key used for storing the content in cache.
     * The key generated depends on both [[id]] and [[variations]].
     * @return mixed a valid cache key
    protected function calculateKey()
        return array_merge([__CLASS__, $this->getId()], (array)$this->variations);