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Test Coverage
1. Analysand

Analysand is a CouchDB client library of dubious worth.  It was extracted from
the a-m-v.org catalog application:

Analysand was written for Ruby 1.9.  It is known to work on Ruby 1.9.3-p194 and
Rubinius 2.0.0.

2. Features

* GET, PUT, DELETE on databases
* GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, COPY on documents
* GET, PUT on document attachments
* GET, POST on views
* GET, PUT on server configuration
* GET, PUT, POST on arbitrary service handlers
* POST /_session
* POST /_bulk_docs
* View streaming
* Celluloid::IO-based change feed watchers
* Cookie and HTTP Basic authentication for all of the above
* Database objects can be safely shared across threads

3. Development

You'll need a CouchDB >= 1.1.0 instance.  I recommend not using a CouchDB
instance that you're using for anything else; Analysand requires the presence
of specific admin and non-admin users for its test suite.

See spec/support/test_parameters.rb for usernames, passwords, and connection

Elsewhere on the Web:

* Travis CI: https://travis-ci.org/#!/yipdw/analysand
* Code Climate: https://codeclimate.com/github/yipdw/analysand

4. License

Copyright 2012 David Yip; made available under the MIT license.

5. Special thanks

Fear of Tigers, 3LAU, Ellie Goulding, TeddyLoid, Susumu Hirasawa.

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