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Issue numbers refer to issues on Analysand's Github tracker:

4.0.0 (2015-02-03)

Breaking changes:

Analysand::Database methods no longer perform any escaping on document IDs.
You will have to modify your code to use CGI.escape, Rack::Utils::escape_path,
etc. when passing in document IDs.  (#7)

3.1.0 (2015-02-03)

* New: StreamingViewResponse#keys (#6)

3.0.2 (2014-12-01)

* Change Celluloid dependency to ~> 0.16.0.

3.0.1 (2014-01-14)

* Change Celluloid dependency to ~> 0.15.0.

3.0.0 (2013-07-08)

* Change Celluloid dependency to 0.14.

3.0.0.pre2 (2013-04-15)

* Change Celluloid dependency to 0.13.
  Please note: Analysand does not require celluloid/autostart.  It's up to you
  to decide whether or not you need that for your application.

3.0.0.pre (2013-02-26)

* Instance#set_config renamed to Instance#put_config
* Instance#put_admin, Instance#delete_admin for db admin setup
* JSON encoding/decoding removed from Instance#*_config methods: all values are
  sent to/received from CouchDB verbatim.  This means that you'll have to quote all values,

     instance.set_config("stats/rate", 1200)


     instance.put_config("stats/rate", '"1200"')

x.y.z (2012-12-31)

* Analysand::Writing#bulk_docs! now raises BulkOperationFailed on 401 responses

2.0.0 (2012-11-29)

* Instance#establish_session and Instance#renew_session now return a (session,
  Analysand::Response pair)
* Share HTTP code between Database and Instance
* Session handling on Instance rewritten: #post_session, #get_session
* New response methods: #cookies, #session_cookie

1.1.0 (2012-11-03)

* View streaming (#3)
* ChangeWatchers now pass credentials when checking CouchDB status (#4)
* Some code organization cleanups
* require "analysand" now loads the Database and Instance classes

1.0.1 (2012-10-01)

* Initial release