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Test Coverage
'use strict';

var joi         = require('joi');
var _           = require('lodash');
var logger      = require('yocto-logger');
var fs          = require('fs');
var path        = require('path');
var utils       = require('yocto-utils');
var requestIp   = require('request-ip');
var async       = require('async');

// Define a Joi schema for test if route have a goodformat
var routeJoiSchema = joi.object().keys({
  path            : joi.string().required().empty().trim(),
  alias           : joi.array().items(joi.string().empty().trim()),
  model           : joi.string().required().empty().trim(),
  excluded        : joi.array().items(
    joi.string().valid('post', 'get', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'head')
  methods         : joi.array().min(0).items(
      method      : joi.string().required().allow('post', 'get', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'head'),
      path        : joi.string().required().empty('').default(''),
      fn          : joi.string().required().empty(),
      displayBody : joi.boolean().optional().default(true),
      regexp      : joi.string().when('displayBody', { is : false, then : joi.required().empty() }),
      notify      : joi.object().optional().keys({
        sms           : joi.object().optional().keys({
          references  : joi.array().optional().items(
          enable      : joi.boolean().optional().default(false)
          mail          : {
            references : [],
            enable     : false
          notification  : {
            references : [],
            enable     : false
        mail          : joi.object().optional().keys({
          references  : joi.array().optional().items(
          enable      : joi.boolean().optional().default(false)
          sms             : {
            references : [],
            enable     : false
          notification    : {
            references : [],
            enable     : false
        notification  : joi.object().optional().keys({
          references  : joi.array().optional().items(
          enable      : joi.boolean().optional().default(false)
          sms             : {
            references : [],
            enable     : false
          notification    : {
            references : [],
            enable     : false
        sms           : {
          references : [],
          enable     : false
        mail          : {
          references : [],
          enable     : false
        notification  : {
          references : [],
          enable     : false

* Yocto API : Routes Controller
* Controller of routes based on Express
* It read a jsonfile and create each routenode
* Cors Express is enable to permit test with apidocjs
* For more details on these dependencies read links below :
* - LodAsh : https://lodash.com/
* - yocto-logger : git+ssh://lab.yocto.digital:yocto-node-modules/yocto-utils.git
* - express : http://expressjs.com/
* - joi : https://github.com/hapijs/joi
* @date : 11/05/2015
* @author : Cedric Balard <cedric@yocto.re>
* @copyright : Yocto SAS, All right reserved
* @class RouteController
function RouteController (yLogger) {
  * List of all http request that supported by api
  * @type {Array}
  * @default [ 'post', 'get', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'head']
  this.ALL_HTTP_REQUESTS = [ 'post', 'get', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'head' ];

  * Model's Controller, is the controller that will use to retrieve a model
  * @type {Object}
  this.models = {};

  * Instance of app
  * @type {Object}
  this.app = {};

  * Configuration of the instance of application
  * @type {Object}
  this.config = {};

  * Default logger instance. can be override by set function
  * @type {Object}
  this.logger = yLogger || logger;

  * Contains default end points methods of api
  * @type {Object}
  this.endPoints = {};

  * Array of route that body should not be displayed into log
  * @type {Array}
  this.omitLogRoutes = [];

* Add a route to the main router
* @method addRoute
* @param {String} pathRequest route to add
* @param {String} nameModel name of the model object to retrieve into the controller of model
* @param {Array} reqExcluded array of excluded request
* @param {String} param name of the param to retrieve
* @param {Object} route the current route
* @return {Boolean} If success return true, otherwise false
RouteController.prototype.addRoute = function (pathRequest, nameModel, reqExcluded, param, route,
pathCallback) {

  // Object that will contains all private function
  var httpMethods = {};

  this.logger.debug('[ ControllerRoutes.addRoute ] - new route found, path : ' + pathRequest);

  // array that contains all subroot for filtering route
  var methods = [];

