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Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '616', column '14').

    public function createController($route)
        if ($route === '') {
            $route = $this->defaultRoute;
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/base/Module.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

The method hasHandlers() has an NPath complexity of 270. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200.

    public static function hasHandlers($class, $name)
        if (empty(self::$_eventWildcards) && empty(self::$_events[$name])) {
            return false;
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/base/Event.php by phpmd


Since: 0.1

The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.


class Foo {
    function bar() {
        // lots of complicated code

Source https://phpmd.org/rules/codesize.html#npathcomplexity

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '412', column '14').

    public function hasModule($id)
        if (($pos = strpos($id, '/')) !== false) {
            // sub-module
            $module = $this->getModule(substr($id, 0, $pos));
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/base/Module.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '433', column '14').

    public function getModule($id, $load = true)
        if (($pos = strpos($id, '/')) !== false) {
            // sub-module
            $module = $this->getModule(substr($id, 0, $pos));
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/base/Module.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '138', column '18').

    public function applyTo($path)
        $pathMap = $this->pathMap;
        if (empty($pathMap)) {
            if (($basePath = $this->getBasePath()) === null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/base/Theme.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '188', column '20').

    protected function findViewFile($view, $context = null)
        if (strncmp($view, '@', 1) === 0) {
            // e.g. "@app/views/main"
            $file = Yii::getAlias($view);
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/base/View.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid unused parameters such as '$model'.

            $this->buttons[$name] = function ($url, $model, $key) use ($name, $iconName, $additionalOptions) {
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/grid/ActionColumn.php by phpmd


Since: 0.2

Avoid passing parameters to methods or constructors and then not using those parameters.


class Foo
    private function bar($howdy)
        // $howdy is not used

Source https://phpmd.org/rules/unusedcode.html#unusedformalparameter

Avoid unused parameters such as '$key'.

            $this->buttons[$name] = function ($url, $model, $key) use ($name, $iconName, $additionalOptions) {
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/grid/ActionColumn.php by phpmd


Since: 0.2

Avoid passing parameters to methods or constructors and then not using those parameters.


class Foo
    private function bar($howdy)
        // $howdy is not used

Source https://phpmd.org/rules/unusedcode.html#unusedformalparameter

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '572', column '56').

    final protected function bindInjectedParams(\ReflectionType $type, $name, &$args, &$requestedParams)
        // Since it is not a builtin type it must be DI injection.
        $typeName = $type->getName();
        if (($component = $this->module->get($name, false)) instanceof $typeName) {
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/base/Controller.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid unused local variables such as '$data'.

            $data = $_data_;


Since: 0.2

Detects when a local variable is declared and/or assigned, but not used.


class Foo {
    public function doSomething()
        $i = 5; // Unused

Source https://phpmd.org/rules/unusedcode.html#unusedlocalvariable

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '527', column '40').

    protected function publishFile($src)

        $dir = $this->hash($src);
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/AssetManager.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid unused parameters such as '$name'.

    public function offsetSet($name, $cookie)
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/CookieCollection.php by phpmd


Since: 0.2

Avoid passing parameters to methods or constructors and then not using those parameters.


class Foo
    private function bar($howdy)
        // $howdy is not used

Source https://phpmd.org/rules/unusedcode.html#unusedformalparameter

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '339', column '46').

    public function getAssetUrl($bundle, $asset, $appendTimestamp = null)
        $assetUrl = $this->getActualAssetUrl($bundle, $asset);
        $assetPath = $this->getAssetPath($bundle, $asset);

Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/AssetManager.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '144', column '25').

    public function bindActionParams($action, $params)
        if ($action instanceof InlineAction) {
            $method = new \ReflectionMethod($this, $action->actionMethod);
        } else {
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/Controller.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '201', column '13').

    protected function getExceptionName()
        if ($this->exception instanceof Exception) {
            $name = $this->exception->getName();
        } else {
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/ErrorAction.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '306', column '51').

    public function renderCallStackItem($file, $line, $class, $method, $args, $index)
        $lines = [];
        $begin = $end = 0;
        if ($file !== null && $line !== null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/ErrorHandler.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

The method bindActionParams() has an NPath complexity of 904. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200.

    public function bindActionParams($action, $params)
        if ($action instanceof InlineAction) {
            $method = new \ReflectionMethod($this, $action->actionMethod);
        } else {
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/Controller.php by phpmd


Since: 0.1

The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method. A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce complexity.


class Foo {
    function bar() {
        // lots of complicated code

Source https://phpmd.org/rules/codesize.html#npathcomplexity

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '282', column '14').

    public function renderPreviousExceptions($exception)
        if (($previous = $exception->getPrevious()) !== null) {
            return $this->renderFile($this->previousExceptionView, ['exception' => $previous]);
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/ErrorHandler.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '862', column '55').

    public function getScriptUrl()
        if ($this->_scriptUrl === null) {
            $scriptFile = $this->getScriptFile();
            $scriptName = basename($scriptFile);
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/Request.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment

Avoid assigning values to variables in if clauses and the like (line '1110', column '14').

    public function getIsSecureConnection()
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'], 'on') === 0 || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 1)) {
            return true;
Severity: Minor
Found in framework/web/Request.php by phpmd


Since: 2.7.0

Assignments in if clauses and the like are considered a code smell. Assignments in PHP return the right operand as their result. In many cases, this is an expected behavior, but can lead to many difficult to spot bugs, especially when the right operand could result in zero, null or an empty string and the like.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($foo = 'bar') { // possible typo
            // ...
        if ($baz = 0) { // always false
            // ...

Source http://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#ifstatementassignment