   * Check if the request is valid : if = 24 characters and/or if the request is an subrequest of an model
   * @param  {Object}   req        Default req from express
   * @param  {Object}   res        Default res from express
   * @param  {Function} next       Default next from express
   * @param  {Array}    subMethods  List of subMethods of the route (ex: /account/sync)
   * @return {Boolean}              Return true if the request is valid otherwise the function that should be called
  var isValidRequest = function (req, res, next, subMethods) {
    // test if id was defined
    if (!_.isUndefined(req.params.id)) {

      // Test if is an subroute method
      if (_.indexOf(subMethods, req.params.id) >= 0) {

        // call next to the good root will be called
        return next();

      // check if the params id have 24 characters
      if (!req.params.id.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/)) {

        // Return to the user an special error
        return res.status(200).jsonp({
          status  : 'error',
          code    : '400000',
          message : 'You have an error in your request, an Id should be compose ' +
          'by 24 digit and/or characters',
          data    : {}
    return true;

  * Implement the http request : GET and HEAD</br>
  * Get an object </br>
  * Send a error to the client if the request failed, or a json file to the client with the data requested if it's an GET requerst </br>
  * OR if it's a head request, send a http header
  * @method addHTTPRequestGets
  * @param  {Object} model the data model object
  * @param  {String} path the root path
  * @param  {String} param The property to retrieve on url
  httpMethods.get = function (model, path, param) {

    // create route in express instance
    this.app.get(path, function (req, res, next) {

      // Check if this route is valid for this request
      var checkRequest = isValidRequest(req, res, next, methods);

      // route is not valid so return statement of method
      if (!checkRequest) {
        return checkRequest;

      // define data to find all docs
      var fn      = 'find';
      var query   = {};

      // test if we should retrieve only one document
      if (!_.isUndefined(req.params[param])) {

        // define data to find only one doc by his id
        fn    = 'findById';
        query = req.params[param];

      // Find doc in database and omit '__v' of result
      model[fn](query, '-__v').then(function (result) {

        // Send respond to client an success response
          status  : 'success',
          code    : '200000',
          message : 'Document(s) are found',
          data    : _.isEmpty(result) ? [] : result

      }).catch(function (error) {

        // Send respond to client an error response
          status  : 'error',
          code    : '400000',
          message : 'An error occured when retrieving document',
          data    : {}

        // log the error
        this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.get ] - error : ' + error);

  // default method to get only head of method
  httpMethods.head = function (model, path, param, method) {

    // call get method and remove his body to get only header
    httpMethods.get(model, path, param, method);

  // Delete an document specified by his ID, only if 'deleted_date' was defined in his mongoose schema
  httpMethods.delete = function (model, path) {

    // create route in express instance
    this.app.delete(path, function (req, res, next) {

      // Check if this root is valid for this request
      var checkRequest = isValidRequest(req, res, next, methods);
      if (!checkRequest) {
        return checkRequest;

      // tricks to pass the yocto-hint norme
      var deletedDate = 'deleted_date';

      // Test if variable deletedDate was defined, and an id is specified
      if (!_.isUndefined(model.schema.paths[deletedDate]) &&
      !_.isUndefined(req.params.id)) {

        var data = utils.obj.underscoreKeys({
          updatedDate : Date.now(),
          deletedDate : Date.now()

        // Set date in the param deleted_date in document to indicate it was deleted
        return model.update(req.params.id, data).then(function (value) {

          // test if an document was deleted
          if (_.isEmpty(value)) {
            this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.delete ] - the document with id : ' +
            req.params.id +
            ' wasn\'t deleted because this id doesn\'t correspond to an existant document');

            return res.status(200).jsonp({
              status  : 'error',
              code    : '400000',
              message : 'An error occured, the document was not deleted because this id doesn\'t ' +
              'correspond to an existant document',
              data    : {}

          // The document was deleted
            status  : 'success',
            code    : '200000',
            message : 'The document(s) was deleted',
            data    : {}
          this.logger.info('[ ControllerRoutes.delete ] - the document with id : ' + req.params.id +
          ' was deleted');
        }.bind(this)).catch(function (error) {

            status  : 'error',
            code    : '400000',
            message : 'An error occured, the document was not deleted',
            data    : {}
          this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.delete ] - error : ' + error);

      // The pramas id was not specified or deleted_date doesnt exist in this schema
        status  : 'error',
        code    : '400000',
        message : 'The document was not deleted because id wasn\'t' +
        'specified, or the field deleted_date doesn\'t exist in schema',
        data    : {}
      this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.delete ] - The document was not deleted ' +
      'because id wasn\'t' + 'specified, or the field deleted_date doesn\'t exist in schema');

  // patch method update only param given
  httpMethods.patch = function (model, path, param) {

    // create route in express instance
    this.app.patch(path, function (req, res, next) {

      // Check if this root is valid for this request
      var checkRequest = isValidRequest(req, res, next, methods);
      if (!checkRequest) {
        return checkRequest;

      var data = req.body;

      // Test if id is specified, because ID is required to an patch an document
      if (!_.isUndefined(req.params.id)) {

        // tricks to pass the yocto-hint norme
        var updatedDate = 'updated_date';

        // Test if variable updated_date was defined, and update it
        if (!_.isUndefined(model.schema.paths[updatedDate])) {

          // merge data to set 'updated_date' to current date
          data = _.merge(data, utils.obj.underscoreKeys({
            updatedDate : Date.now()

        // return result of an update document
        return model.update(req.params[param], data, 'patch').then(function (value) {

          // test if an document was updated for this id
          if (_.isEmpty(value)) {
            this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.patch ] - the document with id : ' +
            req.params.id +
            ' wasn\'t updated because this id doesn\'t correspond to an existing document');

            return res.status(200).jsonp({
              status  : 'error',
              code    : '400000',
              message : 'An error occured, the document was not updated because this id doesn\'t ' +
              'correspond to an existing document',
              data    : {}

          // Document updated
            status  : 'success',
            code    : '200000',
            message : 'The document(s) was updated',
            data    : {}
        }.bind(this)).catch(function (error) {

            status  : 'error',
            code    : '400000',
            message : 'An error occured, the document was not updated',
            data    : {}
          this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.patch ] - error : ' + error);

      // The pramas id was not specified or deleted_date doesnt exist in this schema
        status  : 'error',
        code    : '400000',
        message : 'The document wasn\'t updated because id wasn\'t specified in params.',
        data    : {}
      this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.patch ] - The document was not updated ' +
      'because id wasn\'t specified');

  // put should update the whole object with data given ..
  httpMethods.put = function (model, path, param) {

    // create route in express instance
    this.app.put(path, function (req, res, next) {

      // Check if this root is valid for this request
      var checkRequest = isValidRequest(req, res, next, methods);
      if (!checkRequest) {
        return checkRequest;

      var data = req.body;

      // Test if id is specified, because ID is required to an put an document
      if (!_.isUndefined(req.params.id)) {

        // tricks to pass the yocto-hint norme
        var updatedDate = 'updated_date';

        // Test if variable updated_date was defined, and update it
        if (!_.isUndefined(model.schema.paths[updatedDate])) {

          // merge data to set 'updated_date' to current date
          data = _.merge(data, utils.obj.underscoreKeys({
            updatedDate : Date.now()

        // return result of an update document
        return model.update(req.params[param], data, 'put').then(function (value) {

          // test if an document was updated for this id
          if (_.isEmpty(value)) {
            this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.put ] - the document with id : ' +
            req.params.id +
            ' wasn\'t updated because this id doesn\'t correspond to an existing document');

            return res.status(200).jsonp({
              status  : 'error',
              code    : '400000',
              message : 'An error occured, the document was not updated because this id doesn\'t ' +
              'correspond to an existing document',
              data    : {}

          // Document updated
            status  : 'success',
            code    : '200000',
            message : 'The document(s) was updated',
            data    : {}
        }.bind(this)).catch(function (error) {

            status  : 'error',
            code    : '400000',
            message : 'An error occured, the document was not updated',
            data    : {}
          this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.put ] - error : ' + error);

      // The pramas id was not specified or deleted_date doesnt exist in this schema
        status  : 'error',
        code    : '400000',
        message : 'The document wasn\'t updated because id wasn\'t specified in params.',
        data    : {}
      this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.put ] - The document was not updated ' +
      'because id wasn\'t specified');

  * Implement the http request : POST </br>
  * Add a new Object in DB </br>
  * Send a error to the client if the request failed, otherwise a json file to the client with the data
  * @method post
  * @param  {Object} model the data model object (Model start with an uppercase for jshint validation)
  * @param  {String} path The root path of model
  httpMethods.post = function (model, path) {

    // create route in express instance
    this.app.post(path, function (req, res, next) {

      // Check if this root is valid for this request
      var checkRequest = isValidRequest(req, res, next, methods);
      if (!checkRequest) {
        return checkRequest;

      model.create(req.body).then(function (value) {

        // Objet created
          status  : 'success',
          code    : '200000',
          message : 'The document(s) was created',
          data    : value
      }).catch(function (error) {

        // Error creating object
          status  : 'error',
          code    : '400000',
          message : 'An error occured, the document was not created, please check your request',
          data    : {}

        this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.post ] - error : ' + error);

  // retrieve the model
  var model = this.models.db.getModel(nameModel);

  // check if model was found
  if (model) {
    this.logger.debug('[ ControllerRoutes.addRoute ] - adding new route, path : ' + pathRequest);

    // retrieve specifiq route in model
    _.each(route.methods, function (method) {

      // Push first subroot of the path
      var splited = method.path.split('/');

      try {
        var pathSubReq = path.normalize(route.path + '/' + method.path);

        // Load corresponded callback file to retrieve function
        var callbackFile = require(path.normalize(pathCallback + nameModel.toLowerCase() + '.js'));

        // check if the method was found for the route
        if (!_.isUndefined(callbackFile[method.fn])) {
          // check if the body of url should be displayed
          if (!method.displayBody && !_.isNull(method.regexp)) {
            // push the regexp found and create the start of regexp by escaping the first level
            this.omitLogRoutes.push(_.escapeRegExp(route.path + '/') + method.regexp);

          // Bind method to the route
          this.app[method.method](pathSubReq, function (req, res, next) {

            // pass current model and config of application
              model         : model,
              app           : this.app,
              config        : this.config,
              logger        : this.logger,
              end           : this.endPoints,
              // data will be used to indicate if an notify should be created
              notify        : method.notify,
              callbackFile  : callbackFile

            }, [req, res, next]);

        } else {
          throw ' Function \'' + method.fn + '\' not found';

      } catch (e) {
        this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.addRoute ] - can\'t add specifiq route : \'' +
        method.path + '\' for model : \'' + nameModel + '\', more details : ' + e.toString());

    // Handle wich requests are implemented
    // Retrieve the difference betwenn ALL_HTTP_REQUESTS and all requests excluded
    _.each(_.difference(this.ALL_HTTP_REQUESTS, reqExcluded), function (fn) {

      // Bind routes to model
      httpMethods[fn](model, pathRequest, 'id', fn);

    // return true because success
    return true;
  this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.addRoute ] - can\'t add route : \'' +
  pathRequest + '\' ,because model is not defined');

  // return false because fail
  return false;

* Initialise the controller </br>
* Retrieve all routes and thoose alias and add there into router
* @method init
* @param {Object} core Instance of yocto-core-stack
* @param {String} pathRoutes the path of the file route.json
* @param {Object} yoctoMongoose The whole database model, it's an yocto-mongoose object
* @param {String} pathCallback the path folder where all the callback are
* @return {Boolean} If success return true, otherwise false
RouteController.prototype.init = function (core, pathRoutes, yoctoMongoose, pathCallback,
pathEndPoints) {

  this.logger.debug('[ ControllerRoutes.init ] - initialising api start');

  // Retrieve Instance of express and save it
  this.app    = core.app.app;

  // Retrieve config of application
  this.config = core.config.config;

  // Add default middleware of api

  // save models
  this.models = yoctoMongoose;

  // define object that contains all routes
  var routes = {};

  // test if the two params are string and not empty
  if (!_.isString(pathRoutes) || !_.isString(pathCallback) ||
  _.isEmpty(pathRoutes) || _.isEmpty(pathCallback) ||
  _.isEmpty(pathEndPoints) || _.isEmpty(pathEndPoints)) {
    return false;
  // Test if the config files exist and retrive routes files
  try {

    // Use fs.accessSync in try/catch because fs.accessSync throw an exception if one file doesn't exist

    // Load route config file
    routes = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pathRoutes, 'utf-8'));

    // retrieve all endPoints methods
    this.endPoints = require(pathEndPoints);

  } catch (error) {
    this.logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.init ] - error during loading files, more details : ' +
    return false;

  // read json file and add each routes
  _.each(routes.routes, function (route) {
    // Execute the joi vailidation
    var result = routeJoiSchema.validate(route);

    // Check if have no error in joi validation
    if (_.isEmpty(result) || _.isEmpty(result.error)) {

      // retrieve value of joi
      route = result.value;

      // create a array that contains the main route, and all thoose aliases
      var routeAndAlias = [];

      // Add alias if exists
      if (!_.isEmpty(route.alias)) {
        routeAndAlias = _.flatten(routeAndAlias);

      // add Main route
      _.each(routeAndAlias, function (val) {
        // add default params id
        val += '/:id?';

        // Add route in router
        this.addRoute(val, route.model, route.excluded, route.param, route, pathCallback);
    } else {

      logger.error('[ ControllerRoutes.init ] - Joi Validation failed ; error when trying to add ' +
      'a new route, please check the file : \'routes.json\' , more details : ' +

  return true;

 * Add a Middleware that log each request and est if incomming comes from apidocjs test,
 * and JSON parse his data. If url correspond to an omitted body log, the body will not be logged
 * @param  {Object} req defautl request of express
 * @param  {Object} res defautl response of express
 * @param  {Function} next defautl next function of express
RouteController.prototype.middlewareApi = function (req, res, next) {

  // read each reg exp to check if url correspond to one
  async.each(this.omitLogRoutes, function (reg, nextItem) {

    // create RegExp
    reg = new RegExp(reg);

    // check value
    if (reg.test(req.url)) {
      // reg exp correspond so return true
      return nextItem(true);

    // not correspond so call next in list
  }, function (success) {
    // log incoming route
    this.logger.info('[ api.middlewareApi ] - incoming request : [ ' + req.method + ' ] ' +
    'from ip : ' + requestIp.getClientIp(req) + ' on url : ' + req.url +
    (_.isEmpty(req.body) ? '' : ' -  body is :' + (success ?
    ' < the body was not allowed to be logged for this route >' :
    ' \n' + utils.obj.inspect(req.body))));

    // Test if request is from apidocjs client
    if (!_.isUndefined(req.headers['x-client-type']) &&
    req.headers['x-client-type'] === 'apidocjs') {

      // test if data is an array, if it's parse it
      if (!_.isUndefined(req.body.data) && !_.isEmpty(req.body.data)) {
        req.body.data = JSON.parse(req.body.data);

    // call the next routes

// Default export
module.exports = function (l) {
  // is a valid logger ?
  if (_.isUndefined(l) || _.isNull(l)) {
    logger.warning('[ RouteController.constructor ] - Invalid logger given. Use internal logger');
    // assign
    l = logger;
  // default statement
  return new (RouteController)(l);